Cosmetic surgery of the jaw (ارتوگناتیک surgery ) ?

Cosmetic surgery of the jaw (ارتوگناتیک surgery ) ?

Soft tissue on the bottom of the structure if it is a major part of the maxillary bones of the facial skeleton consist وپایین upper and lower jaw bones form, therefore, the position they have towards each other and towards other facial bones and teeth are associated with each other in the shape of the face is very effective.

On the other hand, the bones of the upper and lower jaw are secondarily effective in speech and nutrition. By changing the position of the bones of the upper and lower jaw, the shape of the face can be changed and the face can be changed from elongated to round or vice versa.. We can highlight the upper lip or lower lip bumps changed.
This oral surgery with the sharpness and the inside of the case and in many cases requires a surgical orthodontic courses before and after that before starting the installation you should be coordinated with the surgeon.

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