Opinions of Isfahan nose surgeons

Comments of dear clients, Dr. Behnam Khorrami

This section aims to receive the opinions of valuable clients after the visit and completion of treatment by Dr. Behnam Khorrami Isfahan nose surgeon ..

Please only register your opinion regarding the process of treatment, visit, services received and the degree of recovery and your satisfaction.

Providing your detailed comments is to help other clients and improve the quality of the services provided.

(Thank you in advance for your cooperation)

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8 thoughts on "Opinions of Isfahan nose surgeons

  1. I saw their surgical examples and was encouraged to have a nose surgery . And now I am satisfied with it. Dear Dr. Behnam Khorrami, they perform good rhinoplasty and now I like the appearance of my nose.

  2. I saw a sample of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's surgeries in his office. By visiting his office and asking them, most of them were completely satisfied with their surgery, and that's why I decided to have surgery. My bone nose surgery had a good result.

  3. I consulted Dr. Behnam Khorrami for rhinoplasty, I saw his portfolio and most of his clients are satisfied with his nose surgery. . For beauty seekers of Isfahan, their rhinoplasty surgery is an option to choose a nose surgeon

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