Investigating the cost of rhinoplasty surgery

Investigating the cost of rhinoplasty surgery

Cost of rhinoplasty surgery

The cost of rhinoplasty is different for different people; Because nose surgery is planned and performed specifically for one person based on his aesthetic and functional needs.. For this reason, consultation and evaluation with Behnam Khurami is necessary for an accurate estimate of the minimum cost of nose surgery.

During the initial consultation, you will be given pre-rhinoplasty recommendations. We can review your beauty goals and medical records and choose the best and most appropriate procedure for you.

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What does the final cost of rhinoplasty include?

Usually, the cost of rhinoplasty includes the following:

  1. surgeon fee
  2. Anesthetist fee
  3. Hospital expenses

Tax will be added to all the mentioned costs. The big difference in the price and cost of nose surgery performed by different surgeons is due to the big difference in all the mentioned costs.. Below we will take a closer look at each of these factors that determine the price of rhinoplasty :

surgeon fee

The salary of a nose surgeon usually includes the cost of the rhinoplasty itself. The cost of rhinoplasty depends on the surgery you choose. The huge difference in the cost of rhinoplasty surgery shows the expertise of the surgeon in rhinoplasty, his professional qualifications, experience, recognition and fame..

Treatment and removal of nasal obstruction with surgery

You must make sure that you have chosen a surgeon with the necessary qualifications to cover the cost of your bony or fleshy nose surgery.

Most surgeons say that rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult surgeries to reduce the size of the nose. Also, this procedure is one of the few cosmetic surgeries that require subsequent corrections. This is because rhinoplasty is a combination of science and art, and the smallest things can lead to big reactions, both negative and positive..

Your surgeon must share the cost of rhinoplasty with you in the initial consultation.

The salary of a bony nose surgeon may reach several million, which varies depending on the circumstances of each surgeon. The fees offered by different surgeons may also vary according to the type of operation required. This is fair, as more complex procedures will require more expertise, skill and time in the operating room.

Initial consultation fee

In the first visit to a nose surgery specialist, the initial consultation will also have a cost. This cost, like the salary of the surgeon, depends on him.

Regarding nose surgery and pregnancy, if you decide to have nose surgery and are also thinking about pregnancy or have recently given birth, a consultation session will be arranged before the surgery.. You can ask all your questions in this session. Rhinoplasty is irreversible in many cases. Therefore, you should make sure that you have all the information you need about your situation before doing so. Some of the questions below can clear your doubts.

Anesthetist fee

The salary of anesthesiologists depends on their conditions. These people, like many other medical specialists and nose surgeons, do not have a specific salary. Why do you need a qualified anesthesiologist? This person monitors your vital functions and life while you are unconscious. You need a specialist who knows the ins and outs of anesthetic drugs, is familiar with the possible risks and risks, and can fix them when you are anesthetized.. In addition to safety, the skill of the anesthetist can be an important factor in your comfort during and after the rhinoplasty..

Most surgeons only work with qualified anesthesiologists, and their wages will be much higher than a regular anesthesiologist doing the same job..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Golden tips after jaw surgery

Hospital expenses

The cost of different hospitals will be very different. Make sure you go to a well-equipped and reputable hospital with trained personnel and high standards for your rhinoplasty.. Most famous surgeons only use these hospitals. The main component of hospital costs is the cost of the operating room..

Hospital fees for nose surgery usually do not include overnight stay. The cost that is usually announced includes the cost of the daily operation, which consists of 1 until the 3 hours in the operating room and the time it takes to recover after the operation and to wear off the effect of the anesthetic drugs. If overnight stay is required, the costs will be higher.

Other expenses

In rhinoplasty operation, there may be other costs that will be higher than the mentioned main costs..

  • The cost of medical tests, if needed : Depending on your general health and other possible medical complications, some medical tests may be required before rhinoplasty.. The cost of these tests will be paid separately from the cost of rhinoplasty. It is also necessary to perform a CT scan to ensure that the nasal passages are straight.
  • The cost of additional methods : Additional procedures during rhinoplasty may incur additional costs. One of these additional procedures that is commonly performed involves grafting tissue from other parts of the body to the nose in order to enlarge it by changing its overall shape.. In addition, the surgeon may charge a higher fee for open surgery on the nose, which requires more time..
Cause of ear and jaw pain

Cause of ear and jaw pain

علت درد گوش و فک همزمان چیست؟

درد در گوش و فک که به طور همزمان رخ دهد، می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌تواند از درد خفیف تا درد شدید متغیر باشد. این در حالی است که عوامل متعددی مانند عفونت، آسیب و مشکلات مفصلی می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌تواند باعث درد گوش و فک شود. برهمین اساس ما در این مقاله از سایت دکتر بهنام خرمی جراح فک اصفهان به شایع ترین علل درد گوش و فک می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌پردازیم و گزینه های درمانی و راهکارهای طبیعی برای رفع این علائم به طور همزمان را مورد بررسی قرار می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌دهیم.

اما باید به این نکته توجه داشته باشید در صورت بروز درد گوش و فک شدید که با راهکارهای طبیعی درمان نمی‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌شود بهتر است به پزشک یا متخصص جراح فک مراجعه کنید.

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شایع ترین علل درد گوش و فک به طور همزمان

همانطور که گفتیم عوامل و شرایط متعددی ممکن است منجر به بروز درد گوش و فک به طور همزمان شود. اما تشخیص علت اصلی این دو وضعیت با همدیگر تنها بر اساس علائم بیماری تا حدودی سخت و مشکل است. برهمین اساس پزشک احتمال دارد سابقه پزشکی بیمار را بررسی کند. اما شایع ترین مواردی که ممکن است منجر به بروز درد فک و گوش به طور همزمان شوند، عبارتند از:

اختلال عملکرد TMJ

Temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ) می‌تواند باعث طیف وسیعی از علائم، از جمله، درد گوش و فک شود. برخی افراد نیز دچار سردرد، چشم درد و حتی فشار سینوسی شوند. TMJ علل مختلفی دارد، از جمله:

  1. Arthritis
  2. Grinding teeth
  3. آسیب های عضلانی
  4. مشکلات در تراز شدن فک یا دندان ها

درد گوش و فک اغلب با اختلالات TMJ مرتبط است. برای درک بهتر این اختلالات، مهم است که بدانیم TMJ چیست. مفصل گیجگاهی فکی مفصل فک است و معمولاً به آن TMJ می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌گویند. نام مفصل از دو استخوان تشکیل دهنده مفصل، قسمت استخوان گیجگاهی فوقانی جمجمه و استخوان فک پایین یا فک پایین گرفته شده است.

بر اساس داده های منتشر شده توسط موسسه ملی بهداشت، 5 until the 10 درصداز جمعیت مردم از اختلال گیجگاهی فکی (اختلال TMJ) رنج می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌برند، که باعث می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌شود میلیون ها نفر علائم TMJ مانند درد صورت و ناراحتی گوش به دلیل التهاب و درد را تحمل کنند. جالب اینجاست که هیچ تعریف استانداردی برای این اختلال وجود ندارد. در عوض، پزشکان این بیماری را با ارزیابی عوامل خاصی مانند مدت زمان درد مفاصل و صورت، مشکل جویدن و وجود صداهای مفصلی تشخیص می‌دهند. اگرچه بروز این وضعیت تا حدودی می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌تواند دردناک باشد، اما درمان خانگی اغلب به مدیریت یا حتی از بین بردن علائم کمک می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌کند.

آسیب های فک

آسیبی مانند شکستگی فک یا کشیدگی یا رگ به رگ شدن در عضلات اطراف می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌تواند باعث درد فک شود که به گوش می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌رسد. اگر فردی مدت کوتاهی پس از زمین خوردن، تصادف رانندگی یا ضربه ای به سر متوجه درد گوش و فک شود، ممکن است دچار آسیب فک شود که نیاز به درمان پزشکی دارد.

Grinding teeth

دندان قروچه در شب به عضلات صورت، گردن و فک فشار وارد می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌کند. حتی تنش ناش از آن می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌تواند باعث درد در فک، گوش و جلو یا کنار صورت شود. برخی از افراد نیز ممکن است به دندان های خود آسیب برسانند و به آرامی‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌دندان های خود را ساییده یا حتی بشکنند.

درمان پزشکی برای درد گوش و فک به طور همزمان

پزشک معالج یا متخصص گوش و حلق بینی برای تشخیص علت اصلی درد در گوش و فک، احتمالاً یک معاینه فیزیکی انجام می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌دهد و از شما سؤالات مربوط به سابقه بیماری های زمینه ای شما می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌پرسد. در صورت لزوم ممکن است عکس برداری با اشعه ایکس یا MRI را توصیه کند.

بسته به تشخیص، درمان ممکن است از فردی به فرد دیگر متفاوت باشد. اکثریت قریب به اتفاق موارد TMJ خود به خود و بدون هیچ درمانی برطرف می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌شوند. با این حال، اگر درد شما برای مدت طولانی ادامه داشته باشد یا اگر ناراحتی زیادی دارید، نباید مراجعه به پزشک را به تاخیر بیندازید. برخی از افراد با استراحت دادن به فک خود یا قرار دادن کمپرس گرم یا سرد روی ناحیه آسیب دیده در طول روز تسکین می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌یابند.

انجام حرکات کششی فک نیز می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌تواند بسیار مفید باشد. طبیعتا توجه به سلامت دهان و دندان با رعایت بهداشت دهان و دندان برای کاهش باکتری های دهان بسیار مهم است. کاهش استرس و گنجاندن غذاهای نرم بیشتر در رژیم غذایی به همان اندازه می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌تواند در تسکین این علائم مفید باشند. درمان اکثر عفونت ها نیاز به مصرف آنتی بیوتیک دارند. اما درمان موارد شدیدتری که باعث بروز درد گوش و فک شده اند، مانند ماستوئیدیت به گزینه های دیگر هم نیاز پیدا می‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌کند. برخی از آنها عبارتند از:

  • داروهای تجویزی برای آرتریت
  • جراحی TMJ برای کاهش درد TMJ
  • مسکن های قوی تر برای اختلالات TMJ یا آرتریت
  • درمان ارتودنسی برای تراز کردن دندان ها و فک
  • Physical therapy to treat jaw injuries or more effectively manage arthritis
  • Treatment of tooth decay, such as fillings, root canals, or crowns
  • Using a custom fitted appliance to prevent teeth grinding
  • Mental health treatment, for when a person grinds his teeth due to anxiety.
Jaw problems cause migraine headaches

Jaw problems cause migraine headaches

The relationship between migraine and jaw problems

Migraine headaches | Temporal joint pains – The jaw is often associated with disorders and pain in the surrounding organs. One of these pains is pain in the temporal muscle of the head. In fact, temporal joint inflammation- The jaw may lead to pain and inflammation in the nearby muscle, known as the temporalis muscle. If you want to know where this muscle is located, place your hands on your temples and then clench your teeth together. , slide them on top of each other. In this case, you will feel the strong contraction of the temporal muscles under your hands.

A dysfunction of the jaw joint may cause, without any other symptoms, only severe headaches and rounds, especially in the area of ​​the temples.. Those who have experienced these headaches say that in the case of a severe headache, they experience a severe contraction, as if they were wearing a hat two sizes too tight.. The pain, like ringworm, covers the head and creates a state very similar to migraine headaches.

Many people with regular recurrence of such headaches are treated for migraine headaches for a long time, while with a correct and timely diagnosis by a dentist and treatment of temporal joint disorder.- Jaws in them, their headache will be gone forever.

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

Isfahan nose surgeon | Jaw problems cause migraine headaches .

What are the headaches related to jaw problems?

In some cases, we see that when a person has jaw problems, pain is felt in his jaw area. When a person suffers from gum disease or abscess, he usually suffers from jaw pain. Tooth decay, tooth gap and damaged teeth are among the things that cause pain in the jaw area. Also, if you have had a severe accident and the jaw has been damaged, then you will feel severe pain in the jaw area.

In addition to the mentioned cases, jaw pain can also be caused by cluster headaches. If you feel pain in your back or around your eyes along with your jaw pain, you should know that it is caused by cluster headaches, which are the worst types of headaches..

Jaw problems lead to various headaches.

Do not ignore jaw problems. The relationship between mouth and teeth and types of headaches may be surprising to you, but it is better to know that observing and maintaining oral and dental hygiene also guarantees head health..

Stress is the most destructive factor, it not only causes tension headaches, but also causes pain in the jaw area.. Having tension headaches that are caused by stress and nervous worries always causes pain in the face and jaw problems..

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Jaw problems are the cause of migraine headaches.

According to the studies, they have concluded that jaw problems can cause one-sided migraine headaches for the patient.. Occlusion problems are one of the specialized topics of dentistry that are related to the relationship between upper and lower teeth and their placement.. Any problem in this area may cause pain in the temporal and jaw areas, which eventually causes headaches.. These types of headaches are migraines. By treating occlusion problems, the patient's headaches are also solved.

What should be done to relieve headaches caused by jaw problems?

Stress and nervous tension, hard physical activities that cause . A person should have a lot of concentration and he gets this concentration by pressing his teeth . It is one of the factors . which causes various headaches. Having mental peace and reducing physical activities allows you to reduce your headaches. But if your headache problem is not solved through home remedies or rest, it is better to see a jaw surgeon to solve your jaw problems with the necessary treatment..

Treatment solutions for the sound of the jaw joint

Treatment solutions for the sound of the jaw joint

How is the sound of the jaw joint treated?

The sound of the jaw joint | When vocalizing the jaw, the sound of the jaw joint by opening the mouth from the lower jaw joint (The joint of the sides of the jaw that opens and closes the mouth) is heard. This is the reason for the sound of the jaw when chewing food . that tight muscles and tendons pull your jaw to one side, or dislocate it. The movement of the jaw and its sounding from the jaw joint can be heard from the joint under pressure . that slowly moves in or out of place when eating, yawning, and sometimes even talking .

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Treatment of jaw chattering

Fortunately, this problem also has home remedies, which include the following:

  1. Do not open the jaw too much : Avoid activities that cause you to open your mouth too much, such as shouting, singing, and chewing gum..
  2. Keep your body balanced.
  3. Do physical therapy : Stretching the face and massaging it in the right conditions can be suitable for the treatment of jaw sounds.
  4. Ice or hot packs : Applying an ice pack to the area for 10 to 15 minutes followed by a hot compress for 5 to 10 minutes can help relieve symptoms and pain, and you can repeat this several times a day..
  5. خودداری از خوردن غذاهای سفت و برشته : Avoid fried foods, raw vegetables or foods that require a lot of chewing as much as possible.
  6. Relax the jaw : Open and close your mouth as slowly as possible and take the pressure off the jaw by keeping the teeth open..
  7. تمرین مدیریت استرس :Reducing stress helps eliminate jaw noise and prevents actions such as teeth grinding. Meditation, physical activity and deep breathing during exercise are examples of stress management techniques.

Medical treatments for jaw popping

  • medicine: There are various medicines available to treat toothache that you can use under the supervision of your doctor.
  • Jaw surgeries to eliminate jaw abnormalities .
  • Analgesic injections
  • Ultraviolet waves that make it easier to move the jaw in this position.
  • Laser therapy or wave therapy
  • Measures to improve the dental condition such as orthodontics
  • Electrotherapy that relaxes the muscles of the jaw and face.

Treatment solutions for the sound of the jaw joint

The treatment of temporomandibular joint problems covers a wide spectrum, ranging from a simple drug treatment to joint surgery. In many cases, joint problems are caused by improper relationships between teeth. In this case, the problem is mainly related to restored teeth or wisdom teeth.

If the problem is limited to these cases, by correcting or replacing restorations or removing wisdom teeth, the problem can be significantly reduced or completely resolved, especially if the patient does not have habits such as grinding teeth or clenching teeth.. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the relationship between the teeth, a very small amount (About a millimeter or even less) It should be rubbed from the surface of some involved teeth to improve the relationship of the teeth.

Sometimes, the cause of the problem is due to the application of strong force by the jaw muscles, which may also be caused by wisdom teeth or inappropriate restorations.. This category of patients usually have grinding teeth and their teeth, especially the front teeth, are worn. In this case, apart from correcting restorations and pulling wisdom teeth, it is necessary to give the patient a night guard to reduce muscle force and adjust their position..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Treatment solutions for the sound of the jaw joint

Night guard is an acrylic or gelatin mold that is made for the upper and lower jaw and the patient puts it in the mouth at night until morning.. Although this treatment is difficult for many patients, it will have very good results if the patient tolerates it and performs it regularly. In this situation, muscle relaxants and painkillers will usually be prescribed to reduce muscle strength and reduce joint and muscle inflammation and pain.

More advanced treatments

In some patients, a combination of all the above cases is seen . It means that the position of the teeth is incorrect and the relationship between the teeth is inappropriate . The masticatory muscles of the patient exert a strong muscular force on the teeth and joint, and there is also grinding of the teeth. This condition is considered a combination of all the above treatments and sometimes it is necessary for the patient to visit the dentist for several sessions with short intervals. . To grind and adjust the surface of the teeth according to the new conditions of the patient. In more severe cases, the patient may even need orthodontic treatments or jaw correction surgery.

Finally, in patients with advanced joint problems, it is necessary for the joint to be operated by a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery.. Patients who suffer from joint problems should know that the treatment of these problems is usually troublesome and time-consuming, and if they want to get rid of this disease, they should be ready to accept these treatments..

Jaw bone resorption with tooth loss

Jaw bone resorption with tooth loss

Complications of tooth loss

After losing a tooth, the volume of the jaw bone decreases and the jaw begins to atrophy. Losing a tooth causes the bone that previously covered the roots of the teeth to begin to degenerate. Atrophy of the jaw bone progresses if toothlessness continues and is not treated. The decrease in jawbone volume, which is always an inseparable part of tooth loss, will cause facial wrinkles and an ugly smile..

Complications of jaw bone loss

  1. Reduction of facial height
  2. Creating a vertical line on the side of the lower lip
  3. Dimpling of vertical lines on the lips and face
  4. Chin forward rotation
  5. Lowering the corner of the lips and creating a sad look
  6. Decrease in the power of facial muscles
  7. Thinning of the red part of the lip
  8. Inclining of the oblique line from the side of the nose to the mouth
  9. Retraction of the upper lip
  10. Increasing the length of the upper lip and reducing the visibility of the upper jaw teeth
  11. The chin is forward and sharp (like a witch)
  12. Create a pimple on the side of the face

Isfahan nose surgeon | Jaw bone resorption with tooth loss

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

Preventing the reduction of jawbone volume

Losing one or several teeth is the beginning of a period of problems . which has irreparable physical and beauty consequences, and the main one is the loss of your beautiful smile . And the most important complication that is given less attention . Losing the power of chewing and not using a complete and beneficial diet . which has a significant impact on your health, and despite such an important issue, there is a more serious issue at the heart of the issue. . And that is the decay and destruction of the jaw bones.

Losing the root of the tooth causes the jaw bone to lose its stimulus . and undergoing analysis (Atroqi) gered, it is more simply like an accident . which happens to the muscles that stay immobile in plaster for a while. Since the bones of your face support the skin and muscles . which is located on them, the loss of bone volume makes your face look like an elderly person. The good news is that dental implants are a good solution to prevent bone loss.

In order to prevent and minimize bone loss and prevent its progression, an implant should be used. The implant It can prevent the progression of bone loss. The implant Because it is placed inside the bone . Prevents bone loss . And it can better maintain the remaining jaw bone. The implant Connects with bone . And it helps to maintain health and not reduce the amount and volume of the jaw bone.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan 
 | .Loss of jaw bone with tooth loss 4

Tooth replacement solutions

The traditional solution to replace a missing tooth is a crown (bridge) and full or partial dentures, all of which solve the problem in the short term from a cosmetic point of view, but it is not a solution to prevent bone loss, and if we carefully pay attention to this issue, people who have some kind of denture they use, they always have serious problems with the change of weight and the passage of time.

To use the coating (bridge) One or two healthy teeth are always used as the base of the crown, which can increase the possibility of decay and root problems in the base teeth.. If the base tooth faces a problem, other healthy teeth must be sacrificed in the role of new bases, while the bone mass of the jaw continues to decline..

But with method The implant, there is no need for your healthy teeth, and dental implants, like teeth with roots, transfer the chewing force to the jawbone and stimulate it, and the process of bone resorption is stopped and as a result, the change in the shape of the face is prevented.. For this reason, many reputable scientific centers consider dental implants as the standard solution for replacing lost teeth..

What is the advantage of a full jaw bridge or tooth hand based on an implant over a normal tooth hand?

Implants have many advantages over other methods of replacing extracted or missing teeth. Bridges and complete dentures rely on implants, in addition to appearance (Color and form) And its function is similar to natural teeth, they are designed to have a long shelf life. In addition to being more comfortable and stable than regular dentures, a full bridge or a denture that is connected to an implant allows you to chew food naturally..

Necessary care after jaw and dental surgery

Necessary care after jaw and dental surgery

How is dental surgery performed?

Care after dental surgery | It is obvious that he pulled a tooth that cannot and should not be saved (Extract) To be. However, whether a tooth is a candidate for extraction or because of its depth of decay and destruction, which reduces the probability of successful treatment on it, or because of its placement and growth in an inappropriate position, which is a threat to the proper functioning of other teeth in comes. Especially in the case of hidden canines (Kanin) or wisdom teeth, we are facing such a situation.

But when the crown of the tooth is completely destroyed or it is basically hidden under the gum, in order to remove it, the dentist must first split the patient's gum in several directions and then remove the tooth from the jaw and then suture the surgical site. This process is called dental surgery.

In this procedure, the dentist after injecting a deep anesthesia of the patient's gums with a special blade (Bisturi razor) It splits from two or three sides to reach different levels of the tooth. Then, through a tool called an elevator, the connection of the tooth with the surrounding tissues and bone is reduced, and finally, the tooth is separated from the jaw and the gum area is closed with several stitches to reduce bleeding.. In some cases, before removing the tooth, the dentist has to cut it into the gum and divide it into two parts and then separate it from the jaw..

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

 Isfahan nose surgeon | . Necessary care after jaw and dental surgery

Necessary care after oral and dental surgery

Care after dental surgery | For many reasons, dental surgery is similar to surgery anywhere else in the body. Even if you don't get full anesthesia, you get some kind of anesthesia that at least numbs your entire mouth.. Also, your oral surgeon will provide recommendations for aftercare after dental surgery that will help you recover as quickly as possible and minimize surgery-related issues and complications.. These recommendations and instructions are intended to make the recovery period as comfortable as possible.

Bleeding and swelling control

Bleeding is common and expected after oral surgery, whether surgery is for extractions Wisdom tooth Or do normal teeth. The amount of blood you see may be alarming, but usually a large amount of blood is because the blood has mixed with the saliva, making it appear larger than it actually is..

There are several things you can do to control or minimize the amount of bleeding after surgery. Most of the time, before the surgery, the surgeon will give you a few pieces of dressing to put in place and press after the surgery.. It is often recommended to keep this gauze in place for several hours after surgery and change it approximately every thirty minutes if it becomes wet..

Swelling is also common after oral surgery and can be managed by keeping your head elevated as much as possible.. When sleeping, put a few pillows under your head and try not to lie down as much as possible. Putting a cold compress on the swelling area also helps to reduce it. If you use a cold compress on the day of surgery, you will get the most benefit from it.

What are the best things to eat and what not to eat?

You may need to adjust your diet for a few days after surgery. تلاش برای خوردن غذاهای ترد یا حتی هر نوع غذای جامد در یکی دو روز بعد از عمل جراحی بسیار دشوار خواهد بود. سعی کنید از غذاهای کاملاً مایع مانند میلک شیک‌ها و اسموتی‌ها و غذاهای نرم مانند پنیر خامه‌ای، لوبیای کاملاً پخته شده و پودینگ و غذاهای نیمه نرم مانند پاستای پخته شده و تخم مرغ استفاده کنید.

می‌توان انتظار داشت که یک هفته پس از عمل، به رژیم عادی خود بازگردید. اما ممکن است بخواهید تا مدتی همچنان از غذاهای ادویه‌دار یا خیلی اسیدی پرهیز کنید. معمولاً توصیه می‌شود که بلافاصله بعد از عمل از خوردن الکل بپرهیزید.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Care and eating after jaw surgery

Be careful of pressure .

You should avoid certain activities that cause negative pressure in your mouth, because this negative pressure can prevent the blood clots that form to help the gums heal.. For example, using a straw for drinking causes this negative pressure and should be avoided. Smoking should also be stopped for a few days for many reasons; Only one of these reasons is creating negative pressure in the mouth when smoking.

take a rest .

The good news about dental surgery is that the recovery time is not as long as that from other surgeries.. This statement does not mean that you will be on your feet immediately after the operation. It is still very important to give your body time to rest and recover. Dental surgeons often recommend limiting activities for at least one day after surgery.

You may feel refreshed the next day and able to get back to your routine. But returning to work depends on your activities. If you have a very busy job, it might be better to take another day or two off.

Cleaning the mouth

While oral hygiene is very important after surgery, your dentist will likely give you specific recommendations for taking care of the surgical area..

You should expect him to prohibit you from brushing and flossing in the surgical area. Brushing the surgical area causes the blood clots to disappear. Instead of a toothbrush, you'll often be advised to use a piece of dressing to clean the surgical area and pick up bits and pieces of food..

Wisdom tooth threat to other teeth

Wisdom tooth threat to other teeth

Are your wisdom teeth a threat to your dental health?

The threat of wisdom teeth | An examination by a dentist will answer your question. The dentist will ask about your medical and dental history and will examine your teeth and evaluate the health of your teeth by taking radiographs.. If there is a problem with the wisdom teeth during the examination. The dentist will advise you to remove them.

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

Isfahan nose surgeon | Wisdom tooth threat to other teeth .

Preparation for wisdom tooth surgery

You may have to take a few days off from work or school in order to have enough time to rest. Before surgery, get enough sleep and rest, keep calm, and if you have anxiety, after consulting the surgeon, use sedative pills before surgery..

Be prepared to perform a half-hour surgery. If your tooth has erupted, it will be pulled on the gum without making a surgical incision.. If your tooth is partially impacted, a gum incision will be necessary. Then the surgeon removes the jaw bone and sometimes cuts the tooth into pieces so that it can be removed easily. A stitch is used to join the cut edges together.

After wisdom tooth surgery

The surgeon will give you a prescription for pain relief and, if necessary, antibiotics, and instructions for recovery at home. During the next few days, limit your activity and get more rest to speed up the healing process. After the surgery, a cavity remains in the surgical site, which needs to be cleaned until the cavity is completely healed. You may have an unpleasant feeling in your mouth..

Pain, swelling and bleeding

After surgery, your gums and jaw will be sore and swollen, which is completely normal. By placing ice compresses on your cheeks alternately during 8 Minimize the swelling in the first hour after surgery. If you had bleeding, press a sterile gauze firmly on the bleeding site for at least half an hour to stop the bleeding.. After the bleeding stops, you can eat soft and cold food such as cold soup, cold porridge, ice cream and cold liquids. Keep your mouth clean.

Do not eat hard foods. Do not use a straw to drink until the day after the operation, do not brush the surgical area and do not empty your mouth, because it causes damage to the blood clot in the surgical site.. Smoking causes blood clots to disappear. One week after surgery to remove sutures and post-surgery controls Jaw surgeon of Isfahan See.

Causes and treatment of jaw locking

Causes and treatment of jaw locking

Locking jaw pain and giving sound

Locking of the jaw | Teeth grinding and clenching of the jaws can be the cause of jaw pain and temporomandibular joint syndrome. When the jaw joint is stretched too much, it causes wear of the joint, pain and noise of the jaw. Grinding the teeth and pressing the teeth also changes the position of the upper and lower teeth and affects the chewing muscles.. Sometimes, people don't even realize that they are clenching their teeth too hard and grinding their teeth, even while they are sleeping..

Stress causes patients to grind their teeth more, put pressure on their jaw or tighten their jaw muscles, and as a result, it affects the symptoms of temporomandibular syndrome, including locking of the lower jaw.. Temporomandibular syndrome disorders are also among people who have dental problems (bad bite); Detailed problems (like arthritis), they have muscle problems or a history of jaw or other facial injuries, it is more common.

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

Isfahan nose surgeon  | Jaw locking

علت بروز قفل شدن فک

Among the causes of jaw pain, vocalization and locking of the lower jaw, the following can be mentioned :

  1. وارد کردن فشار بر فک یا دندان قروچه کردن در طول خواب باعث می شود که عضلات فک بیش از حد خسته شوند و بر مفصل فشار وارد می کند (Often caused by stress).
  2. فرسایش قسمت داخلی مفصل فک که معمولا ناشی از آرتروز است و منجر به صدا دادن فک می شود.
  3. آسیب دیدگی مفصل و قفل شدن فک پایین برای مثال ، پس از وارد شدن صدمه به صورت یا بعد از جراحی فک.
  4. گاز گرفتن نامسطح که معمولا ناشی از مشکل در هنگام پر کردن دندان یا وقتی که روکش یادندان مصنوعی قرار داده می شود، است.
  5. درد فک پایین با بیماری های خاصی مثل آرتریت روماتوئید یا فیبرومیالژیا مرتبط است.

The treatment of

در صورتی که مبتلا به درد فک پایین هستید، برای تشخیص و گزینه های درمان درد فک به پزشک عمومی یا Jaw surgeon of Isfahan See. Generally, non-surgical treatment methods for locking the lower jaw, such as lifestyle changes, physical therapy, are performed first.. A small number of people with severe temporomandibular joint syndrome and jaw phonation are referred to an oral, maxillofacial surgeon for other treatment options..

Lifestyle changes

There are several self-help measures that can help improve mandibular articulation and jaw joint locking, including: :

  • با خوردن غذاهای نرم و آدامس نجویدن مفصل را استراحت دهید.
  • For 10 until the 20 Put a cold or warm cloth on your jaw several times a day.
  • انجام چند حرکت کششی نرم مخصوص فک که پزشک برایتان تجویز می کند.
  • از زیاد باز نگه داشتن مفصل تا زمان تسکین درد فک پایین خودداری کنید.
  • از دندان قروچه برای مدت طولانی خودداری کنید.
  • عضلات دور مفصل را ماساژ دهید.
  • روش های ریلکسشن به منظور کاهش استرس.
  • قرار ندان چانه بر روی دست.

Paint governor

Tooth and mouth guard (Plastic devices that are placed on the teeth) They are effective if you have grinding teeth. These guards cover your teeth during the night to reduce jaw clenching or teeth grinding that causes the lower jaw to click and lock the jaw..


Pain relievers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, or codeine help relieve lower jaw pain. If these drugs do not control the pain, the doctor will prescribe stronger drugs such as muscle relaxants or antidepressants..

Steroid injection

If the temporomandibular joint syndrome is caused by a disease such as arthritis, injecting steroids into the jaw joint will help reduce jaw pain and swelling in an adjacent joint or soft tissue.. Many people across 24 They report less pain for up to a week in the first year. With steroid injection, the pain will improve for several weeks to several months, and in some cases, the injection will completely remove the jaw pain..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Important care of jaw surgery  .


If the above treatment methods do not work, the specialist recommends a surgical method such as arthrocentesis. جراحی باز مفصل در موارد نادری که در مفصل ناهنجاری وجود دارد. در نظر گرفته می شود.علت درد فک پایین و صورت معمولا سندرم مفصل گیجگاهی فکی می باشد . که گاهی با علائم دیگری مانند صدا داد فک، گوش درد، قفل شدن فک پایین، درد هنگام جویدن غذا،دندان درد، درد لثه، درد عضله فک و… It comes with.

با مراجعه به جراح فک و صورت می توان نسبت به درمان دندان درد و رفع مشکل اقدام کرد. بعضی مواقع درمان خانگی دندان درد هم به خوبی جواب می دهد. اکثر موارد ابتلا به این بیماری با روش های درمان بدون جراحی بهبود می یابند . و فقط تعداد کمی از بیماران نیاز به عمل جراحی دارند. در صورتی که در بارداری هستید و از درد، صدا دادن و قفل شدن فک پایین هنگام غذا خوردن رنج می برید . هنگام مراجعه به جراح فک و صورت حتما وی را در جریان وضعیت خود قرار دهید.

Jaw joint and headache

Jaw joint and headache

Relationship between headache and jaw joint

Jaw joint and headache | One of the signs of old age is joint pain and everyone knows about its problems. Few people are unaware of knee pain or hand pain and have not experienced these pains, but we have a joint called the temporomandibular joint, which is very important in our physiological activities such as eating, talking and… Unfortunately, its importance is ignored until it becomes a problem.

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Jaw joint and headache  .

Jaw joint problems and headaches

One of the most important problems that cause problems in this joint is anxiety, which can manifest itself in the form of jaw clenching, especially during sleep.. This issue will cause pressure on the jaw joint and little by little, specific jaw problems will arise such as movement inconsistencies and disorders of the disc and tendons in that area, the consequences of which are pain in the area followed by headache, mouth opening restriction, jaw noises, ear pain. And… Is. So, if you face such problems, know that the temporomandibular joint has a problem.

The temporomandibular joint is a synovial joint with an articular disc that allows for hinge and sliding movements.. This complex combination of movements enables effective and pain-free chewing, swallowing and speaking. Joint surfaces are covered by fibrous connective tissue. This non-vascularized and non-nervous structure has a greater capacity to resist degenerative changes and the possibility of self-regeneration than the hyaline cartilage of other synovial joints.. However, the synovial joint capsule and surrounding muscles are innervated and appear to be the primary source of pain in temporomandibular joint disorders..

Stress reduction solutions

The most important task is to reduce anxiety and control stress under the supervision of a psychiatrist or psychoanalyst. Other treatments include using ice or heat to reduce pain, sleeping properly, using special devices such as splints made by a prosthodontist, and doing special exercises.. In case of irregular teeth (Orthodontic problems) You should see a dentist to line them up.

4 muscles are directly related to this joint. One of these muscles is the masseter muscle, which you actually touch when you touch the jaw below the ear.. If this muscle hurts when touched, it can be an important sign of problems in this joint. Muscle pain on the temple area can also be a sign of a problem in the joint. We can examine these muscles ourselves, and in case of pain, you should see a specialist in oral diseases. Be aware that joint problems can manifest as headaches.

Treatment of TMJ syndrome

Jaw joint and headache | Self-care methods at home, medical treatments, or open surgery can be used to treat temporomandibular disorder.. In the first stage, the specialist doctor recommends starting the treatment of the syndrome with home care, and if the disease is still progressing, go for temporomandibular joint surgery.. In the following, we will examine the types of TMJ disorder treatment:

Self care at home

A set of methods that are used to treat temporomandibular syndrome at home and often need to be combined include the following::

  1. To reduce the pain in the area of ​​the jaw and face ice pack for a long time 10 Leave it on your temple and side of your face for a minute.
  2. If you perform jaw stretching exercises according to the doctor's instructions, be sure to use a hot towel for a long time 5 Place next to your face for a minute. Doing this several times a day will be very effective in reducing pain.
  3. To avoid prolonged chewing, eat soft foods such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, eggs, cheese, fish, cooked vegetables, and compotes..
  4. Consuming hard foods and chewing foods such as raw carrots or chewing gum increases pain in the temporomandibular joint..
  5. Using a splint or night guard (Night guard) It makes the upper and lower teeth fit together correctly and your jaw has a more favorable position during the night..
  6. From performing provocative movements such as strong jaw movements (Yawn) In order to perform the steps after rhinoplasty, important tips and instructions provided by. This requires lifestyle changes and abandoning inappropriate behavior habits.
  7. Take appropriate measures to reduce stress.


If your temporomandibular disorder doesn't improve with home care, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers as prescribed by your doctor and based on your medical history.. These include:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Antidepressants
  • Local anesthetics
  • Corticosteroids

Isfahan nose surgeon | Jaw joint and headache

درمان پزشکی

If the doctor diagnoses your TMJ syndrome seriously, he can treat the mentioned area with the help of the following methods.:

  1. Physiotherapy
  2. Botox
  3. heat therapy
  4. Cooling therapy

Temporomandibular joint surgery

در مواقعی که اختلال مفصل گیجگاهی فکی بسیار شدید باشد، جراحی بهترین و موثرترین راه‌کار برای درمان و از بین بردن درد خواهد بود. پزشک متخصص زمانی جراحی مفصل گیجگاهی فکی را توصیه می‌کند که مشکل و اختلال در مفصل اصلی ایجاد شده باشد. TMJ در این مواقع محدودیت زیادی در حرکت فک ایجاد کرده و علائم آن بسیار طولانی شده است. در روش جراحی پزشک متخصص یا دندانپزشک از راه‌کارهای زیر استفاده می‌کنند:

  • جراحی آرتروسکوپی (اصلاح دندان‌ها و تراز کردن آن‌ها)
  • جراحی آرتروسنتز (خارج کردن مایعات و مواد زائد از درون مفصل گیجگاهی فکی)
  • Open surgery (تعویض مفصل)
Rhinoplasty surgery and nose fantasia

Rhinoplasty surgery and nose fantasia

Fantasizing the nose with rhinoplasty

fantasizing the nose | One of the goals of nose surgery ( Rhinoplasty) To some extent, making the nose smaller and finer, especially in the case of big noses. But a few issues should be noted in this case, firstly, in the case of big noses, the nose can be made smaller to some extent, and if the surgeon makes the nose too small, the fit of the nose with the face will be disturbed and it will be a problem. Breathing occurs.

On the other hand, a smaller nose does not always mean beauty, for example, people in Southeast Asian countries have short and small noses, but this type of nose is not beautiful in the face, but many beautiful actresses have relatively long and well-shaped noses with medium size and in At the same time, they are beautiful . In fact, in the case of the nose, the proportion of the parts of the nose to each other and to the size of the face is more important than the size of the nose itself, and the beautiful size of the nose depends on the face of different people. .

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Elongated jaw surgery ...

fantasizing the nose

Another case is the fantasy or so-called dolling of the nose. This case is very variable and depends on the characteristics of the person, other face and nose, skin thickness, etc . In general, if the nose has a natural beauty, in the long run a person will be more satisfied and have a more acceptable face .

People who are looking for a fancy nose should know that if this form is excessive and exaggerated, in the long run it will become boring in terms of beauty and may cause breathing problems.. But in the case of some women who have a more delicate face and thinner skin, if they have a desire, a slightly fancy nose may fit the face, provided that the angles and size of the nose are within the standard range..

Semi-fantasy nose job

The semi-fantasy nose is a model between fantasy and natural and has the characteristics of both. This nose model is suitable for people who don't like a natural nose and don't like a fancy nose. The amount of arc that is given to the nose in this model is less than the fantasy model, and so called the sliding state of the nose in profile mode is a gentler slope than the fantasy model..

In a semi-fantasy nose model (Semi Fancy), the tip of the nose shrinks and takes shape, but it is not as small as a fancy nose. Also, the amount of high nose is less compared to the doll model. In short, it can be said that the semi-fantasy model is between a natural nose and a doll nose. This model is popular among both women and men. Of course, it can be said that it is a little more popular among women.

A candidate for fancying the nose

The requirement to have a natural fantasy nose model is to have strength in the cartilage and nasal tissue, and bony noses are suitable for fantasy nose surgery because of this feature and the possibility of maneuvering in the nasal structure.. The operation of fantasizing the nose is not suitable for people with fleshy noses, because fleshy noses do not have a resistant tissue and it is not possible to remove and reduce large nasal lobes to a large extent..

Fancy rhinoplasty is not recommended for fleshy noses because of the thick skin they have and often will not have favorable results.. The important point in fantasizing the nose of the skin type of the person is that the nose surgeon will suggest what kind of nose will suit the person's face by examining the skin type and the structure of the nose.. Another thing is to have small parts of the face, and in general, a person who wants to fantasize the nose should have small and doll-like parts of the face so that the nose model is in harmony with the parts of the face..

The best fancy nose surgeon performs nose surgery keeping the above in mind. At the same time, fantasizing too much about the nose is not correct and will lead to breathing problems.

Points that the doctor should pay attention to in fantasy nose surgery :

  1. The size of the nostrils should not be smaller than one limit, because this action can damage the respiratory function of the nose.
  2. The proportion between the nose and the other parts of the face must be observed, therefore, the nose cannot be made too small without taking away the other parts of the face..
  3. The distance between the upper lip and the nose should be such that the nose does not look like a pig.

Isfahan nose surgeon | . Unilateral swelling after nose surgery

Cost of nose surgery (Fantasy, semi-fantasy and natural)

The cost of nose surgery according to the type of nose (bone or meat) And the skill and experience of the surgeon is different, so the cost of nose surgery depends on various factors such as the complexity and the amount of changes in nose surgery. Therefore, the cost of the operation is not the same for different people. Also, the patient's taste is also influential in the cost, what model he chooses for surgery.

A few important points

  • قبل از هر چیز بیمار باید انگیزه خود از عمل جراحی بینی را مشخص کند. It means that the goal should be reasonable, because some people do this because of lack of self-confidence or mental problems. . These people should consult a counselor before doing anything. It should be noted that the result of the operation will be with the person for the rest of his life . Therefore, people who intend to perform nose surgery with fantasy, semi-fantasy and natural results . It is better to pay attention to the mentioned items and think carefully about your favorite model.
  • بینی‌ای که طبیعی عمل شده باشد قابلیت عمل به صورت نیمه فانتزی و فانتزی را دارد ولی برعکس آن موضوع سخت‌تر است و در بعضی موارد نشدنی است. That is, if you decide to have a semi-fantasy or fancy surgery, after the surgery if you don't like the shape of your nose for any reason, it will be more difficult for you to have a reconstructive surgery..