Complications of upper and lower jaw surgery

Complications of upper and lower jaw surgery

Upper and lower jaw surgery

امروزه افراد زیادی هستند که به دلایل مختلفی اقدام به جراحی فک بالا و پایین می کنند. In this article, we are going to explain about upper and lower jaw surgery ( Orthosurgery ) to present.

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Causes of underbite

Who are suitable candidates for upper and lower jaw surgery?

As explained in the previous cases, jaw cosmetic surgery and dental orthodontics are performed to correct forward or backward movement of the lower and upper jaw, as well as irregularities in the teeth.. In general, there are many cases for jaw surgery. including those :

  1. People whose lower or upper jaw has not grown enough or has grown too much ( A gum-smile ).
  2. When the face is not symmetrical ( asymmetry ) .
  3. If the teeth are not on top of each other ( Open byte ).
  4. People who have problems eating and chewing food.
  5. Cases where a person has problems in his speech due to existing abnormalities.
  6. When people have pain in muscles and jaw joints.

Review of upper and lower jaw surgery

فرد پس از اینکه تصمیم به جراحی زیبایی فک گرفت بهتر است به متخصص ارتودنسی و جراح فک مراجعه کند. تا تحت معاینه قرار گیرد و علت بروز این ناهنجاری مشخص شود. Basically, solving these complex problems requires combined orthodontic and jaw surgery treatments. which is called orthosurgery.

Upper and lower jaw surgery is sometimes performed . that the person has a long face and has problems such as gummy smile, asymmetry, forward chin and lips. In this method, without increasing the duration of the treatment . Face lift through upper and lower jaw surgery and changing the position of the chin ( simultaneously ) Done.

Maxillary retraction surgery is sometimes performed . It is done when the lower jaw has grown to a normal size but the upper jaw has grown too much and protruded. In these cases, a part of the upper jaw is cut and removed . And after being adjusted and placed on the lower teeth, it is fixed in place.

Surgery to bring the upper jaw forward when the lower jaw has grown to the size . But the upper jaw has not grown, it is done. In these cases, the upper jaw bone is cut . and it is brought forward and fixed in its new position by screws and plates. This type of surgery usually leads to a younger looking face and fuller cheeks.

Upper and lower jaw surgery

In forward mandibular surgery, the upper jaw may have grown sufficiently or the lower jaw may be indented. . which in both cases is taken back with lower jaw surgery. In correcting the protrusion of the lower jaw, the bone located in the front part of the jaw . از بخش خلفی آن جدا شده و عقب برده می شود تا دندان ها بر روی یکدیگر تراز شوند. رشد نکردن فک بالا یا پایین باعث رویش نامرتب دندان ها نیز می شود . و برای تنظیم روابط نهایی فکی لازم است قبل از جراحی فک ، ارتودنسی انجام شود.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Skin grafting and maxillofacial surgery .

What are the side effects of orthognathic surgery?

Jaw or orthognathic surgery is like any other operation if it is not performed by an expert surgeon. . با درجاتی از خطر همراه خواهد بود ؛ به همین علت همواره توصیه به دقت در انتخاب جراح فک ، می گردد. Of course, it is worth noting that taking care before and after jaw surgery also has a significant impact on the results, as well as preventing complications..

Complications of jaw surgery

در ذیل ، به برخی از عوارض معمول جراحی فک که در طی چند روز بر طرف می شوند . اشاره شده است.

  1. The pain : درد و ناراحتی به پیچیدگی و دشواری جراحی بستگی دارد . که به تدریج فروکش می کند ؛ لازم به ذکر است ، به منظور تسکین آن برای تان داروی مسکن تجویز خواهد شد . When the pain subsides, painkillers are no longer needed.
  2. Inflation : Swelling is expected after surgery; Maximum inflation 48 Hours after surgery, it occurs and gradually disappears in three to four weeks . The more complex and difficult the surgery, the more swelling.
  3. Bruises : With the reduction of swelling, bruising of the face and neck is possible . In some people, it will disappear after seven to ten days.
  4. Bleeding : Elevate your head with a pillow to minimize the risk of bleeding . It is very important to avoid smoking and washing your mouth vigorously until the day after the operation, as well as adequate rest.

بیشتر افرادی که تحت عمل جراحی ارتوگناتیک قرار می گیرند . عارضه ای نخواهند داشت ، اما اگر در رابطه با عوارض احتمالی سوالی دارید یا نگران هستید . حتما این موضوع را با جراح خود در میان بگذارید.

How does the front lower jaw happen?

How does the front lower jaw happen?

Front lower jaw

در بين مشكلات فكى كه مى تواند صورت فرد را تحت تاثير قرار دهد، جلو بودن فک پايين نقش پررنگى دارد. This jaw problem has a genetic background and its severity can be very variable. جلو بودن فک پايين بين يك تا ده درصد جوامع مختلف را تحت تاثير قرار مى دهد و درمان آن نيز براساس شدت جلو آمدگى فك ، از ارتودنسی تا جراحى فك متغير باشد.

بسيارى از افرادى كه دچار جلوزدگى فك پايين مى باشند ، بدنبال حل اين مشكل،طرح درمان هاى مختلفى را تجربه مى كنند و ازينرو در مقاله پيش رو تصميم گرفتيم كه اين مشكل و درمانهاى موجود را بررسى كنيم .

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Causes of underbite

The reason for the lower jaw being forward

As mentioned, the protrusion of the lower jaw has a genetic basis, and no matter how strong the genes that cause this jaw abnormality are, this abnormality starts at a younger age and, naturally, until the complete completion of growth. ( who is about 17-18 years old ) بيشتر ادامه خواهد داشت. هر چقدر جلو بودن فک پايين در سنين پايين تر ( For example, during the milk teeth period ) If it shows itself, it means that it has a very strong genetic background and the situation will worsen until the growth is completed..

Protrusion of the lower jaw or recess of the upper jaw?

Of course, there is a possibility of success for the treatment of lower jaw protrusion at the age of 8-11 years, which is a condition in which the lower jaw itself is not backward and looks forward due to the indentation of the lower jaw.. In this situation, it is necessary to make sure that the person does not have a genetic history of lower jaw protrusion ( None of his relatives should have a protruding lower jaw ) Because if it is misdiagnosed and the problem is from the protrusion of the lower jaw rather than the indentation of the upper jaw, the initial success in the treatment will be neutralized by the subsequent growth of the lower jaw and the result of the treatment will be ineffective..

Of course, the probability that the problem is more in the upper jaw than the lower jaw in these abnormalities is 25% and the suggested treatment for this upper jaw indentation is the facemask orthodontic device..

Treatment of forward lower jaw in adolescence

گاهى افراد در دوران بلوغ متوجه جلوزدگى فك پايين مى شوند . و يا در اين دوران براى حل مشكل خود مراجعه مى كنند. درمان جلو بودن فك پايين در اين سن مستقيما” به شدت اين ناهنجارى بستگى دارد. If the severity of the abnormality is mild at the age of 12-13 years . (2-3 mm) It is possible to improve the patient's condition with various types of orthodontics, but if the severity of the abnormality is moderate or severe, orthodontics alone will not be the answer to the patient's problem, and in this case, it is better to wait until the age of 17-18 years to perform jaw surgery..

Treatment of anterior lower jaw in adults

و اما سوالى كه پيش مى آيد اين است كه بالاخره براى درمان جلو بودن فك پايين كى بايد اقدام كرد؟پاسخ اين سوال در اتمام رشد اسكلتى نهفته است.به اين معنا كه اگر شدت جلو بودن فك پايين به قدرى باشد كه نيازمند جراحى فك باشيم،بايستى تا انتهاى دوران رشد بيمار صبر كنيم .

علت اين صبر نيز چندان پيچيده نيست؛ اگر قرار باشد كه قبل از اتمام رشد فك پايين جراحى فك انجام دهيم. رشد باقيمانده فرد ( which has an unfavorable genetic background for the lower jaw to move forward ) It will cause the jaw to continue its unfavorable growth and the lower jaw to come forward again. به همين دليل بايستى صبر كنيم تا اين رشد نامطلوب، حداكثر جلو بودن فك پايين را ايجاد كند . و پس ازينكه مطمئن شديم كه ديگر جلوزدگى رخ نخواهد داد،اقدام به جراحى فك كنيم.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Causes of underbite .

Age of mandibular surgery

و اما سوالى كه در اينجا ممكن است پيش آيد اين است. كه سن اتمام رشد دقيقا” چه زمانى است؟ واقعيت امر اين است كه سن اتمام رشد بيشتر از آنچه به سن تقويمى فرد مرتبط باشد . به رشد جسمى وى مربوط است. This completion of growth in men usually occurs at the age of 18-19 years and in women at the age of 17-18 years..

Lower jaw retraction surgery

هنگامى كه رشد فك پايين در فرد مورد نظر به اتمام رسيد،وى قادر خواهد بود . كه جراحى فك پايين را انجام دهد.اما آنچه بايد مورد توجه قرار گيرد اين است كه براى انجام جراحى فك پايین بايستى ارتودنسي قبل از جراحى صورت پذيرد تا رابطه دندانى بيمار با رابطه فكى متناسب شود . و جراح فك و صورت در اتاق عمل جراحى فك را انجام دهد.

چون دوره ارتودنسی قبل از جراحى زیبایی فك معمولا” يكسال طول مى كشد . فرد مى تواند ارتودنسي قبل از جراحى خود را يكسال قبل از اتمام رشد فك پايين شروع كند . تا در زمان مورد نظر بتواند جراحى فك را انجام دهد.در اينجا بايستى اشاره شود كه در اكثر موارد جلوزدگى فك پايين، جراحى فك بصورت جراحى فك بالا و پايين انجام مى شود . و بندرت جراحى فك پايين به تنهايى تجويز مى شود.

Retraction of the lower jaw without surgery

با افزايش پيشرفت ها در ارتودنسي ، توانمندى هايى در اين رشته رخ داده است . و يكى از مهمترين آنها استفاده از پيچ ها ( Minnie shut it up ) is. با توسل به برخى از اين تكنيك هاى استفاده از مينى اسكروها،مى توان دندانهاى دو فك را بصورت مجموعه اى عقب برد و اين چيزى است . كه در اصطلاح از آن به عنوان ” عقب بردن فك پايين بدون جراحى ” نام برده مى شود.

Of course, it should be emphasized that in this technique, the trunk of the lower jaw is not moved back and the teeth of the lower jaw are moved back, and naturally, it is used in people whose lower jaw teeth are more forward than in people whose lower jaw is forward..

If the front jaw is not treated, what will be the side effects?

در این افراد در هنگام خوابیدن مجبورند از دهان نفس بکشند که در طولانی مدت موجب بروز ناهنجاری های دیگر و کوچک شدن کام می شود. Also, the forward jaw can cause problems in speaking, wear of teeth, tooth decay, decay of gums, disorganized teeth, incomplete chewing and finally digestive problems in people.. همینطور جلو بودن فک دهان در زیبایی افراد تاثیر گذار است . و می تواند موجب کاهش اعتماد به نفس در آن ها شود.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Open bite surgery and jaw surgery

Is the treatment of forward jaw with orthodontics reversible?

در صورتی که مشکل جلو بودن فک خفیف باشد . و بیمار تا قبل از 18 سالگی اقدام به درمان کند، قابل کنترل کردن می باشد . و جلو زدگی فک امکان بازگشت نخواهد داشت. اما در صورتی که بیمار کاندیدی برای جراحی فک باشد. درمان شامل جراحی فک و ارتودنسی ثابت خواهد بود که به هیچ وجه قابل بازگشت نیست.

Does retracting the lower jaw affect speaking?

به صورت معمول و عادی لازم است فک به صورت کامل روی هم قرار بگیرد . در افرادی که فک ها روی هم قرار نمی گیرند با مشکلاتی در هنگام صحبت کردن رو به رو می شوند. After the treatment and removal of the abnormality, the patient will not have any problem in speaking .

Does the treatment of forward jaw have an age limit?

No, there is no age limit for treatment, only the method of treatment may be different. If before 18 سالگی اقدام به درمان جلو بودن فک کنید. با ارتودنسی قابل درمان است و بعد از بلوغ لازم است . علاوه بر جراحی از ارتودنسی برای درمان استفاده شود.

Symptoms and causes of bite disorders

Symptoms and causes of bite disorders

از اختلالات بایت چه می دانید ؟

If the teeth are not smooth, neat and aligned, it causes serious problems in people's health, which is called malocclusion or bite disorders.. In fact, we must say that this complication means that the teeth are not properly connected to each other and are not paired. Ideal teeth are naturally smooth and orderly and are not protruding, deviated, compressed or spaced.

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Recovery period after jaw surgery

Getting to know the types of bite disorders

Familiarity with bite disorders makes you aware of the type of problem and the importance of treating it. Disorders should include :

  1. Cross bite : This type of malocclusion occurs when the upper teeth come into contact with the inner surface of the lower teeth and this contact causes layering of the teeth and asymmetric growth of the jaw..
  2. overbyte : The front teeth of the upper jaw are much lower than normal and cause a lot of overlapping of the lower teeth, in which a small part of the lower teeth can be seen, including the problems of this type of abnormality, gummy smile, protruding lips and Teeth wear.
  3. underbite : It refers to a situation in which the teeth of the lower jaw are more forward than normal.
  4. Open Byte : In this situation, the upper and lower jaw teeth do not meet each other and serious problems may arise due to this condition..
  5. Orgt : In this type of bite disorder, the upper teeth are far ahead of the lower teeth and affect the beauty and function of the teeth..
  6. Crooked and messy teeth : If there is not enough space for the teeth to grow, the teeth will be compressed and messed up.

در صورتی که مبتلا به یکی از مشکلات فوق باشید دندان های تان عملکرد صحیحی نخواهند داشت و توصیه می شود برای درمان آن به یک متخصص ارتودنسی و جراح فک اصفهان مراجعه کنید.

What factors cause bite disorders in people?

In most cases, Bite disorders are genetic in the sense that they are passed from one generation to another. Also, some wrong habits and diseases may change the shape and structure of the jaw, which can be mentioned below :

  • Cleft palate and lip
  • Using a pacifier for a long time and frequently after 3 Preparations for rhinoplasty
  • Finger sucking
  • Long-term use of baby bottles in early childhood
  • Misalignment of the jaws caused by injuries.
  • Tumors of the jaw and mouth
  • Imprinted teeth or abnormalities in the shape of the teeth
  • Not taking proper care of the teeth and visiting a good dentist in Karaj for correction and restoration
  • Breathing through the mouth, which usually happens due to large tonsils or allergies.
  • Inheritance etc.

What are the symptoms of bite disorders?

According to the type of malocclusion, the symptoms of this condition and its severity are different. Among the symptoms of bite disorders should be: :

  1. Changing the shape of the face
  2. Discomfort and pain when chewing
  3. Biting the lips or tongue and cheek frequently
  4. Tongue-talking and speech problems
  5. Breathing through the mouth

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Wisdom tooth extraction in Isfahan city..

Diagnosis and classification of various bite disorders

The type of disorder is diagnosed through a complete oral examination by a dentist. It may be necessary to take a radiological picture of the teeth. اگر متخصص جراح فک اصفهان ، تشخیص اختلال بایت بدهد ، به صورت کلی مال اکلوژن ها را به سه دسته اصلی تقسیم بندی می کنند :

  • Class one : It is called a situation where the lower teeth have a lot of overlap with the upper teeth. The state of the bite in this malocclusion is normal and there is little overlap. This type of malocclusion is very common.
  • Class two : A severe overbite is present in Bite Disorders, Class II. In fact, overbite means that the front teeth are higher than the front teeth and there is a large horizontal distance between them..
  • Class three : A situation in which the chin protrudes is called class three malocclusion. به این شرایط underbite نیز گفته می شود و ممکن است به دلیل رشد بیش از حد فک یا عقب ماندگی فک بالا اتفاق بیفتد. This condition causes the lower teeth to be placed in front of the upper teeth.

How is malocclusion treated?

People with mild malocclusion do not need treatment. The diagnosis and treatment of this matter depends on the opinion of the orthodontist and different treatments may be offered for different classes. به صورت کلی درمان اختلالات بایت ، با روش های زیر امکان پذیر است :

  1. Orthodontic brackets are used to move the teeth to a better position.
  2. To correct the crowding of the teeth and to correct the problem of lack of space, teeth are extracted.
  3. Covering teeth, reshaping and bonding
  4. Jaw shortening and reshaping surgery
  5. A plate or wire can be used to stabilize the jaw bone.

Now, after getting familiar with the byte disorders, this question arises in your mind, how can it be prevented?
In answer to this question, we must say that the factors that cause bite disorders should be limited and regularly visit the dentist for examination and check-up from childhood..

Orthosurgery treatment

Orthosurgery treatment


درمان ارتوسرجری ، به عمل جراحی گفته می شود که به منظور اصلاح فک و صورت و رفع طیف وسیعی از بی نظمی های فک و دندان انجام می گیرد ؛ واژه orthognathic یک کلمه یونانی می باشد که از دو بخش “ orthos “ به معنای راست و “ gnathic “ به معنای مربوط به فک تشکیل شده است ؛ از این رو واژه ارتوگناتیک به معنای درست و مرتب کردن فک است. ارتوسرجری ، یک درمان ترکیبی شامل Orthodontics And Jaw surgery ..

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Isfahan nose surgeon | Jaw surgery and treatment of jaw problems

ارتوسرجری چیست و برای اصلاح چه مواردی استفاده می شود ؟

  1. یکی از دلایل برای جراحی فک و ارتودنسی ، مشکلات ژنتیکی نامطلوب رشد می باشد.
  2. افرادی که هنگام تولد دچار صدمات و نقایص مادرزادی صورت شده اند.
  3. افرادی که در جویدن و گاز گرفتن و بلعیدن مواد غذایی مشکل دارند.
  4. افرادی که در هنگام بسته بودن دهان بین دندان های بالا و پایین فضای باز وجود دارد که به آن Open byte It is said.
  5. افرادی که از جلو و طرفین صورت شان ، نامتقارن می باشد.
  6. افرادی که دچار عقب رفتگی فک پایین و چانه هستند.
  7. افرادی که دچار جلو آمدگی فک پایین هستند.
  8. افرادی که در حالت استراحت نمی توانند ، لب هایشان را به یکدیگر برسانند.

درمان ارتوسرجری چیست ؟

همانطور که می دانید ، به ترکیب دو روش درمانی Orthodontics And Jaw surgery ، ارتوسرجری گفته می شود ؛ هنگامی که بیماران جهت رفع نامرتبی دندان های خود به متخصص ارتودنسی ( Orthodontists ) مراجعه می کنند ، در ابتدا پزشک برای آگاهی در رابطه با وضعیت دندان و فک بیمار یک سری آزمایشات و عکس برداری های متفاوت ، را تجویز می کند.

در بسیاری از مواقع افراد مبتلا به ناهنجاری فک هم می باشند ؛ حال بسته به میزان این ناهنجاری ( خفیف یا متوسط ) ارتودنتیست یا متخصص ارتودنسی با استفاده از همان روش های رایج ارتودنسی ، اقدام به بر طرف کردن نامرتبی دندان و ناهنجاری فک بیمار می کند ؛ اما بسیاری از مواقع ناهنجاری فک بسیار شدید می باشد ، در این صورت دیگر نمی توان با استفاده از روش های رایج درمانی ارتودنسی ناهنجاری فک را بر طرف کرد و علاوه بر ارتودنسی ، نیاز به انجام جراحی فک نیز می باشد.

عوارض درمان ارتوسرجری چیست ؟

در صورتی که جراحی فک و ارتودنسی ، توسط بهترین متخصص ارتودنسی و جراح فک انجام شود ؛ نه تنها مشکلی بیماران را تهدید نمی کند ؛ بلکه آن ها نتیجه خوبی نیز از انجام ارتوسرجری دریافت خواهند کرد ؛ اما در غیر این صورت ، ممکن است عوارض بسیاری ؛ همچون خونریزی ، عفونت ، بی حسی ، گرفتگی بینی ، سفتی فک ، صدا دادن مفاصل فک و غیره پس از درمان برای بیماران به جود آید.

لازم به ذکر است ، بروز عوارضی ؛ همچون تورم ، قرمزی ، کبودی ، درد خفیف و غیره پس از روش درمانی مسئله ای عادی و طبیعی می باشد و در همه بیماران رخ می دهد ، اما میزان آن با توجه به شرایط بیماران متفاوت می باشد ؛ موارد ذکر شده به مرور زمان و به تدریج با رعایت مراقبت های بعد از جراحی ارتوگناتیک از بین خواهند رفت.

بهترین زمان شروع درمان ارتوسرجری چه وقت می باشد ؟

در صورتی که بیماری توسط ارتودنتیست مجرب به موقع تشخیص داده شود ، با اقدامات پیشگیرانه می توان از نیاز به عمل جراحی فک جلوگیری کرد ، به همین علت است که ارتودنتیست ها به والدین توصیه می کنند ، کودکان خود را برای چک آپ ببرند. سن اتمام رشد اسکلت فک در بانوان از سن 15 until the 17 age and in men from age 17 until the 18 سالگی می باشد ؛ بنابراین بهترین زمان برای شروع درمان ارتوسرجری در بانوان 17 سالگی و در آقایان 18 سالگی می باشد.

در مواقعی که سن بیمار بیشتر از سن رشد اسکلتی باشد ؛ جراحی فک به صورت قطعی انجام می شود و بدون جراحی فک ، نمی توان مشکلاتی که وجود دارد را بهبود بخشید.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Jaw therapeutic surgeries

The stages and treatment process of orthosurgery

در شرایطی که مراجعه کننده به صورت کامل مورد معاینه و بررسی متخصص ارتودنسی قرار می گیرد . و ناهنجاری های فکی در کنار مشکلات بهم ریختگی دندان ها تشخیص داده می شود . لازم است یک طرح درمانی برای بیمار برنامه ریزی شود. در چنین شرایطی که بیمار به درمان ارتوسرجری اصفهان ، نیاز دارد ، توصیه می شود ابتدا جراحی فک انجام شده و بعد از اتمام دوره ریکاوری و بهبودی برای درمان ارتودنسی اقدام شود.

به این ترتیب فضا و موقعیت لازم برای انجام درمان با کمک ارتودنسی ، ایجاد می شود. البته در برخی موارد ممکن است پزشک تشخیص دهد . که ابتدا ارتودنسی انجام شده و بعد از پایان این درمان ، عمل فک انجام شود. به هر حال بین دوره نقاهت و درمان بعدی به فاصله زمانی خاصی نیاز است . و برنامه ریزی برای درمان بر اساس شرایط هر بیمار با تشخیص و صلاحدید پزشک متخصص انجام می شود.

آیا همه افرادی که ارتودنسی دندان انجام می دهند نیاز به جراحی فک دارند ؟

خیر ، همه افراد به درمان ارتوسرجری نیاز ندارند . تنها در شرایطی که ناهنجاری های فکی یعنی مشکلات عقب و یا جلو بودن فک وجود داشته باشد . و یا عدم تقارن دندان ها و مشکلات شدید تنفسی به دلیل ناهنجاری های فکی وجود داشته باشد . لازم است ارتودنسی دندان و جراحی فک انجام شود تا در نهایت نتیجه خوب و رضایت بخشی از نحوه درمان حاصل شود.

این مسئله که شما در کنار ارتودنسی کردن دندان ها به عمل فک نیاز دارید یا خیر ، در جلسه مشاوره با ارتودنتیست و بعد از بررسی مشکلات فک و دهان بیان خواهد شد.

آیا ممکن است نتایج ارتوسرجری برگشت پذیر باشد ؟

در صورتی که دوره درمانی به صورت کامل با نظارت متخصص ارتودنسی دندان گذرانده شود . و مراقبت ها و دستورالعمل های پزشکی قبل و بعد از درمان ارتوسرجری توسط بیمار به خوبی رعایت شود. نتایج این درمان دائمی بوده و با گذشت زمان به هیچ عنوان به فرم و حالت اولیه خود باز نخواهد گشت . بنابراین نیازی به نگرانی در رابطه با این موضوع نیست.


Solving respiratory problems with the help of nose surgery

Solving respiratory problems with the help of nose surgery

Nose surgery aimed at solving respiratory problems

Fix respiratory problems | In general, the shape, size and structure of each person's nose directly affects the balance, proportion, symmetry and beauty of the face.. rhinoplasty یک گزینه عالی برای کسانی است که به دنبال اصلاح نقص ساختار بینی هستند که منجر به مشکلات زیبایی یا تنفسی شده است.

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Nose surgery fantasy.

The benefits of nose surgery include the following:

  1. Improvement in the shape, appearance and symmetry of the nose
  2. Creating harmony, proportion and balance in the face
  3. Increase the level of self-confidence
  4. Reduction of the width of the nose ( On the bridge or tip of the nose)
  5. Reducing the overall size of the nose
  6. Correction of any defects in the appearance of the nose (For example, ridges or bumps on the bridge)
  7. Minimizing and aligning nostrils
  8. Fixing some respiratory problems related to the structure of the nose (Nasal polyps)

The shape of the nose is compared with other structures of the face, that is why any changes in the structure of the nose, the effect that these changes will have on the overall appearance of the face should be considered.. For this reason, it is very important that rhinoplasty is performed only by a skilled plastic surgeon with facial surgery skills. در جراحی زیبایی بینی ، جراح بینی اصفهان ، دانش عمیق خود را در مورد ساختارهای ظریف صورت و جراحی های زیبایی برای کمک به بیماران خود در بهبود ، تعادل ، ترمیم و تناسب کلی صورت استفاده می کند.

About rhinoplasty procedure

Rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia. However, some patients with prior medical history may require an overnight stay for additional monitoring and reassurance after surgery.. بسته به میزان تغییرات مورد نیاز ، جراح بینی برشی را از طریق کلوملا (The fleshy and external ends of the nasal septum) And also creates in the nostrils and is very careful to minimize the scar after surgery. He will use the initial incision to lift the nasal tissue and realign the cartilage and bones.

برای بیمارانی که نیاز به تغییرات گسترده غضروف بینی دارند، خصوصاً در جراحی های ترمیمی ، جراح ممکن است غضروف اضافی را از گوش ، سپتوم (The structure that separates the right and left nostrils) Or in extreme cases, choose from ribs. دکتر خرمی پس از تغییر شکل ساختار بینی ، قبل از بستن برش ها ، بافت بینی و پوست مجاور را دوباره در می آورد. They use internal tampons and external splints to support the new shape of the nose and make recovery easier..

After rhinoplasty, you may experience slight bleeding and drainage of mucus and old blood, as well as swelling and bruising around the eyes.. Most post-operative swelling and discoloration should subside within 2-3 weeks. However, it may take about a year to determine the final contour of the nose after surgery .

During the first few weeks after rhinoplasty surgery, you should avoid vigorous physical activities and movements that may cause pressure in your nose.. (For example, finning the nose, wearing sunglasses on the nose)

Isfahan nose surgeon | Is it possible to touch the nose two weeks after rhinoplasty?

Choosing a rhinoplasty surgeon

جراحی بینی یک عمل ظریف و پیچیده است و انتخاب یک جراح بینی واجد شرایط و توانمند برای انجام این عمل ، بخش مهمی در دستیابی به نتیجه مطلوب است. Each patient's needs and goals will be unique. دکتر خرمی جراح بینی می تواند به بسیاری از مشکلات و نگرانی های بیماران از جمله The hump ، عرض پل بینی ، اندازه سوراخ های بینی ، افتادگی یا کج بودن نوک بینی ، Deviated septum ، Nasal polyps و… پاسخ دهند.

Several rhinoplasty procedures are available, including "open" and "closed" procedures. The open surgical procedure involves making an incision in the columella, which is the skin that separates the two nostrils. This surgical method provides more direct access to the internal structures and tissues of the nose.

In some cases, due to the size of the nose blades, incisions may be made on the sides of the nose. The closed method usually has no external incisions and can cause less swelling.. However, closed surgery is not suitable for every disease. جراح بینی پس از بررسی وضعیت بیمار مشخص میکند که کدام روش درمانی می تواند بهترین نتیجه را داشته باشد.

Recovery after surgery

After rhinoplasty, you will have some bruising and swelling that will subside within two to three weeks. Patients are usually ready to return to work after one to two weeks and can resume all normal activities after four to six weeks..

Oscar (SCAR) Nose surgery

As with any surgery, scars are formed at the incision sites. In open rhinoplasty, a scar is created between the nostrils, although there is also a scar in the nasal passages.. However, these sores are small and usually go away over time.

The cost of nose surgery

دکتر خرمی روش های جراحی هر بیمار را متناسب با اهداف فردی تنظیم می كند. The cost of rhinoplasty surgery varies depending on the techniques used, as well as anesthesia costs and surgery time.

Can rhinoplasty improve breathing problems?

yes. Rhinoplasty is also sometimes performed with the aim of solving breathing problems and nasal congestion problems, which may be caused by the anatomy of the patient's nose.. This procedure is also called septoplasty, because it often requires the correction of the wall separating the two nostrils, which is called the septum.. Deviated septum می تواند باعث انسداد یک یا هر دو مجرای بینی شود و منجر به مشکلات تنفسی شود.

Useful tips for nose surgery

Useful tips for nose surgery

Useful recommendations for patients after nose surgery

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common facial surgeries because the nose is the most visible part of the face and plays an important role in facial expressions.. Protrusion or indentation on the bridge of the nose, drooping or wideness of the tip of the nose makes the face less elegant..

In rhinoplasty surgery, the entire nose or just the tip can be changed as desired. Remember that the type of rhinoplasty is different for each person and the goal will always be to find harmony and balance in your particular face. Rhinoplasty is performed for many reasons. Rhinoplasty can be for cosmetic purposes or to correct trauma and damage to the nose or repair the nose after a previous surgery. In any case, rhinoplasty surgery covers breathing and cosmetic function.

During the rhinoplasty consultation, the nose surgeon will check if there are internal problems as well (For example, internal deviation that causes impaired breathing) to treat these cases during surgery and to achieve beautiful results and improve respiratory function.

All your questions and concerns should be resolved by the surgeon. Ten days before surgery, avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, omega 3, 6, or 9, or vitamin E.. These drugs may increase the risk of bleeding. If you have cold symptoms, your surgery will probably be changed. Ask a friend or relative to accompany you on the day of surgery.

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Isfahan nose surgeon | Rhinoplasty surgery

Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty?

If you want to make your nose fit the rest of your facial features or reduce the size of an excessively large or wide nose, you may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty.. Rhinoplasty can correct a crooked nose, an excessively arched or bulging nose, a nose with a long, drooping or wide tip.. Rhinoplasty may be performed to treat breathing problems or to reshape or repair the nose after accidents.

Procedure for performing nose surgery

To begin the rhinoplasty procedure, the nose surgeon makes surgical incisions to access the underlying structures of the nose. Then, it changes the cartilage and bone of the nose and makes the necessary changes to correct the structure of the nose. Isfahan nose surgeon makes an incision on the skin of the blade that separates the nostrils during open nose surgery (which is called columella).

If the shape of the nose is such that it needs other incisions, these incisions are made in the area of ​​the corners below the nostrils, and the surgeon tries to make the incisions in such a way that after the surgical scar is repaired not known. Open rhinoplasty allows the nose surgeon to better control the result, while rhinoplasty heals quickly and leaves no scars..

Some useful recommendations for patients after rhinoplasty

After nose surgery, the skin of the nose will be sensitive for a long time, protect your nose from the sun for one year after the surgery. (Use of sunscreen creams with a high protection factor).
If you wear glasses, be careful not to put pressure on your nose while you are recovering from rhinoplasty.. Avoid smoking for several weeks before and after surgery, as it interferes with wound healing.


The difference between normal nose surgery and other models

The difference between normal nose surgery and other models

Natural nose surgery and its difference from other nose models

Natural nose surgery | Humans naturally love beauty and are interested in becoming more beautiful. With the progress of society and medical science, a great contribution has been made in the direction of beauty procedures.. The face is one of the most important external parts of the body and plays an essential role in creating people's self-confidence, because people like a perfect appearance and there is a desire to be beautiful and more beautiful in all people. Boruni Dansat, now if this showcase of communication is perfect, it gives a person a sense of self-confidence and the possibility of establishing a strong relationship.

Rhinoplasty can be considered as one of the most common and basic beauty procedures in the world and it has many fans. People who have problems with the shape and structure of their nose are willing to go under the surgical blade to correct their defects and make the shape of their nose to the desired shape, and there are a limited number of people who have congenital defects and are interested in They are subject to nose surgery.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Male semi-fantasy nose

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Natural nose surgery

One of the most common questions asked by applicants is what are the standards of a natural nose. Also, many applicants are eager to know what characteristics a beautiful and proportionate nose has.

Some people who apply for rhinoplasty. They are interested in fixing their nose defects in such a way that their surgery is unrecognizable and they have a completely natural nose.. In the meantime, the advice we can give to this group of people is that before performing the surgery, they should try to choose an experienced nose surgeon by doing research and tell them the necessary advice and their expectations from the surgery..

Of course, in most cases, experienced nose surgeons perform surgery according to the anatomy of the face and according to the principles of aesthetics, so that the nose matches the person's face.. Sometimes it happens that the surgeon, considering the knowledge of the principles of aesthetics, suggests a completely natural nose surgery.

What are the characteristics of a normal nose?

One of these characteristics of a natural nose is the distance between the nose and lips and chin. According to the defined standard, the nose surgeon analyzes the distance between the nose and the lip and chin, taking into account the length of the nose, in order to make the necessary changes in the structure of the nose.. Another characteristic of a normal nose is the distance between the nose and the eyes. We can determine the width of the nose in relation to the eyes. The next indicator is the angle between the nose and the line perpendicular to the lips.

As a result, in general, a normal nose has the following characteristics:

  1. The proper angle between the lips and nose is maintained.
  2. The tip of the nose is completely natural and does not have a sharp shape.
  3. The size of the nostrils is also normal.

There is no arch on the nose or the arch is very inconspicuous.

Isfahan nose surgeon | The price of rhinoplasty.

Tips about natural nose surgery

In natural rhinoplasty surgery, the nose is operated in such a way that in addition to correcting the defects of the nose, excessive arching of the nose is also avoided.. In natural operated noses, the profile of the nose is flat or with a slight arch and does not have much curvature like the fantasy nose shape.. In general, the length of the nose, the height of the nose, and the volume of the nose are changed to an extent to restore the necessary beauty to the face and maintain the naturalness of the person's face.. In the operation of natural nose, the ratio of the angles of the nose with other parts of the face is examined and it is adapted to the ratio of the standards determined based on the aesthetics of the face..

Also, the nose surgeon tries to take into account the patient's opinion and tastes, and in addition to following the principles and international standards, he performs nose surgery according to the patient's taste.. After the end of the recovery period, patients should be patient and at least after passing 6 month, see the result of surgery because usually after passing 6 Nasal swelling disappears.

Benefits of natural nose surgery

Among the most important benefits of natural nose surgery in Mashhad are as follows:

  • Removal of external defects without major changes in the patient's face, which is done completely naturally and flawlessly.
  • Less tissue of the muscles around the nose and the nerves of the nose is affected and changed.
  • The probability that a person will have serious or acute breathing problems is much less during normal nose surgery.
  • The face will be more natural and will find better harmony with other parts.

What measures help reduce facial swelling and bruising?

In order to control swelling and bruising 48 Put an ice compress on the cheeks and eyes. Of course, pay attention that the compress does not put pressure on the nose and its mold. Sleep on your back and avoid sleeping on your side or stomach. Consumption of natural fruit juices, especially celery juice, is very effective in reducing facial swelling and bruising.

Procedures before nose surgery

After choosing the best Isfahan nose surgeon It can be mentioned to get advice from a specialist doctor and express the expectations and expectations of the patient and the doctor's instructions. Bathing should be done the night before the nose job..

  1. Avoid taking drugs that prevent blood clotting, such as aspirin.
  2. If we have a history of drug sensitivity and a history of a certain disease, let's talk to our doctor.
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking two weeks before the nose job.

Isfahan nose surgeon | The best natural nose surgeon in Isfahan .

Important points after normal nose surgery

Care after rhinoplasty will be almost the same in each procedure. But you should know that medical advice and care will have a significant impact on the outcome of the surgery. Therefore, we suggest that you listen to all the recommendations . to achieve the desired result.

After nose surgery, a person experiences symptoms such as pain, swelling and bruising . which is due to injuries and changes in the nasal tissue and is nothing to worry about. Also, people often have a mild sore throat . which is due to the anesthesia tube that is placed in the throat. You can use warm liquids to relieve your sore throat.

  • Regularly use the medicines prescribed by the doctor . And don't stop using them until the end of the package. Note that each pill is prescribed for a specific purpose and it is very important to take them on time.
  • In the early days, avoid extreme fanning.
  • Avoid laughing and talking too much.
  • Use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth.
  • Avoid going to swimming pool, sauna and hot tub for a while.
  • From exposure to direct sunlight and heat


Stapling nose surgery

Stapling nose surgery

Stapling or clip nose surgery

Staple nose is a type of nose model, in which the tip of the nose is too narrow . And this issue has made breathing a little difficult. Maybe this question arises in your mind . How is a crooked nose created? In answer to this question, we must point out that various reasons are involved in creating this problem . In addition, it has caused the beauty of the nose to decrease and, most importantly, the self-confidence of people to decrease.

In this article, we intend to talk about this issue completely, so stay with us until the end of this article.

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Nasal surgery treatment of nasal tumor

The cause of nasal depression

A sunken or stapled nose is caused by various reasons . Among the most important ones, the following can be mentioned:

  1. birth : Some people may be born with a sunken nose.
  2. Nose injury : In some cases, nasal depression can occur due to the loss of nasal cartilage due to a fracture or trauma..
  3. Previous surgeries : One of the most common causes of nasal depression is nose surgery performed by a non-specialist doctor. Because he removes the cartilages on the sides of the nose too much due to lack of experience . And as a result, the tip of the nose becomes too small and sunken.

How to recognize that the nose is stapled?

In answer to this question, we must point out that one of the easiest ways is to look at your nose in the mirror . And if you see a hollow nose, it can be said that your nose has a magnet. But it is very important to mention that it is necessary to diagnose and treat such a problem . Be sure to see an experienced doctor for further investigations.

Stapling nose surgery

In order to perform nose surgery, a nasal cartilage transplant is needed . In this way, the anatomy of the nose can be corrected and returned to its original form . If you have a breathing problem during the initial nose surgery, your problem will be completely resolved after the restorative surgery.

The surgery will be performed in two ways, open or closed, and the choice of each of these methods depends on your doctor's opinion. Note that performing closed nose surgery is a bit more complicated compared to the open method . Therefore, it is necessary to perform this surgery with an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon.

The result of stapling nose surgery

When you have passed your recovery period after the surgery, you can see the positive results of the surgery, which includes creating a beautiful appearance on the nose. . Most importantly, nasal congestion can cause problems on your breathing . After surgery by an experienced doctor, this problem will be completely solved.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Prevention of osteonitis after rhinoplasty

Is the result of stapling nose surgery permanent?

Stapling nose surgery is considered a completely invasive surgical procedure . And it brings permanent results, so there is no need to worry about this and you can enjoy your nose job after the surgery..

Does a stapled nose have any complications?

In answer to this question, we must mention that many people may not have any kind of problem . But on the other hand, in some people, they are accompanied by abnormalities and breathing problems.

How much does nose surgery cost?

According to the type of depression in each person's nose, we cannot consider a fixed and specific cost for this surgery, in addition, other factors such as the surgeon's salary, surgical drugs, the geographic location of the clinic, etc., have a great impact on the final cost of the surgery..

Why should staple nose surgery be performed?

It is necessary for people who have a clip nose . They perform this surgery for various reasons, including creating a beautiful appearance and most importantly, solving breathing problems. Because in addition to solving these problems, they also play a role in increasing self-confidence.


Taking Rakutan before and after rhinoplasty

Taking Rakutan before and after rhinoplasty

Accutane use after rhinoplasty

Taking Rakutan before and after nose surgery is a challenge that has occupied the minds of many applicants for this surgery. Rakutan or isotretinoin is a drug whose use has spread a lot. Dermatologists prescribe this drug to treat and eliminate pimples and acne; But the question that arises is whether the use of this drug before and after nose surgery causes a problem or not. In this article, the reasons for not using Rakutan before and after nose surgery are discussed in detail.

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Isfahan nose surgeon | Number of coronet injections to reduce nasal swelling

The effect of using Rakutan on the procedure of nose surgery

The use of chemical drugs may affect the healing process of any type of surgery; This also applies to nose surgery and it is necessary to inform your surgeon about the medications you are taking during the consultation session.. Among these drugs that can disrupt the process of nose surgery are aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, which should not be taken at least two weeks before and after nose surgery to avoid bleeding and other problems..

Rakutan is a drug that consists of vitamin A and is very effective in treating acne and pimples. This drug is also one of the most important drugs that should be avoided before and after nose surgery and should not be used in any way. It is recommended to stop using Rakutan for at least three months before nose surgery and to stop using this medicine for at least two months after nose surgery.. The reason for not using Rakutan before and after nose surgery is the possibility of necrosis (dead tissue), blackening and thinning of the skin and deformity of the nose.

Rakutan tablets for rhinitis; Complications and non-use of Rakutan

Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling are among the most common treatments for nasal swelling after cosmetic surgery. This pill is successful in reducing nasal swelling in most cases, but you should remember that taking Rakutan may have many side effects.. Symptoms such as dry and sensitive skin, hair loss, feeling tired and headache are among the most common side effects of Rakutan tablets.. Therefore, you should be well aware of how Rakutan tablets work, your physical condition, and your medical history. Also, you should never take this pill without a doctor's prescription.

Does taking Rakutan interfere with Corton after nose surgery?!

As mentioned earlier, the use of Rakutan for two months will not prevent rhinoplasty; Many people who have had a nose job, ask if Rakutan interferes with coronet injection after nose surgery. In answer to this question, you should know that Rakutan and Corton do not interfere and do not cause problems after nose surgery.

Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling after surgery

Rakutan is the brand name of isotretinoin tablets. Isotretinoin is a vitamin A tablet that is available under different brands, including Rakutan, Accutane, Isotretinoin, Acnotren, etc.. The most important use of this drug is in the treatment of pimples and cystic acne. When using Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling, you should note that Rakutan tablets should be used 6 The month before nose surgery should be cut off.
Rakutan tablets are not recommended for nasal swelling under any circumstances. Only in cases of fleshy noses with very thick and oily skin, Rakutan can be used after two months of surgery under the supervision of a doctor and with his prescription..

Also, according to the research conducted by Iranian plastic surgeons, it was found that although the use of oral isotretinoin after surgery in patients with thick skin in the nose area may improve cosmetic results in the first months after surgery, it does not have a significant effect on it.. The final result of rhinoplasty is known one year after surgery.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Long and wide nose surgery

Side effects of using Rakutan

Taking Rakutan can cause side effects, including the following:

  1. Severe dryness of the skin, mouth, nose and eyes
  2. Nasal bleeding
  3. Feeling tired and mild headaches
  4. Increase hair loss
  5. Joint pains

Be careful that taking Rakutan can affect liver tests; Also, this medicine should not be used during pregnancy.

Cases of not using Rakutan

The use of Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling is generally prohibited in some cases; This means that if you have one or more of the following conditions, you should not use Rakutan tablets:

  • pregnancy (It causes miscarriage or retardation of the baby)
  • breastfeeding (It has unpleasant consequences for the growth and health of the child)
  • Having kidney and liver failure
  • Having high blood fat (Glycerol and triglyceride)
  • Having a high level of vitamin A in the body
  • Having an allergy to vitamin A contained in Rakutan tablets and other similar drugs
  • Simultaneous use of Rakutan tablets with antibiotics, especially tetracycline
Recovery period after jaw surgery

Recovery period after jaw surgery

Jaw surgery recovery period

Recovery period after jaw surgery | Jaw surgery, which is also known as orthognathic surgery, helps to treat and correct problems caused by the imbalance of the upper and lower jaws or the abnormal position of the jaw.. This surgical method is completely safe and effective due to the few side effects it brings .

Jaw surgery or orthognathic surgery is performed to correct the position of the teeth and their fit with the jaw, which causes important changes in the face.. در مواقعی که Orthodontics به تنهایی ناهنجاری مورد نظر را درمان نکند، متخصص دندانپزشکی، درمان بیمار به کمک Orthodontics And Jaw surgery را با هم پیشنهاد می دهد.

Interesting and readable content Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan :

Isfahan nose surgeon | Important care of jaw surgery  .

How does a person feel after jaw and face surgery?

  1. The person's face becomes inflamed and swollen.
  2. The person feels stretched in his face and this makes it difficult to open and close the mouth.
  3. A person feels uncomfortable when swallowing food and it causes problems.
  4. Your severe swelling from the first day of surgery to the third day of surgery is very normal and there is no reason to worry, and from the fifth day onwards, your swelling will gradually decrease..
  5. After the surgery, the doctor will inject food into your body through the serum.
  6. From the seventh day onwards (One week after surgery ) You can speak more easily .
  7. After ten days of jaw surgery, you can control your lips
  8. After two weeks of jaw surgery, the swelling is completely gone and you can easily drink from a cup and talk much easier and there will be no more problems sleeping..
  9. After one month after the surgery, you can speak well and there will be no more problems in eating .
  10. after passing 7 The week should be removed if you have had a split.
  11. Note that your eating should be very soft during this period so that no pressure is applied to the operated parts..

Care after jaw surgery

  • You may experience swelling and bruising after jaw surgery, which is normal and nothing to worry about.
  • After 3-4 weeks, this swelling and bruising will disappear.
  • You can use an ice compress to get rid of these bruises.
  • Avoid brushing your teeth in the early days.
  • The patient may feel a sore throat on the first day due to the procedures performed during the jaw surgery.
  • After jaw surgery, place your head higher than your body to rest.
  • To prevent infections and reduce pain, use the medicines prescribed by a good dentist for your loved ones.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for three weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid taking medicines such as aspirin, warfarin, herbal medicines, etc.
  • You can't smoke for three weeks.
  • After consulting a dentist, you can use mouthwash to wash your teeth.
  • After 3 days, you can take a bath, but note that the duration of the bath is short.
  • Avoid heavy activities during this time.
  • Pay attention to oral and dental hygiene after jaw surgery, this will shorten the recovery time of your loved ones.

By taking the care mentioned above, you can have a good recovery period after jaw surgery.

How to prevent infection after jaw surgery?

Recovery period after jaw surgery | Maintaining oral and dental hygiene and preventing wound infection is very important. Although the probability of infection in this type of operation is lower than other surgical methods, its occurrence cannot be ignored.. To prevent infection, do the following:

  1. You should take prescribed antibiotics regularly.
  2. Rinse your mouth regularly with water and salt
  3. Care after maxillofacial surgery
  4. After leaving the operating room, the patient is injected with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. He started drinking light liquids.
  6. It may be difficult for the first few days and hours to drink liquids with numb lips, but it will get better after a while.
  7. Drink 2 to 3 liters of fluids daily.
  8. If you face a stuffy nose, don't worry at all because it is normal and will be fixed over time.
  9. Swelling and bruising are normal after surgery and don't worry as you will recover after 3-4 weeks.
  10. It is necessary to use an ice compress to reduce facial swelling.
  11. After surgery, try to use 2 pillows to keep your head up while sleeping.
  12. You should take the medicines prescribed by the doctor on time to prevent any incidents such as infection.
  13. After surgery, try to maintain your oral hygiene.
  14. Avoid heavy activities.
  15. Avoid brushing your teeth in the first days of surgery.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Implant placement in people with grinding teeth ...

How is speaking after jaw and face surgery?

In general, it is possible to speak one hour after jaw surgery, but it is possible that for a long time 10 To 14 Today, he could not have his normal tone of voice and speak normally.

After maxillofacial surgery, the doctor may have to close one or both jaws, which does not prevent daily activities; Because when the jaw is closed and the teeth are placed together, all the words can be clearly expressed to the audience.. Of course, it should be mentioned that with the surgery of only one jaw, it is much easier to speak than with the surgery of two jaws.