Orthodontics and Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in Iran today. This cosmetic procedure is used to solve various problems and its ultimate goal is to create a fit and beauty between the components of the face and nose, which ultimately improves the appearance of the person..
One of the most important questions that arises for different people is the right time for rhinoplasty and orthodontics. Sometimes people ask if there is a problem, rhinoplasty takes precedence over orthodontics, or vice versa, or whether these two operations can be performed simultaneously or not..
Some people believe that orthodontics only makes the teeth more beautiful and tidy, it must be said that this belief is wrong..
Orthodontics is a specialty that is used to maintain and maintain the function and health of the oral cavity. The main role of orthodontics is to maintain the health of the primary part of the gastrointestinal tract, which is the mouth. The health of the entire gastrointestinal tract is also compromised. When the health of the oral cavity is ensured, beauty is also created. By moving the jaw and placing the teeth in the right place, the beauty of the lower part of the face is ensured and thus the smile line, the shape of the lips, the distance between the nose and the chin are corrected..
Is orthodontic treatment a priority over rhinoplasty or vice versa?
Rhinoplasty is performed for two purposes. In the first case, the presence of a medical problem, such as a fracture or deviation in the nose, causes the person to be forced to have a nose operation.. In the second case, the person has no medical problems and is only dissatisfied with the appearance of his nose, and in order to create fit and make it more beautiful, he performs rhinoplasty..
In general, orthodontics should be performed first so that the jaw is in the correct area. And then the nose is operated on until the nose is on the right jaw. In other words, the nose must be on the right structure, so orthodontics takes precedence over nose surgery..
The effect of orthodontics on nasal surgery
Orthodontics is used to correct the structure of the jaws and to correct the arrangement of teeth in the mouth. One of the factors that can cause dental and maxillary deformities in a person. Disorders of the nose and mouth breathing. In this situation, the person is forced to breathe through his mouth for various reasons, including nasal deviation, which causes maxillary stenosis and tooth decay..
Orthodontics, in addition to its therapeutic goals, improves the health of the teeth and mouth. It is also done to increase the beauty and create a fit between the components of the face. Correction and relocation of teeth and jaws in the mouth also changes the appearance of the lower part of the face. Among the requirements of rhinoplasty is the fit of the nose with components such as the lips and mouth. So these two actions can have a complex relationship with each other.
Since rhinoplasty is most often performed in adulthood. Limited jaw and dental changes occur at this age. On the other hand, most orthodontic treatments are recommended in childhood for best results. So first orthodontics and the final formation of the size of the jaw and the shape of the lips, can be necessary to create the best and most appropriate results from rhinoplasty.
Is rhinoplasty possible at the same time as orthodontics?
One of the most common questions asked by many patients seeking orthodontic treatment and rhinoplasty.. Is it to do orthodontic treatment sooner or rhinoplasty ??
Patients should keep in mind that orthodontics can affect the shape and position of the lips by moving the teeth, it is better to end orthodontic treatment first, so that after stabilizing the position of the lips and jaw, the patient undergoes cosmetic surgery. Pay the nose.
In rhinoplasty, one of the important things that the surgeon considers for the final shape of your nose. It has to do with the lips, ( Keep in mind that the shape of the lips will change after orthodontic treatment) It is also possible for the orthodontist to put pressure on the nose during orthodontic treatment . Therefore, it is recommended that rhinoplasty be performed after orthodontics. Finally, it is recommended before nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) Be sure to consult your orthodontist.
Dr Behnam khorami
Isfahan nose surgeon
Click to view the Instagram page of Dr. Behnam Khorami, a specialist and rhinosurgeon in Isfahan.
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