Deformation of the bridge of the nose after surgery

Deformation of the bridge of the nose after surgery

Deformation of the bridge of the nose after surgery

Depression of the bridge of the nose after surgery

What is the sign of the deepening of the bridge of the nose? One of the side effects of septoplasty or rhinoplasty is changing the shape of the nose.

When the cartilage of the septum is destroyed too much or damages the cartilage of the nasal septum, which is caused by mistakes or complications of surgery, we may suffer from nasal bridge depression after surgery.. This unfortunate complication can change the shape and function of the patient's nose and requires more surgery for repair.

Other possible complications are accidental perforation of the septum, hematoma, or infections from rhinoplasty surgery, which can weaken the nasal structure and cause nasal bridge depression after surgery..

Protrusion of the bridge of the nose after surgery

Protrusion of the nasal bone after surgery is one of the unpredictable side effects of rhinoplasty in 5 to 10% of patients who have had a reduction of the protrusion.. They can take action to correct the bulge.

Correction of nasal bridge protrusion after surgery is minor compared to initial protrusion and there is no need to worry about this. Patients who find it to be a noticeable problem can fix it by doing revision surgery.

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Can your rhinoplasty doctor control the problems of nasal bone protrusion after surgery?

The protrusion of the nasal bone after the operation is beyond the control of the otolaryngologist. This means that your surgeon cannot do anything during the procedure to prevent the bulge from being corrected. Don't be surprised if your surgeon tells you about this possibility before surgery.

Protrusion of the nasal bone after the operation is part of the recovery after rhinoplasty.

Nasal bone protrusion after surgery may be a part of recovery after nose surgery. When the ridges on the nose are surgically shaved, the bone is irritated. It is just like braking a bone in the body. When a broken bone begins to heal, a callus is forming first. It gets smaller after a few months until the bone straightens. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the protrusion of the nasal bone after the operation. You should wait at least 6 months after surgery. Then consult your doctor if necessary.


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Types of nose bridge

Nasal bridge

Removing and implanting the bridge of the nose

Removing and implanting the bridge of the nose

Removing and implanting the bridge of the nose

Removing and implanting the bridge of the nose

Removing the bridge of the nose

What is nasal bridge treatment? Treatment of nasal bridge is possible through rhinoplasty. which continues to operate all types of nose bridges, including: Wide and smooth nose bridge operation is discussed.

Treatment of the bridge of the nose with two implant and osteotomy methods

A low or wide bridge of the nose may make the eyes appear further apart than they really are, creating a flat profile.. If the bridge of the nose is not straight, it may make the person appear too strong or more masculine and mature than they really are. In addition, it may cause breathing problems, rhinitis or other nasal discomfort.

By enhancing or shaving the bridge of the nose, clients can achieve a sleek and prominent nose that balances and gives a more defined touch to the face.. It can also solve the problems that customers had about the nose. There are two options for plastic nose bridge: Augmentation through implants and osteotomy.

Smoking should be stopped 2 weeks before and after the operation, because it helps the client to recover faster and get a better result.

Removing and implanting the bridge of the nose | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Nose bridge implant

The method of implanting the bridge of the nose is performed to lift the bridge of the nose. A low nose bridge may make the face appear flat and the mouth protrude. Adjusting the height of the bridge of the nose brings structure and clearer definition to the face. There are two incision options for nasal bridge implants – open or closed. And this depends on the shape of each customer's nose.

  • Osteotomy

An osteotomy is performed to cut or change the position of the bridge of the nose. This method can be applied to hooked, wide or crooked nose bridges. Depending on the shape and condition of the client's nose, osteotomy can be performed bilaterally or with implants.

  • Plastic nose bridge

The surgeon examines the shape and structure of the nasal bone and decides whether to open or close the incision.
A room is made for nasal prosthesis.
The prosthesis that is implanted is carved according to the nose of each customer.
The entire nasal line – from the forehead to the tip of the nose – is considered during the procedure. After making the implant, the rhinoplasty doctor stitches the incision upwards.


When using cosmetics, be careful with the skin and gently pull:

Types of nose bridge

Nasal bridge

Types of nose bridge

Types of nose bridge

Types of nose bridge

What is meant by bridge of nose?

In answer to these questions, it should be said nose bridge in English, a saddle-shaped area that includes the root of the nose (The lowest part of the upper part of the nose along the nasal ridge) and the lateral parts of the nose. Between the glabella (The scientific name for the distance between the two eyebrows, which is above the nose (glabella) Called) and the lower border of the nasal bone is located and extends laterally to the inner canthi. In the picture, all the parts of the nose are marked.

Types of nose bridge

Applicants for nose bridge surgery are generally divided into three categories.

  • People with wide nose bridge. (The distance between the two eyebrows is shown)
  • People who have a protruding nose bridge. (The so-called protrusion of the bridge of the nose or hump of the nose, or even the bridge of the nose may be long but not hump.)
  • People who have sunken nasal bridge. (So-called short nose bridge or straight nose bridge )

Of course, for example, depression at the same time as the wideness of the bridge of the nose may be a problem in a person.

  • Hooked nose bridge

Having a hooked nose may give a person an old and masculine appearance. By getting rid of the bump on the bridge of the nose, clients can achieve a younger and smoother appearance.
For a small bump, the doctor will remove both the hooked bone and the cartilage to prevent correction of the bump.
For a larger bump, the bump is removed, followed by cartilage closure over the tip of the nose. An additional implant will be made to complete the smooth line of the nasal bridge.


  • Bending of the cartilage of the nasal septum

Among noses that appear crooked, there are cases where the cartilage of the nasal septum is bent. For this example, the doctor's job is to perform an operation on the cartilage to give the client a straight nose.
This symptom can severely affect breathing and this problem must be resolved.
Curved osteotomy of the nasal septal cartilage involves removal and displacement of the cartilage. After examining each client's nose, the doctor designs and decides how much cartilage should be removed and replaced.

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Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

  • Nasal bridge and crooked cartilage

Deviation of the bridge of the nose may be caused by the crooked bridge of the nose and cartilage. In this case, the nose surgeon treats both the bridge of the nose and the cartilage.
The smoothness of the bridge of the nose and cartilage may cause many discomforts in the function of the nose and lack of beauty confidence.
The nasal surgeon separates the cartilage of the nasal septum from the bone and places it in the right place to form a straight line..


  • crooked nose bridge

In the case of a crooked nasal bridge, the osteotomy focuses on straightening it.
A crooked nasal bridge may be caused naturally, due to an accident or bending of the prosthesis due to a previous rhinoplasty. This may cause difficulty in breathing or other problems related to nasal function.
A nasal surgeon corrects a deviated nasal bridge by breaking the protruding part and realigning the remaining bone..


  • Flat nose bridge (Short nose bridge)

A flat nose is usually caused by a low nasal bridge, the bony area above your nose. The degree of flatness can vary from person to person, but having a short nose bridge means that this area doesn't stick out as much as most people..

A flat nose is often hereditary, but a low nasal bridge can also be caused by an infectious disease or genetic disorder at birth.. This is usually treated shortly after the baby is born, and the bridge of the nose may or may not become more natural over time.. This condition usually does not interfere with breathing in any way, but some people choose to change their flat nose for cosmetic purposes..

If you or your child has a low nasal bridge, this condition usually does not interfere with breathing. If the appearance of the bridge of your nose bothers you, you can change its shape with plastic surgery.


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Nasal bridge

No period after nose surgery

No period after nose surgery

What is the reason for not having a period after nose surgery?

Postponement of menstruation after nose surgery

Not having a period after nose surgery in a normal state and ensuring that you are not pregnant is not a very important issue from the point of view of a nose surgery doctor or gynecologist.. But sometimes, the postponement of menstruation itself becomes a factor that disrupts the period cycle. Therefore, in the following, we will discuss the most important factors involved in delaying the period after nose surgery and the way to treat it.

3 important causes of delay in menstruation after rhinoplasty surgery

1.. Rhinoplasty stress and menstrual delay

If you go to a period doctor without any previous history and ask what is the reason for the delay of period after nose job or most other surgeries, they will immediately tell you stress.. Because women's hormonal system and menstruation have a direct relationship with their emotional and psychological changes, and any tension and anxiety can affect her regular menstrual pattern.. In nose surgery, due to various reasons, such as fear of surgery and most importantly, worry about the final result of the surgery, it creates a lot of psychological pressure and is often the main reason for not having a period after nose surgery with laser or any other type..

2.. The effect of lifestyle on period delay after rhinoplasty

In some cases, Zibajo's healthy lifestyle may change after the operation and he may consume high-calorie foods, especially sweets.. Since after the operation, sports activities are limited by the reconstructive nose surgeon, they may cause obesity and overweight.. This can be another reason for not having a period after nose surgery.

۳. Taking painkillers and delaying periods

Perhaps most of the public think that anesthesia or taking antibiotic drugs will cause not to have periods. But it is not true. But taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing drugs (NSAID) Like ibuprofen, aspirin, mefenamic acid, or gelophene can affect your period..

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Some home recommendations for period after surgery

  • patience
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Avoid eating sweets
  • Performing light sports activities, of course, with the permission of the nose surgeon


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The possibility of messing up the period after nose surgery

Period in nose surgery

The effect of period on the increase of nasal edema after rhinoplasty

The possibility of messing up the period after nose surgery

The possibility of messing up the period after nose surgery

The possibility of messing up the period after nose surgery

Is there a possibility of messing up the period after nose surgery?

Although performing surgery during period is completely safe and women who are in their menstrual period are not facing the risk of side effects.. But there is a possibility of messing up the period after nose job.

Doctors usually mention that you should prepare yourself for a possible change in cycle time after surgery. Because any stress, such as surgical stress, can affect the level of hormones in the body, especially the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, and change the order of the menstrual cycle..

Rhinoplasty during menstruation

Although rhinoplasty during menstruation is potentially safe, some surgeons refuse to perform the procedure if you have your period 3 days before surgery, on the date of surgery, or up to 3 days after surgery.. Because they believe:

  • Some studies have shown that hormonal levels during menstruation increase the likelihood of scarring and poor wound healing after surgery..
  • There is a risk of increased surgical complications such as hematoma or blood clots.
  • Pains such as back pain, muscle cramps, and abdominal pain, which are usually associated with menstruation, make it more difficult for the patient to bear the pain of rhinoplasty..
  • Menstrual side effects such as bloating, fluid retention, diarrhea, and constipation may affect the quality of surgery and lengthen the recovery period after surgery..

For this reason, we recommend that you ask your surgeon's opinion about menstruation in nose surgery during the consultation session..

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Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

What is the effect of anesthesia on menstruation?

Doctors believe that although anesthetics do not affect your period, the stress of surgery and recovery can delay your next period.. Of course, this issue does not apply to all women, and younger girls face this problem less.


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Period in nose surgery

Period in nose surgery

Period in nose surgery

came Nose surgery Is it possible during menstruation?

Menstruation during nose surgery is one of the main concerns of women who decide to undergo surgery. Unfortunately, some women face premature menstrual bleeding due to high stress the night before nose surgery, and the fear of disruption in nose surgery causes them more confusion and anxiety..

Many are also worried that their periods at the same time as surgery may cause some problems and side effects. Usually, during menstruation, every woman loses between 35 and 80 cc of blood, and it is thought that with nose surgery, more blood is lost and this process can be problematic..

In general, about the relationship between nose surgery and period, these questions arise: Does menstruation interfere with nose surgery? Is nose surgery canceled because of period? What is menstruation in nose surgery?

Period in nose surgery | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Does menstruation have an effect on nose surgery?

Experience has shown that menstruation does not interfere with surgery and does not even increase the patient's bleeding. But in cases where patients have very painful menstruation or heavy menstrual bleeding, nose surgery can cause restlessness and make their condition more difficult..

Usually, suitable sterile pads and panties are available in clinics for the well-being of women who are menstruating during nose surgery.. So if you get your period on the day of nose surgery, tell your doctor to use sterile pads if needed.

Remember that menstruation is a natural thing in women and its occurrence should not cause you anxiety. If you suddenly get your period before the nose job (Especially in the condition of menstruation in the operation of the nose in the form of spots)Don't worry and prepare for your nose job with peace of mind.

There is no need to take LD tablets before nose surgery, because taking the same medicine can increase the complications of surgery.

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Conditions for nose surgery based on its type

Age requirements for rhinoplasty

Conditions for nose surgery based on its type

Conditions for nose surgery based on its type

Conditions for nose surgery based on its type

In addition to age, type of nose (meat or bone) It also affects the conditions of nasal surgery.


  • Conditions for meaty nose operation

The fleshy nose consists of thicker skin that contains small fat glands. On the other hand, the cartilages in fleshy nose are smaller and more delicate and their number is more compared to bony nose. Therefore, the conditions for meat nose surgery are different from bone nose surgery. The fleshy nose has a more complicated surgery, and because of the thickness of the skin, fantasy or doll nose surgery models cannot be performed well on this type of nose..

  • Bone nose surgery conditions

The operating conditions of a bony nose are much better than a nose, because a bony nose is made up of strong cartilage and thin skin, and the surgeon can easily change the shape of the nose to the desired shape.. On the other hand, the probability of return and the need for reconstructive surgery in bony noses is much lower than in fleshy noses.

Conditions for nose surgery based on its type | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Conditions after nose surgery

On the other hand, the conditions of nose operation after surgery also play an important role in the success of the results. The conditions of nose operation after surgery are as follows:

  1. Use an ice compress
  2. Getting enough rest
  3. Follow a healthy diet
  4. Keeping the head up while sleeping
  5. Not wearing glasses after surgery
  6. Not doing sports and intense physical activities such as wrestling and weight lifting
  7. Sneezing and coughing after nose surgery with open mouth
  8. Avoid exposure to sunlight
  9. No smoking after surgery

Conditions for reconstructive nose surgery

If all conditions of rhinoplasty such as care before rhinoplasty are not done well, the patient will need reconstructive or secondary surgery.. This surgery is for people who are not completely satisfied with the result of the surgery and their nose defects are not completely fixed after the operation. Drooping of the tip of the nose, narrowing of the airways, asymmetry in the nostrils, excessive narrowing of the nostrils, causing skin damage and fibrosis after surgery, etc. are all among the most important reasons that cause reconstructive surgery for be requested by the patient.


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Age requirements for rhinoplasty

Age requirements for rhinoplasty

Age requirements for rhinoplasty

Age requirements for rhinoplasty

The best age for rhinoplasty

Paying attention to the age conditions for open nose surgery or closed nose surgery is another thing that is taken into consideration before the operation. The best time for nose surgery is after physical maturity, because at this time the skin and other parts of the nose have reached their final growth, and after the surgery and with the passage of time due to the growth of bones and cartilages, the operated nose will not change. did.

Usually, doctors consider the period between 20 and 30 years as the best time for rhinoplasty. Surgery at an older age will be associated with a long recovery period and increased nasal swelling due to a decrease in skin elasticity.. It is also possible that after some time the skin on the nasal septum loosens and the person needs reconstructive nose surgery.

Age requirements for rhinoplasty | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Conditions for nose surgery under 18 years of age

Doctors advise people not to undergo surgery after the age of 18 and the completion of puberty and full growth of organs. In cases where the patient has a severe trauma or suffers from breathing problems, the conditions for nose surgery are provided by the doctor for these people even under the age of 18.. Also, people under the age of 18 can undergo nose surgery like adults to remove the hump or reduce the size of the nostrils, correct the tip, deviate the nasal septum, fix breathing problems, etc..

But they should not ignore the side effects after the operation. Changing the shape of the nose due to the growth of bones and cartilages until the end of puberty can have a negative effect on the result of surgery and cause dissatisfaction and decrease self-confidence of people after surgery..


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Necessary conditions for rhinoplasty

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Nasal bridge

Nasal bridge

Nasal bridge

Recessed nasal bridge caused by congenital defects

Birth defects caused by fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) It may also cause lower nasal bridge.

FAS is a group of birth defects that can affect your baby if you drink alcohol during pregnancy.. If you drink alcoholic beverages during the first trimester of pregnancy, you are most likely to develop FAS.

Causes of FAS

  • Nervous system problems
  • Growth deficiencies
  • behavioral problems
  • Learning disabilities
  • Facial abnormalities

A low nasal bridge is seen in some children with FAS.

Nasal bridge | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Depression of the bridge of the nose in children

The facial features of infants and young children are not naturally developed. In the absence of an underlying disease, your child's facial features will develop and become more prominent.

If your child has a low nasal bridge but no other signs or symptoms of health problems or genetic abnormalities, there is generally no cause for concern.. If you're not sure if your baby's nose shape is normal, make an appointment with your pediatrician.

Depression of the bridge of the nose caused by genetic disorders

There are underlying causes of low nasal bridge at birth. They are usually diagnosed at birth or shortly after birth. Underlying causes include genetic disorders, birth defects, and infectious diseases.

Abnormal genes that are passed from parents to their children cause genetic disorders. These disorders cannot be cured. The following genetic disorders can cause low nasal bridge.

Cleidocranial dysostosis

Cleidocranial dysostosis causes abnormal growth of the skull and clavicle. People with cleidocranial dysostosis may have a low nasal bridge.

Williams syndrome

Williams syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects many areas of the body. This is due to the removal of genetic material from chromosome 7. The deleted material includes more than 25 genes.

This syndrome causes mild to moderate intellectual disability, developmental delay and distinctive facial features. Williams syndrome also causes bone deformities such as the lower nasal bridge.

Down syndrome

It is caused by trisomy 21. This means that each cell in the body has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two. Down syndrome causes mild to moderate mental retardation, developmental delay, and abnormal facial and body features..

People with this syndrome usually have flat facial features, which may include a low nasal bridge.


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Rhinoplasty is a solution to improve breathing and nasal congestion

Necessary conditions for rhinoplasty

Necessary conditions for rhinoplasty

Necessary conditions for rhinoplasty

Providing the best conditions for nose surgery

Today, due to the growth and progress in various fields of medicine and the use of modern methods and techniques, all types of surgeries, especially surgeries with the least complications after nose surgery and the highest quality, are performed.. But along with all the possibilities that medical science has provided to mankind today, you should also pay attention to providing the best conditions for nose surgery.

The general conditions of nose surgery are given below:

  • Absence of pregnancy for women: Due to the use of anesthetics and their negative effect on the fetus, nose surgery is prohibited during pregnancy.
  • Healthy blood test without problems: Any problem in the blood test can be an obstacle to surgery. In fact, one of the most basic conditions for nose surgery is the standard level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • heart health: With the use of electrocardiography, it is ensured about the function and heart rate during surgery.
  • Absence of infection, blood pressure and diabetes: In order to diagnose the patient's complete health, the doctor prescribes a urine test to check sugar, fat, etc. If there is no problem, surgery will be started.
All these tests are requested by the doctor with the aim of improving the conditions of nose surgery.

Necessary conditions for rhinoplasty | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

Conditions before rhinoplasty

In addition to performing all the tests requested, preparations and conditions for nose surgery should be provided in advance. These conditions are as follows:


  1. Not taking medicines after nose surgery and supplements containing vitamin E
  2. Not using any kind of inflammatory medicine such as ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, etc.
  3. Bathing before surgery
  4. Practicing mouth breathing to prepare for the days after surgery when the nostrils may be blocked.
  5. No smoking after nose surgery and no smoking at least 2 to 4 weeks before surgery
  6. Providing all the necessary equipment for nose surgery, such as clothes, antibiotics, pain relievers, paper towels, washing solutions, etc.
  7. Among other conditions of nose surgery that you should think about in advance, having a companion to help you move, prepare food, etc..


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