Everything about humpback surgery

Rhinoplasty to treat nasal congestion

Rhinoplasty | For many people, the size and shape of their nose is due to genetic factors, but other factors can also cause nasal damage, such as an accident. . Rhinoplasty can help the patient in different ways :

  1. Improving the size of the nose to create a better harmony between the nose and other parts of his face.
  2. The width of the nose decreases.
  3. The tip of the nose, which may be large or round, shrinks and shrinks.
  4. Nostrils are corrected if they are asymmetrical or large.
  5. The hump and deformity of the nose is corrected .

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Protrusions on the surface of the nose are called humps . which is caused by several reasons such as hereditary factors, breaking and trauma . And in such a situation it is needed . So that the person performs rhinoplasty to remove this deformity and smooth the surface of the nose. This complication has two types of false hunchback and real hunchback, the diagnosis of which requires examination of the person by Nasal surgeon ..

Isfahan nose surgeon  |Rhinoplasty

Cases investigated in rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the most effective ways to remove a hump nose, and the amount of hump nose removal is determined according to the nose surgeon's opinion on the shape of the cheeks, lips and forehead..

It should be noted that in nose hump surgery, the excess hump is shaved off the bones and cartilages of the nose, and the growth of the bones does not grow after rhinoplasty, so there is no possibility of returning the hump of the nose..

  • Nasal surgeon In addition to paying attention to the nose and its hump, it also pays attention to the components of the face and considers the proportion of the nose..
  • The size of the hump of the nose is one of the things that the surgeon pays attention to in his examinations. The size of this bump varies among people .
  • In some cases, changing the shape of other parts of the nose destroys the arch in it, and surgery is not required.

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