Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Maxillofacial surgery, as the name suggests. in the area of ​​the upper and front parts of the head such as: Head and neck, jaw, face and mouth are treated and performed by Jaw surgeon of Isfahan Done. Several factors lead to visiting the desired surgeon and performing Jaw and face surgeries It includes: Deviation of the upper jaw Or Deviation of the lower jawAbsence of chin or large size of chin, defects and so on Congenital syndromes, the presence and visibility of a large amount of gum during a smile, severe upper jaw tightness, complications caused by trauma to the jaw and face, and the front or back of the lower jaw, etc..

Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan

Maxillofacial surgeons, sometimes called oral and maxillofacial surgeons, are trained during their education to treat a wide variety of conditions and injuries that affect the head, neck, mouth, jaw, and face. Let them fix it. Maxillofacial surgeons are qualified to treat a number of head and neck conditions, including::

These surgeons have also received the necessary training in the field of anesthesia and pain control. In general, maxillofacial surgeons perform surgery to correct problems or make cosmetic changes. These surgeries are generally outpatient procedures. They will also teach you how to recover from surgery and may schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your condition..

جراح فک اصفهان | Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Features of Isfahan jaw surgeon

Keeping in mind that the jaw and face are sensitive and visible parts of every person, therefore it is very necessary and important to jaw surgeon Necessary measures should be taken for surgery or treatment.

Following are some of the best features or characteristics Jaw surgeon of Isfahan We provide you dear ones with an open view Jaw surgeon of Isfahan Go for surgery and treatment and undergo special and needed treatment and surgeries. Among these features and characteristics are as follows :

the best jaw surgeon It is a surgery that has specialized degrees, special skills and expertise and has received these degrees from the most prestigious educational centers and universities of medical sciences..

the best Jaw surgeon of Isfahan It is a surgery that has a medical and surgical license. He should have a sample of previous works as well as a lot of surgical and treatment records, and at the time of consultation, he should show the samples of the registered works to the clients and gain their confidence in himself and his expertise..

Have high experience, background and skill in performing all cosmetic and therapeutic surgeries of the jaw and face. use the medical facilities and equipment as well as the latest and modern devices and always make great efforts in the direction of progressing and adding to his knowledge. Must have respectful and patient ethics and behavior and be extremely patient in dealing with patients and visitors.

Other characteristics

Office or clinic jaw surgeon It should be located in a suitable geographical location and it should be possible to go there with the help of all public and private vehicles.. Another point regarding the office or clinic Jaw surgeon of Isfahan It is mentioned that it should have good cleanliness.

Another characteristic of the best surgeon is that he must perform all his activities under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. Don't pay attention to financial issues and aspects and don't refrain from doing anything to satisfy the heart of the patients.

جراح فک اصفهان | Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

The reason for referring to a jaw surgeon in Isfahan

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan They provide many services in the field of performing surgeries related to the jaw and face as well as the mouth . And from this day there are many reasons to refer to them. Another noteworthy point is that considering the type of existential injury, the type of surgeon's treatment is different. Among the reasons for visiting a surgeon are as follows:

  1. In order to heal the wounds, it is necessary for the surgeon to first treat them and then apply the necessary stitches..
  2. In order to help the missing teeth, The best jaw surgeon And the face should heal the fractures and close it.
  3. In order to heal the fractures of the jaw, he should apply hard compression.
  4. Another reason to visit a maxillofacial surgeon is jaw wiring to help stabilize the jaw to treat upper or lower jaw fractures..

It should be noted that oral surgeons treat all problems related to the temporomandibular joint, that is, the part where the lower jaw is connected to the skull..

Reasons for referral

Considering the above, the best surgeon first examines and manages facial trauma before performing any procedure or operation. . And then there are many factors influencing the surgery, including finding the type of injury, age of the patient, severity and size of the damaged part . Also, it considers the place of injury, the patient's health history before any treatment or surgery.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is one of the surgeries that corrects a wide range of diseases, injuries and defects of the head and face, jaw and neck and skull vault, both soft and hard tissue of the mouth, jaw and face area.. The field of oral and maxillofacial surgery is known as one of the most specialized medical fields in the world, but in the United States of America, it is one of the specialties of dentistry..

.جراح فک اصفهان | Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

There are many times when you go to the dentist to solve your oral problems. And after the examination by the best jaw and chin surgeon as well as the best subspecialist in jaw and facial surgery, your oral condition will be taken care of by prescribing some items. . or performs extractions and other surgical cases related to the mouth and jaw.

Good jaw surgeon in Isfahan

Sometimes you have problems that the only way to solve them is to visit a jaw surgeon in Isfahan. Problems that exist around oral and dental issues and needy nature Oral and maxillofacial surgeon It is to solve them. Jaw surgeon of Isfahan , is a doctor who treats problems of the mouth, teeth, jaw area, including facial bones, cheek and soft tissue.

The treatment of this type of problem often includes surgery and methods related to the treatment of diseases . In this process, you will see the improvement of your performance as well as your beauty. That's why you need it . To know at least the jaw surgeon of Isfahan so that you know when you need to refer to him.

When is oral and maxillofacial surgery performed by the Isfahan jaw surgeon?

The first step you should take to determine the need for maxillofacial surgery is to recognize a healthy and normal jaw from unhealthy and problematic jaws.. If the person's jaw has problems, it will be difficult to perform activities such as chewing, talking and even breathing. . which is very clear and recognizable. This is the list of things that convince the doctor to perform surgery or at least a deep examination.

  • Deviation of the upper jaw
  • A severe narrowing of the upper jaw
  • Chronic pain in their jaws and joints
  • A tumor in the jaw
  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing food
  • Front lower jaw
  • Back of the lower jaw
  • Deviation of the lower jaw
  • Absence of chin

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan Dr Behnam khorami

Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Recovery period after jaw surgery

came تنگی فک بالا ژنتیکی است؟

این اختلال باعث گودی بیش از حد کام شده و نظم دندان های فک بالا را به هم می زند. این حالت ها، فعالیت هایی مانند صحبت کردن و غذا خوردن را دچار مشکل خواهد کرد.

سندرم ژنتیکی تنگی فک بالا عمدتا به دلیل انسداد بینی و ناهنجاری های محور هیپوتالامو هیپوفیز ایجاد می گردد.‌

Nasal obstruction در نوزادان به یکی از دلایل زیر می تواند به وجود آید:

  1. rhinitis
  2. هایپرتروفی آدنوئید
  3. Deviated septum
  4. polyp
  5. آترزی کوآنال
  6. تنگی میانی بینی
  7. تنگی دیافراگم هرمی بینی

به طور کلی، نوزادان تازه متولد شده، تنفس با بینی را ترجیح می دهند. But in babies who are unable to breathe through the nose due to nasal obstruction or congenital abnormalities, respiratory disorders occur.. As a result, the child will have shallow and rapid breathing to reach the oxygen he needs. This issue can eventually lead to upper jaw narrowness.

In fact, shortness of breath in childhood causes excessive growth of the nasal bone. Such changes in the structure of the bones of the face and nose will lead to narrowness of the upper jaw bone

Three major surgeries that are performed on the jaw .

  1. Open byte: First, a part of the upper jaw bone on which the tooth is placed is removed. The upper jaw is then fixed in place using plates and screws.
  2. Correction of mandibular protrusion: The bone that is located in the back part of the jaw is separated from its front part and is corrected. Mandibular surgery allows the part the tooth is on to move back and align.
  3. Retraction of the foot jaw: The bone located in the lower part of the jaw is separated from the base and corrected. Then a part of the lower jaw on which the tooth is placed and a part of the chin is moved forward.
Maxillofacial surgery complications

In general, every surgery carries complications and risks. Regarding maxillofacial surgery, it should be said that the experience and skill of the surgeon is an effective factor in the rate of complications after the operation. A skilled surgeon must examine all the complexities of the patient's mouth and jaw structure and then perform surgery. Of course, the patient must share all his wishes from this surgery with the surgeon.

The most important complication of this type of surgery is nerve damage and as a result facial and mouth numbness. During the surgery, efforts are made not to damage the nerves of the jaws, however, as soon as the surgery is finished, you may have numbness in parts of the face.. This problem will improve with time.

Other complications of jaw surgery include bleeding, infection, swelling, and stiffness of the jaw ( for several months ) و عوارض مربوط به داروهای بیهوشی و بی‌حسی اشاره کرد. For the first few days after the jaw surgery, the face is swollen and bruised, so it is not possible to see the changes properly.. As soon as the facial swelling subsides and the bruises fade, the patient can notice the changes in his face.

Dr Behnam khorami Nose surgery in Isfahan

جراح فک اصفهان | Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

What diseases does a maxillofacial surgeon treat?

A maxillofacial surgeon may treat a number of conditions. Maxillofacial surgeons treat many of the same conditions as oral surgeons. Regardless of the term, maxillofacial surgeons use their expertise to perform moderately invasive procedures on the face and neck..

Dental implants. Maxillofacial surgeons can remove teeth and replace them with artificial options. These implants remain permanently in your jaw and act as replacement teeth. They may have health or beauty benefits.

جراحی ترمیمی. These surgeons can shave bones, realign joints, or even help rebuild broken bones. If your face or jaw is broken or misaligned, it can help repair it and reduce your discomfort.

Cleft lip or palate. Some birth defects can lead to cleft palate and lip. This complication can have a great impact on a person's beauty throughout his life. Maxillofacial surgeons can help repair this type of birth defect through surgery.

Treatment of jaw cancer

Treatment of jaw cancer به عوامل مختلفی از جمله نوع، مرحله و محل سرطان و همچنین سلامت کلی فرد بستگی دارد. Common treatment methods for jaw cancer include::

  • Surgery: Surgical removal of the tumor is often the initial treatment for localized cancer of the jaw. Depending on the extent of the cancer, surgery may involve removing part of the jaw or surrounding tissues.
  • Radiotherapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to target and destroy cancer cells. It can be used as a primary treatment or along with surgery or chemotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth. It is often used when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body or as part of a multidisciplinary approach..
  • Targeted therapy: Targeted therapies are drugs that specifically target certain molecules that play a role in cancer growth.. They are used in some cases, especially for advanced jaw cancers.
  • Immunotherapy: The goal of immunotherapy is to strengthen the body's immune system to fight cancer. This is a developing area for the treatment of various cancers including jaw cancer.
  • جراحی ترمیمی: After the tumor is removed, reconstructive surgery may be necessary to restore the appearance and function of the jaw and surrounding tissues.
  • Supportive care: Supportive care, including pain management and nutritional support, is an essential part of cancer treatment to improve the patient's quality of life..

The specialist maxillofacial surgery

Face and jaw anatomy and function of the human body is the most complex. All large and specialized medical treatment is a maxillofacial surgeon, oral If you need a very special course. Thus, to complete the subspecialty course in maxillofacial surgery, you must first have at least two fields of medicine and dentistry 10 It takes years to get through.

Specialized courses

Finally, after completing a five-year specialized course, they can work as a jaw, mouth and face surgeon.. Many jaw, oral and facial surgeons, in addition to having expertise in this field, do two-year courses to get a subspecialty in plastic surgery - facial reconstruction.. With these characteristics, jaw, mouth and face surgeons are considered as the only specialists for all facial surgeries.

The highest goal of these doctors is treatment and reconstruction of body parts in the neck, face and skull, both in terms of efficiency(Chewing, swallowing and speaking) And the beauty .

Isfahan nose surgeon

Maxillofacial surgeon, facial and beauty Isfahan nose surgeon

Dr Behnam us were born on July 1355 in 1379 doctoral degree from Isfahan University of medical sciences were getting. He completed the specialized course in 2006 . and won the specialized board with the first rank in the country . He is now Assistant Professor of Medical Sciences University..

Services provided by Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon – Isfahan jaw surgeon is presented . as follows :

If looking for Isfahan nose surgeon Or are you an Isfahan jaw surgeon and a good and experienced doctor for your nose surgery, Mr Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon It is the best choice for you.

Click to schedule a consultation and get contact information.

28 thoughts on "Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

  1. برای جراحی فک و مشکل فک پایینم به دکتر خرمی مراجعه داشتم ایشون برام یه جراحی خوب داشتند که برای بهبود کیفیت زندگی من خیلی موثر بود .

  2. من پیش دکتر بهنام خرمی جراحی بینی داشتم با اینکه بینی گوشتی داشتم فرمش را الان دوست دارم و روی چهره ام تاثیر خوبی داشته همه میگن که بهتر از قبل شدم

  3. ناهنجاری فک داشتم مشکل جلو بودن فک پایین که با جراحی دکتر خرمی عزیز درمان شد ممنون زحماتشون هستم

  4. تجربه کاشت ایمپلنت دندانی داشتم که موفقیت امیز بود برام سطح کیفیت جویدن و خوردن برای من بالاتر شده . ازشون ممنونم بخاطر استفاده از با کیفیت ترین مواد درمانی

  5. برای مشکل شکاف کام برادرم جراحی داشتند خیلی از نیجه راضی هستیم . مدیون تلاشهاشون هستیم

  6. جراح فک اصفهان دکتر خرمی عزیز برای من کاشت ایمپلنت دندان داشتند . متشکرم و قدردان زحماتشون هستم

  7. جراحی دندان عقل نیمه نهفته داشتم که زیر نظر جناب دکتر درمان و جراحی شد ممنونم از خدماتشون

  8. پیش دکتر خرمی جراحی فک انجام دادم برای مشکل ناهنجاری فکی . خیلی ممنون زحمتی که برای من کشیدند هستم

  9. فک پایینم عقب تر از حالت نرمالش بود پیش دکتر بهنام خرمی جراحی فک انجام دادم دوران نقاهتم طی شده و نتیجه خیلی خوبی داشت این جراحی برای بهتر شدن فرم صورتم

  10. عقب رفتگی فک پایین داشتم به لطف جراحی خوب دکتر خرمی مشکل حل شد و الان فک و چانه اصلاح شده و صورتم چهره خوبی پیدا کرده

  11. ناهنجاری و مشکل فک من پیش دکتر خرمی جراحی شد بتازگی دوران نقاهتم تمام شده و حس بهتری نسبت به قبل دارم

  12. دکتر خرمی برای مشکل نامتقارنی فک برام جراحی فک انجام دادند ناهنجاری برطرف شد و خدا شکر میکنم

  13. مشکل تنگی شدید فک بالا داشتم که بهم توصیه کردند بیام پیش دکتر خرمی و پیش ایشون برای درمان اقدام کردم

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