A comprehensive review of diet after nose surgery

A comprehensive review of diet after nose surgery

A comprehensive guide to a quick and complication-free recovery

Nose surgery or رینوپلاستی It is one of the most popular and common cosmetic surgeries that are performed with the aim of improving the appearance of the nose and in some cases improving respiratory function.. After this surgery, special care is needed to recover quickly and prevent complications. One of the most important aspects of these cares is proper diet. In this article, take a closer look Diet after nose surgery We discuss and present the necessary tips and recommendations to help you recover faster and reduce complications.

The importance of diet after nose surgery

1.. The role of nutrition in wound healing

Proper nutrition after surgery can help wounds heal faster and reduce inflammation. Certain nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the process of repairing tissues and reducing inflammation.

2.. Reduce swelling and inflammation

Some foods can help reduce swelling and inflammation. These foods include fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that can facilitate faster healing and reduce pain and discomfort..

۳. Boosting the immune system

After surgery, strengthening the immune system is especially important. A proper diet can help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of infection.

Foods suitable after nose surgery

1.. proteins

Proteins play a vital role in tissue repair and wound healing. Good sources of protein include chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, and protein plants such as beans and lentils. Consuming an adequate amount of protein can help speed up the healing process.

2.. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.. Fruits such as strawberries, oranges, kiwi and vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and carrots are recommended..

۳. Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals play an important role in healing wounds and strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C intake (Available in citrus fruits and bell peppers)Vitamin A (Found in carrots and pumpkins)Vitamin E (Found in nuts and seeds) and zinc (Found in red meat and legumes) It can help you heal faster.

4.. Water and liquids

Adequate intake of water and fluids is very important to prevent dehydration and facilitate the healing process. Water helps carry nutrients to cells and remove waste from the body. It is recommended to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

5. Foods rich in fiber

Eating fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes can help prevent constipation.. Constipation can put extra pressure on the surgical area and impair healing.

Foods to avoid

1.. Fatty and fried foods

High-fat and fried foods can increase inflammation and slow down the healing process. Avoiding these types of foods after nose surgery is recommended.

2.. salty foods

Consuming too much salt can increase swelling and water retention in the body. Reducing salt intake and avoiding salty foods such as fast food and chips can help reduce swelling.

۳. Alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine can cause dehydration and increase inflammation. Avoiding these substances after nose surgery is very important.

4.. Hard and spicy foods

Consuming hard and spicy foods can irritate the surgical area and increase pain. It is recommended to avoid spicy foods and eat soft and easy-to-chew foods such as soups and purees.

Diet after nose surgery | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Practical tips for diet management after rhinoplasty

1.. Meal planning

Proper meal planning can help ensure you get the nutrients you need and avoid eating unhealthy foods. It is recommended to eat small and frequent meals to make the digestion process easier.

2.. Use of food supplements

If needed, the use of nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals can help speed recovery. It is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist to choose the right supplements.

۳. stress management

Stress It can disrupt the healing process and increase inflammation. Managing stress using relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help you heal faster..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

Examining the sample diet plan before nose surgery

Examining the sample diet plan before nose surgery

Diet before nose surgery

first day

  • Breakfast:

– Greek yogurt with strawberries and walnuts
– A glass of natural orange juice

  • Snack:

– an apple
– A few almonds

  • Lunch:

– Grilled chicken breast with vegetable salad including spinach, tomato, cucumber and carrot
– a glass of water

  • Snack:

– Probiotic yogurt

  • the evening:

– Grilled salmon with brown rice and steamed broccoli
– a glass of water

second day

  • Breakfast:

– Oatmeal with banana and honey
– A glass of natural grapefruit juice

  • Snack:

– An orange
– A few walnuts

  • Lunch:

– Pinto beans with vegetables
– a glass of water

  • Snack:

– Carrots and bell peppers with hummus

  • the evening:

– Grilled turkey with sweet potatoes and broccoli
– a glass of water

third day

  • Breakfast:

– Vegetable omelet including spinach, tomato and onion
– A glass of natural orange juice

  • Snack:

– A kiwi
– A few almonds

  • Lunch:

– Tuna dish with quinoa salad and vegetables
– a glass of water

  • Snack:

– Yogurt with berries

  • the evening:

– Lentils with vegetables
– a glass of water

Diet before nose surgery | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Important Notes:

1. Consumption of proteins:
– Include protein sources such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes in your meals..

2. Vitamins and minerals:
– Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, berries, green leafy vegetables, carrots, and broccoli..

3. Hydration:
– At least 8 Drink a glass of water a day and avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

4. Avoiding harmful foods:
– Avoid fatty and salty foods, fast foods and sugary foods.

5. Regular meals:
– Try to eat three main meals and two snacks a day and avoid skipping meals at inappropriate times..

6. Consultation with a doctor and nutritionist:
– Before surgery, consult your doctor and nutritionist to prepare a suitable diet plan for you.

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

Checking the best nutrition and food before nose surgery

Checking the best nutrition and food before nose surgery

تغذیه و مواد غذایی قبل از جراحی بینی

Nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that are performed for cosmetic or functional reasons. Correct preparation of the body before surgery plays an important role in reducing complications, accelerating the healing process and improving the final results. One of the most important aspects of preparation is proper nutrition. In this article, nutrition and food items that should be consumed before nose surgery are discussed. هدف این است که بیماران با داشتن Nutrition مناسب و رعایت نکات کلیدی، بهترین شرایط را برای جراحی و بهبودی سریع‌تر فراهم کنند.

The importance of nutrition before nose surgery

Proper nutrition before rhinoplasty can have a great effect on reducing the risks of surgery, faster recovery and reducing complications after surgery.. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins can boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help repair tissues.. Also, eating the right foods can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risks associated with anesthesia.

Food and nutrients needed before rhinoplasty

1. proteins

Proteins play a vital role in tissue repair and collagen production, which is essential for wound healing. Adequate protein intake before surgery can help to heal faster and reduce complications. Good sources of protein include:

– Lean meats such as chicken and turkey
– Fish and seafood
– egg
– Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese
– Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils
– Nuts and seeds

2. vitamins

Vitamins play an important role in strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation and healing wounds. Some of the key vitamins that should be taken before surgery are::

– Vitamin C: Strengthening the immune system and helping to produce collagen. Good sources include citrus fruits (Orange, lemon, grapefruit), berries, kiwi, bell pepper and green leafy vegetables.
– Vitamin A: Helping to grow cells and heal wounds. Good sources include carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli.
– Vitamin E: Strong antioxidant and help reduce inflammation. Good sources include nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and green leafy vegetables.

3. minerals

Minerals also play an important role in healing wounds and strengthening the immune system. Some of the key minerals are::

– On (Zink): Help heal wounds and strengthen the immune system. Good sources include red meat, poultry, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.
– are: Necessary for hemoglobin production and oxygen supply to tissues. Good sources include red meat, poultry, fish, legumes, spinach, and fortified cereals.
– copper: Helping to produce collagen and maintain tissue health. Good sources include nuts, seeds, liver, dark chocolate, and legumes.

4. Antioxidants

Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Eating foods containing antioxidants can help you recover faster after surgery. Some good sources of antioxidants include::

– berries (Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
– Citrus (Orange, lemon, grapefruit)
– Green leafy vegetables (Spinach, broccoli)
– Nuts and seeds
– Dark Chocolate

تغذیه و مواد غذایی قبل از جراحی بینی | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Key points of nutrition before rhinoplasty

1. Maintain hydration

It is very important to drink enough water before surgery. Proper hydration can help maintain electrolyte balance, reduce swelling, and speed up the healing process. Patients should at least 8 Drink a glass of water a day and avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

2. Avoiding harmful foods

Avoiding harmful foods before surgery is very important. Fatty and salty foods, fast foods, and sugary foods can increase inflammation and swelling and slow down the healing process.. Also, alcohol and smoking should be minimized or completely avoided, as they can have negative effects on recovery and surgical results..

3. Eating regular meals

Consuming regular and balanced meals before surgery will help maintain energy levels and supply necessary nutrients. Patients should try to eat three main meals and two snacks a day and avoid skipping meals at inappropriate times..

4. Consultation with a doctor and nutritionist

Consultation with a doctor and nutritionist before surgery is very important. The doctor can provide specific recommendations for proper nutrition based on the patient's health status, and the dietician can prepare the appropriate meal plan..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgery Jaw surgeon of Isfahan):

General examination of nasal sutures

Rhinoplasty in the elderly

Dangerous mistakes after nose surgery (2)

Advantages and disadvantages of nose lift glue

Investigating the effect of nutrition and diet on the outcome of nose surgery

Investigating the effect of nutrition and diet on the outcome of nose surgery

Does nutrition and diet affect nose surgery?

Nose surgery It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries around the world, which is performed to improve the appearance and function of the nose. Due to its special characteristics, the type of fleshy nose may have more challenges in surgery and recovery. Proper nutrition and diet before and after nose surgery can have a significant impact on the results of the surgery. This article examines the effect of nutrition and diet on the result Fleshy nose surgery and discuss key points to improve recovery and achieve better results.

Characteristics of fleshy nose

Flesh noses generally have thicker skin and more sebaceous glands at the tip of the nose. These features may make rhinoplasty more complex and challenging. Also, recovery time after surgery can be longer and full of its own challenges. Therefore, paying attention to proper nutrition and following a balanced diet can help improve the recovery process and reduce complications after surgery..

The effect of nutrition before rhinoplasty

1. Improve the immune system

Proper nutrition before surgery can help strengthen the immune system. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals can make the body more resistant to infections and post-surgery problems.. For example, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc can play an important role in strengthening the immune system.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight before surgery can help reduce anesthesia risks and post-surgery complications. Excess weight can put more pressure on the body and slow down the healing process. Therefore, following a balanced diet and regular physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risks of surgery.

3. Reduce inflammation

Inflammation can disrupt the healing process and cause swelling and pain. Eating anti-inflammatory foods such as fatty fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits can help reduce inflammation and speed recovery after surgery..

The effect of nutrition after rhinoplasty

1. Accelerate the healing process

Eating protein-rich foods such as lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products can help speed up the healing process.. Proteins play an important role in tissue repair and collagen production, which is essential for wound healing.

2. Reduce swelling and bruising

Certain foods can help reduce swelling and bruising after surgery. Eating fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin K, such as spinach, broccoli, and kiwi, can help reduce bruising and speed up the healing process.. Also, drinking plenty of water can help keep the body hydrated and reduce swelling.

3. Prevent infection

Proper nutrition can help prevent infections. Eating foods that contain antioxidants, such as berries, citrus fruits, and colorful vegetables, can help boost your immune system and prevent infections.. Also, consuming probiotic foods such as yogurt and kefir can help maintain the balance of beneficial bacteria in the body.

The effect of nutrition and diet on the result of rhinoplasty | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Key points of nutrition before and after rhinoplasty

1. Taking vitamins and minerals

Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals before and after surgery is very important. Vitamins C and A, zinc and copper are among the nutrients that can help heal wounds and strengthen the immune system.. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean meats, and dairy products can be good sources of these nutrients..

2. Avoiding harmful foods

Avoiding harmful foods such as fatty and salty foods, fast foods and sugary foods is very important. These types of foods can increase inflammation and swelling and slow down the healing process. Also, alcohol and smoking should be minimized or completely avoided, as they can have negative effects on recovery and surgical results..

3. Maintain hydration

It is very important to drink enough water before and after surgery. Proper hydration can help maintain electrolyte balance, reduce swelling, and speed up the healing process. Patients should at least 8 Drink a glass of water a day and avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

4. Taking food supplements

In some cases, your doctor may recommend dietary supplements. These supplements can include additional vitamins, minerals, and proteins that help heal wounds and boost the immune system.. Patients should consult their doctor to get the best type and dosage of supplements.


nutrition and Diet Fit plays a vital role in the outcome of rhinoplasty. Eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins can help strengthen the immune system, speed up the healing process, and reduce inflammation.. Also, avoiding harmful food and maintaining proper hydration can help improve surgical results. By following these tips and consulting with a doctor and nutritionist, patients can benefit from better results and faster recovery after rhinoplasty.. Paying attention to proper nutrition and diet not only helps to recover faster, but also helps to achieve beautiful and more permanent results from rhinoplasty..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

Investigating various aspects of anesthesia in rhinoplasty for diabetics

Investigating various aspects of anesthesia in rhinoplasty for diabetics

Anesthesia in nose surgery for diabetics

rhinoplasty (رینوپلاستی) It is one of the most popular and complex cosmetic surgeries that are performed for cosmetic or functional reasons. For people with diabetes, this surgery requires special care, especially during anesthesia. Diabetes can have many effects on the body's response to anesthesia and the recovery process after surgery. در این مقاله، به بررسی جوانب مختلف بیهوشی در عمل بینی برای افراد دیابتی پرداخته و اقدامات لازم برای به حداقل رساندن عوارض احتمالی را مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهیم.

The importance of accurate blood sugar control

1. Before surgery
Accurate blood sugar control is critical before surgery. قند خون بالا می‌تواند خطر عفونت‌ها، مشکلات ترمیم زخم و نوسانات قند خون در حین Anesthesia را افزایش دهد. The diabetes doctor and the surgeon must coordinate together to accurately regulate the patient's blood sugar level. This may require temporary changes in diabetes medications and diet.

2. during surgery
During surgery, careful blood sugar control is very important. The anesthesiologist must constantly monitor the patient's blood sugar level. This is possible through the use of short-acting insulins and glucose solutions. Frequent adjustments based on the patient's needs help maintain blood sugar levels within a normal range.

3. After surgery
After surgery, careful blood sugar control is still important. Patients should check their blood sugar levels regularly and follow their doctor's instructions for adjusting medications and diet.

Pre-anesthesia preparation

1. Public health assessment
Before anesthesia, a comprehensive assessment of the patient's health status is very important. This evaluation includes checking the function of the heart, kidneys and respiratory system. Diabetes can cause several problems that affect anesthesia, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney failure..

2. Consultation with an anesthesiologist
Before surgery, consultation with an anesthesiologist is necessary. The anesthesiologist should be aware of the patient's diabetes status and any related problems. Detailed information about medications, disease history, and the level of blood sugar control of the patient helps in better anesthesia planning.

3. Regulation of diabetes medications
Some diabetes medications may need to be adjusted or stopped temporarily. This decision should be made under the supervision of a doctor. For example, long-acting insulins may require dose reduction due to the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) Be prevented.

Considerations during anesthesia

1. Choosing the type of anesthesia
Type of anesthesia (General or local) It should be determined based on the patient's health status and the anesthesiologist's recommendations. General anesthesia may be preferred for more complex and longer surgeries, while local anesthesia is suitable for shorter, less invasive surgeries..

2. Accurate control of blood sugar during surgery
During surgery, continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels is very important. This control is done through continuous monitoring and the use of short-acting insulins and glucose solutions. The purpose of these measures is to maintain the blood sugar level within the normal range and prevent extreme fluctuations.

3. Monitoring of vital signs
Close monitoring of vital signs including heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels during surgery is essential for diabetic patients. Diabetes can affect the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of complications during anesthesia.

Anesthesia in nose surgery for diabetics | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Post-surgery care

1. Blood sugar control after surgery
Accurate blood sugar control after surgery helps reduce the risk of infection and speed up the healing process. Patients should follow their doctor's instructions carefully and avoid sudden changes in diet and physical activity.

2. Pain management
Pain management after surgery is especially important for diabetic patients. The use of painkillers should be done carefully, because some of these drugs can affect blood sugar levels. The doctor must prescribe the right medicines and the patient must use them carefully.

3. Wound care
Careful surgical wound care is very important. Patients should keep the surgical area clean and avoid infections. The use of prescribed antibiotics and regular follow-ups with the surgeon can help reduce the risk of complications.

4. Regular follow-ups
Regular follow-ups with the surgeon and diabetes doctor are essential to assess the progress of recovery and blood sugar control. These referrals help to detect any problems early and provide appropriate care.


Anesthesia در عمل بینی برای افراد دیابتی نیازمند برنامه‌ریزی و مراقبت‌های ویژه‌ای است. Accurate control of blood sugar before, during and after surgery, consultation with an anesthesiologist and regular follow-ups are among the measures that can help reduce complications and improve surgical safety.. Paying attention to these points and working closely with the medical team is the key to success in this path. Diabetic patients must carefully follow all the steps before surgery, during surgery and after surgery in order to avoid serious problems and experience a full and faster recovery..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

A general guide to rhinoplasty for diabetics

Examination of nasal congestion after rhinoplasty

A comprehensive review of complications of diabetes on rhinoplasty

Dangerous mistakes after nose surgery (2)

Advantages and disadvantages of nose lift glue

A comprehensive review of complications of diabetes on rhinoplasty

A comprehensive review of complications of diabetes on rhinoplasty

Complications of diabetes on rhinoplasty

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar. This disease can affect all aspects of a person's life, including surgical procedures and recovery afterwards. Nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) یکی از پرطرفدارترین جراحی‌های زیبایی است که افراد دیابتی نیز ممکن است به دلایل مختلف از جمله بهبود ظاهر یا اصلاح Breathing problems به آن نیاز داشته باشند. در این مقاله به بررسی عوارض Diabetes بر جراحی بینی و اقدامات لازم برای کاهش این عوارض پرداخته می‌شود.

Complications of diabetes on rhinoplasty

1. Increased risk of infection

One of the most important side effects of diabetes on rhinoplasty is the increased risk of infection. High blood sugar levels can weaken the immune system, making the body less able to fight off infections.. Infection at the surgical site can delay wound healing and even lead to more serious problems.

2. Slow down wound healing

Diabetes can slow down the healing process of wounds. This is due to the negative effects of high blood sugar on blood circulation and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Slow wound healing can lead to complications such as open wounds and the need for additional care..

3. Risk of tissue necrosis

In some cases, diabetic patients may be at risk of tissue necrosis. This is due to reduced blood flow to the surgical area, which can lead to tissue death. Tissue necrosis can affect surgical results and require reconstructive surgeries.

4. Problems with blood sugar control

Surgical stress and changes in diet and physical activities can cause fluctuations in the blood sugar level of diabetic patients. These fluctuations can make diabetes more difficult to control and require frequent medication adjustments and more careful monitoring.

5. Increased risk of thrombosis

Diabetics may be at higher risk for blood clots due to circulatory problems and chronic inflammation (Thrombosis) Requirements. This issue can lead to serious complications such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Preventive measures and necessary care

1. Detailed consultation and assessment before surgery

Diabetic patients should consult their doctor before rhinoplasty. Assessment of the general state of health, accurate control of blood sugar, and examination of the function of the heart and kidneys are among the measures that must be taken. This consultation helps the surgeon to plan the surgery and the care after it.

2. Accurate blood sugar control

Accurate control of blood sugar before, during and after surgery is very important. Blood sugar levels should be within a range that reduces the risk of infection and wound healing problems. This may require medication adjustments, changes in diet, and ongoing monitoring.

3. Use of advanced surgical techniques

The use of new and minimally invasive surgical techniques can help reduce the risks of surgery for diabetic patients. These techniques involve the use of more precise instruments and surgical procedures that cause less tissue damage and allow for faster healing..

4. Care after surgery

Postoperative care is very important for diabetic patients. Patients should follow their doctor's instructions carefully, including the use of medications, wound care, and regular follow-ups.. Maintaining proper humidity in the environment, avoiding heavy activities and observing hygiene can also help to heal faster.

5. Use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs

The doctor may prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs after surgery to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation. Patients should take these drugs carefully and avoid taking them arbitrarily.

Complications of diabetes on rhinoplasty | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

6. Proper nutrition and hydration

Proper nutrition and adequate hydration can help wounds heal faster and reduce the risk of infection. Patients should adjust their diet according to the nutritionist's recommendations and drink enough water.

7. Accurate monitoring and regular follow-ups

Regular follow-ups with the surgeon and diabetes doctor are essential to assess the progress of recovery and blood sugar control. These referrals help to detect any problems early and provide appropriate care.


Diabetes می‌تواند تاثیرات جدی بر جراحی بینی و فرایند بهبودی پس از آن داشته باشد. However, with careful planning, proper blood sugar control and proper care, these complications can be minimized and more favorable results can be obtained from rhinoplasty.. Working closely with the medical team and paying attention to the doctors' recommendations is the key to success in this path.

Diabetic patients must carefully follow all the steps before surgery, during surgery and after surgery in order to avoid serious problems and experience a full and faster recovery..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgery Jaw surgeon of Isfahan):

A general guide to rhinoplasty for diabetics

General examination of nasal sutures

Investigating whistling sound during inhalation and exhalation after nose surgery

Dangerous mistakes after nose surgery (2)

Advantages and disadvantages of nose lift glue

A general guide to rhinoplasty for diabetics

A general guide to rhinoplasty for diabetics

Rhinoplasty for diabetics

Nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that can significantly improve the appearance and function of the nose. However, for people with diabetes, this surgery requires special planning and care. Diabetes can have many effects on the healing process and the body's response to surgery. در این مقاله، به بررسی اقدامات لازم قبل، حین و بعد از Rhinoplasty for diabetics Pay.

Preparation before surgery

1. Medical Advice

Before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty, diabetics should consult their doctor. Assessing the general state of health and proper control of blood sugar are among the things that should be considered. Also, the doctor may order additional tests to evaluate the condition of the heart, kidneys, and other vital organs.

2. Blood sugar control

Accurate control of blood sugar before surgery is very important. High blood sugar can increase the risk of infection and wound healing problems. Therefore, blood sugar should be close to the normal range. This may require changes in diabetes medications, diet, and physical activity.

3. Risk assessment

The surgeon must carefully consider the risks and benefits of rhinoplasty for a diabetic person. The specific conditions of each patient may require more detailed planning to avoid problems.

4. Discontinue or change medications

Some diabetes medications may need to be adjusted or stopped temporarily. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Also, some anticoagulants should be stopped to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Procedures during surgery

1. Knowledgeable surgical team

All members of the surgical team should be aware of the patient's diabetes status. This includes surgeons, anesthesiologists and nurses. Knowing about the patient's condition helps them to provide the necessary care in the best way.

2. Blood sugar control during surgery

Blood sugar control is very important during surgery. The anesthesiologist should continuously monitor the patient's blood sugar level and adjust the insulin or other medications if needed.

3. Prevent infection

Careful hygiene measures and the use of antibiotics are essential to prevent infection. دیابت می‌تواند خطر عفونت‌ها را افزایش دهد و مشکلات جدی‌تری را ایجاد کند.و

Rhinoplasty for diabetics | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Post-surgery care

1. Blood sugar control after surgery

Accurate blood sugar control after surgery helps reduce the risk of infection and speed up the healing process. This may require changes in diet, medications, and physical activity. Patients should follow their doctor's instructions carefully.

2. Wound care

Careful surgical wound care is very important. Patients should avoid direct contact with the wound and keep the surgical area clean. Taking prescribed antibiotics and regular health care can help prevent infection.

3. Regular visits to the doctor

Regular follow-ups with the surgeon and diabetes doctor are essential to assess the progress of recovery and blood sugar control. These referrals help to detect any problems early and provide appropriate care.

4. Use of painkillers

Painkillers should be used with caution. Some medications may have negative effects on blood sugar. Patients should follow their doctor's prescribed medication and avoid self-medication.

5. Proper nutrition and hydration

Proper nutrition and adequate hydration are important for faster recovery and reduced risk of infection. Patients should adjust their diet according to the nutritionist's recommendations and drink enough water.


Rhinoplasty for diabetics requires special planning and care. Careful blood sugar control, medical counseling, pre- and post-surgical care, and collaboration with a knowledgeable medical team are among the measures that can help improve safety and reduce side effects.. By following these points and paying attention to the doctor's recommendations, diabetic patients can go to rhinoplasty with more confidence and experience better results.. Attention to the importance of diabetes control and close cooperation with specialist doctors is the key to success in this path.

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

Examination of nasal congestion after rhinoplasty

General examination of nasal sutures

Rhinoplasty in the elderly

Dangerous mistakes after nose surgery (2)

Advantages and disadvantages of nose lift glue

Examination of nasal congestion after rhinoplasty

Examination of nasal congestion after rhinoplasty

Nasal congestion after surgery

Nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) It is one of the most popular cosmetic and medical surgeries that are performed to improve the appearance of the nose or to solve breathing problems.. However, one of the common side effects after this surgery is nasal congestion. This problem can be temporary or permanent and has a significant impact on the patient's quality of life. In this article, we will examine the causes, prevention, and treatment of nasal congestion after rhinoplasty.

Causes of nasal congestion after nose surgery

1. Swelling and inflammation: After nose surgery, swelling and inflammation in the nasal tissues is a normal reaction. This swelling can block the nasal airways and cause congestion. Usually, this swelling is more in the first weeks after surgery and decreases over time.

2. Scar tissue formation: Scar tissue or fibrosis that occurs during the normal healing process after surgery can narrow the nasal airways.. In some cases, this scar tissue may cause a complete or partial blockage and lead to nasal congestion.

3. Deviated septum: In some cases, the surgery may not be done correctly and cause the nasal septum to deviate. This problem can cause blockage of one or both nasal passages.

4. Narrowing of the nostrils: Surgery may cause narrowing of the nostrils, especially if the goal of the surgery is to reduce the size of the nose. This can restrict airflow and cause nasal congestion.

5. Dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa: Dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa after surgery can cause swelling and narrowing of the airways, which also leads to nasal congestion..

6. Allergies and infections: Allergic reactions and infections after surgery can cause inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa, which may also lead to nasal congestion..

Prevention of nasal congestion after rhinoplasty

1. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon: Choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon is one of the most important factors in preventing the side effects of rhinoplasty. The surgeon must be able to perform the surgery with high precision and skill to avoid respiratory problems.

2. Consultation and detailed planning before surgery: Accurate assessment of the condition of the nose and airways before surgery can help prevent problems after surgery. This examination should include an assessment of the structure of the nose and any existing breathing problems.

3. Compliance with post-surgery recommendations: Strictly following post-surgery instructions, including medications, good hygiene, and avoiding strenuous activity, can help reduce swelling and inflammation..

4. Use of advanced surgical techniques: Using new surgical methods and conservative techniques can help reduce respiratory problems after surgery.. These techniques include the use of more precise tools and less invasive methods.

Nasal congestion after surgery | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Treatment of nasal congestion after rhinoplasty

1. Chemotherapy: Anti-inflammatory medications, antihistamines, and antibiotics can help reduce swelling, inflammation, and infection..

2. Use of sprays and saline solutions: Nasal sprays and saline rinses can help keep the nasal mucosa moist and reduce irritation. Regular use of these products can help keep nasal airways open.

3. Physiotherapy and breathing exercises: Breathing exercises and physical therapy can help improve respiratory function. These exercises can include deep breathing exercises and the use of special breathing devices.

4. جراحی ترمیمی: In severe cases where nasal congestion is caused by structural problems, reconstructive surgery may be required. This surgery can include resetting the nasal septum, removing scar tissue, or modifying nasal structures.

5. Post-surgery care: Careful care after surgery, including maintaining proper humidity in the environment, avoiding smoking and allergenic substances, and maintaining hygiene can help to heal faster and reduce nasal congestion..


Nasal congestion after rhinoplasty is one of the common problems that can have serious effects on the patient's quality of life. By choosing a skilled surgeon, careful planning and counseling before surgery, following post-surgery recommendations and, if necessary, using appropriate treatment methods, this problem can be minimized and a favorable recovery can be experienced.. Paying attention to the importance of respiratory health and its impact on the quality of life, measures such as prevention and timely treatment can play an important role in improving the condition of patients. After nose surgery have.

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

  1. Investigating the occurrence of shortness of breath after nose surgery
  2. Investigating whistling sound during inhalation and exhalation after nose surgery
  3. Investigating the incidence of respiratory problems after nose surgery (رینوپلاستی)
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of eating pineapple after nose surgery
  5. Dangerous mistakes after nose surgery (2)
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of nose lift glue
Investigating the occurrence of shortness of breath after nose surgery

Investigating the occurrence of shortness of breath after nose surgery

Shortness of breath after nose surgery

Nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery methods that is performed to correct appearance problems or improve respiratory function.. However, some patients may experience breathing problems after surgery, one of the most common of which is shortness of breath.. This problem can be temporary or permanent and can have serious effects on a person's quality of life.

Causes of shortness of breath after nose surgery

1. Swelling and inflammation: Swelling and inflammation after surgery is a natural reaction of the body to trauma. This swelling can temporarily block the nasal airways and make breathing difficult.
2. Scar tissue formation: Scar tissue that forms following the surgical repair process can lead to narrowing of the airways. This tissue may cause partial or complete obstruction in some cases.
3. Deviated septum: One of the common problems after nose surgery is the deviation of the nasal septum, which can cause shortness of breath. This problem may be due to inaccuracy during surgery or due to improper repair.
4. Narrowing of the nostrils: Surgery may lead to narrowing of the nostrils, which can restrict airflow.
5. Dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa: Dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa due to surgery can cause narrowing of the airways and shortness of breath.
6. Allergies and infections: Allergic reactions and infections after surgery can cause inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa, which may also lead to shortness of breath..

Prevention of shortness of breath after nose surgery

1. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon: Choosing a surgeon with sufficient experience and skill is one of the most important factors in preventing the side effects of nose surgery. The surgeon must be able to perform the surgery with high precision and skill to avoid respiratory problems.
2. Consultation and detailed planning before surgery: A careful examination of the condition of the nose and airways before surgery can help prevent problems after surgery. This examination should include an assessment of the structure of the nose and any existing breathing problems.
3. Compliance with post-surgery recommendations: Strictly following post-surgery instructions, including medications, good hygiene, and avoiding strenuous activity, can help reduce swelling and inflammation..
4. Use of advanced surgical techniques: Using new surgical methods and conservative techniques can help reduce respiratory problems after surgery.. These techniques include the use of more precise tools and less invasive methods.

Shortness of breath after nose surgery | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Treatment of shortness of breath after nose surgery

1. Chemotherapy: Anti-inflammatory medications, antihistamines, and antibiotics can help reduce swelling, inflammation, and infection..
2. Use of sprays and saline solutions: Nasal sprays and saline rinses can help keep the nasal mucosa moist and reduce irritation.
3. جراحی ترمیمی: In severe cases where shortness of breath is caused by structural problems, reconstructive surgery may be required. This surgery can include resetting the nasal septum, removing scar tissue, or modifying nasal structures.
4. Physiotherapy and breathing exercises: Breathing exercises and physical therapy can help improve respiratory function. These exercises can include deep breathing exercises and the use of special breathing devices.
5. Post-surgery care: Careful care after surgery, including maintaining proper humidity in the environment, avoiding smoking and allergenic substances, and maintaining hygiene can help to recover faster and reduce shortness of breath..


Shortness of breath After nose surgery, it is one of the problems that can have serious effects on the patient's quality of life. By choosing a skilled surgeon, careful planning and counseling before surgery, following post-surgery recommendations and, if necessary, using appropriate treatment methods, this problem can be minimized and a favorable recovery can be experienced.. Paying attention to the importance of respiratory health and its impact on the quality of life, measures such as prevention and timely treatment can play an important role in improving the condition of patients after nose surgery..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

Investigating whistling sound during inhalation and exhalation after nose surgery

Investigating whistling sound during inhalation and exhalation after nose surgery

صدای سوت در هنگام دم و بازدم بعد از جراحی بینی

بروز صدای سوت در هنگام دم و بازدم بعد از Nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) It is one of the problems that can cause great concern for patients. This article examines the causes, prevention, and treatment of this problem.

Rhinoplasty is performed for various reasons, including improving the appearance of the nose or correcting breathing problems. However, one of the side effects that some patients face is whistling while breathing. This sound can be caused by the narrowing or blockage of the nasal airways and severely affect the patient's quality of life.

Causes of whistling sound during inhalation and exhalation

1. Swelling and inflammation: After surgery, swelling and inflammation in the nasal tissues can lead to narrowing of the airways. This swelling usually goes down within a few weeks, but in some cases it may last longer.
2. Scar tissue formation: Scar tissue or fibrosis can form inside the nose and narrow the airways. This scar tissue may cause partial or complete obstruction of the airways.
3. Deviated septum: Surgery may cause deviation of the nasal septum, which can lead to obstruction of one or both nasal passages.
4. Unsuccessful surgery: If the surgery is not done correctly, the nasal structures may not adjust properly and this can cause breathing problems and whistling..
5. Dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa: Dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa after surgery can cause airway narrowing and whistling.
6. Allergies and infections: Allergic reactions and infections can cause inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa, which may also lead to whistling..

Prevention of whistling after nose surgery

1. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon: One of the most important factors in preventing the side effects of nose surgery is choosing a surgeon who has enough experience and skill in this field.
2. Consultation and detailed planning before surgery: Accurate assessment and proper planning for surgery can help reduce post-surgical complications. This evaluation should include examination of the structure of the nose and airways.
3. Compliance with post-surgery recommendations: Strictly following post-surgery instructions, including medications, good hygiene, and avoiding strenuous activity, can help reduce swelling and inflammation..
4. Use of advanced surgical methods: New surgical techniques that help preserve normal nasal structures can help reduce breathing problems and wheezing after surgery..

صدای سوت در هنگام دم و بازدم | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

Official page اینستاگرام Dr Behnam khorami (Best of nose surgery) follow the.

Treatment of whistling after rhinoplasty

1. Chemotherapy: Anti-inflammatory medications, antihistamines, and antiseptics can help reduce swelling, inflammation, and infection..
2. Use of sprays and saline solutions: Nasal sprays and saline rinses can help keep the nasal mucosa moist and reduce irritation.
3. جراحی ترمیمی: In severe cases, reconstructive surgery may be required to correct structural problems and nasal obstructions. Reconstructive surgery can include realigning the nasal septum, removing scar tissue, or modifying nasal structures.
4. Physiotherapy and breathing exercises: Some breathing exercises and physical therapy can help improve respiratory function. These exercises can include deep breathing exercises and the use of special breathing devices.


The occurrence of whistling sound when inhaling and exhaling after nose surgery can be caused by various factors, some of which can be prevented and others require treatment.. By choosing a skilled surgeon, careful planning and counseling before surgery, following post-surgery recommendations and, if necessary, using appropriate treatment methods, this problem can be minimized and a favorable recovery can be experienced.. Considering the importance of respiratory health and its impact on the quality of life, paying attention to these cases and preventive and therapeutic measures can play an important role in improving the condition of patients after nose surgery..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

Investigating the incidence of respiratory problems after nose surgery (رینوپلاستی)

Advantages and disadvantages of eating pineapple after nose surgery

General examination of nasal sutures

Rhinoplasty in the elderly

Dangerous mistakes after nose surgery (2)

Advantages and disadvantages of nose lift glue