Taking Rakutan before and after rhinoplasty

Accutane use after rhinoplasty

Taking Rakutan before and after nose surgery is a challenge that has occupied the minds of many applicants for this surgery. Rakutan or isotretinoin is a drug whose use has spread a lot. Dermatologists prescribe this drug to treat and eliminate pimples and acne; But the question that arises is whether the use of this drug before and after nose surgery causes a problem or not. In this article, the reasons for not using Rakutan before and after nose surgery are discussed in detail.

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The effect of using Rakutan on the procedure of nose surgery

The use of chemical drugs may affect the healing process of any type of surgery; This also applies to nose surgery and it is necessary to inform your surgeon about the medications you are taking during the consultation session.. Among these drugs that can disrupt the process of nose surgery are aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, which should not be taken at least two weeks before and after nose surgery to avoid bleeding and other problems..

Rakutan is a drug that consists of vitamin A and is very effective in treating acne and pimples. This drug is also one of the most important drugs that should be avoided before and after nose surgery and should not be used in any way. It is recommended to stop using Rakutan for at least three months before nose surgery and to stop using this medicine for at least two months after nose surgery.. The reason for not using Rakutan before and after nose surgery is the possibility of necrosis (dead tissue), blackening and thinning of the skin and deformity of the nose.

Rakutan tablets for rhinitis; Complications and non-use of Rakutan

Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling are among the most common treatments for nasal swelling after cosmetic surgery. This pill is successful in reducing nasal swelling in most cases, but you should remember that taking Rakutan may have many side effects.. Symptoms such as dry and sensitive skin, hair loss, feeling tired and headache are among the most common side effects of Rakutan tablets.. Therefore, you should be well aware of how Rakutan tablets work, your physical condition, and your medical history. Also, you should never take this pill without a doctor's prescription.

Does taking Rakutan interfere with Corton after nose surgery?!

As mentioned earlier, the use of Rakutan for two months will not prevent rhinoplasty; Many people who have had a nose job, ask if Rakutan interferes with coronet injection after nose surgery. In answer to this question, you should know that Rakutan and Corton do not interfere and do not cause problems after nose surgery.

Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling after surgery

Rakutan is the brand name of isotretinoin tablets. Isotretinoin is a vitamin A tablet that is available under different brands, including Rakutan, Accutane, Isotretinoin, Acnotren, etc.. The most important use of this drug is in the treatment of pimples and cystic acne. When using Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling, you should note that Rakutan tablets should be used 6 The month before nose surgery should be cut off.
Rakutan tablets are not recommended for nasal swelling under any circumstances. Only in cases of fleshy noses with very thick and oily skin, Rakutan can be used after two months of surgery under the supervision of a doctor and with his prescription..

Also, according to the research conducted by Iranian plastic surgeons, it was found that although the use of oral isotretinoin after surgery in patients with thick skin in the nose area may improve cosmetic results in the first months after surgery, it does not have a significant effect on it.. The final result of rhinoplasty is known one year after surgery.

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Side effects of using Rakutan

Taking Rakutan can cause side effects, including the following:

  1. Severe dryness of the skin, mouth, nose and eyes
  2. Nasal bleeding
  3. Feeling tired and mild headaches
  4. Increase hair loss
  5. Joint pains

Be careful that taking Rakutan can affect liver tests; Also, this medicine should not be used during pregnancy.

Cases of not using Rakutan

The use of Rakutan tablets for nasal swelling is generally prohibited in some cases; This means that if you have one or more of the following conditions, you should not use Rakutan tablets:

  • pregnancy (It causes miscarriage or retardation of the baby)
  • breastfeeding (It has unpleasant consequences for the growth and health of the child)
  • Having kidney and liver failure
  • Having high blood fat (Glycerol and triglyceride)
  • Having a high level of vitamin A in the body
  • Having an allergy to vitamin A contained in Rakutan tablets and other similar drugs
  • Simultaneous use of Rakutan tablets with antibiotics, especially tetracycline

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