Familiarity with face angulation surgery

Facial angulation surgery

Facial angulation surgery | Angularization of the face is done with several general methods that people can choose one of them according to their discretion and interest.. Angularization of the face somehow makes people unnecessary from some other beauty procedures.

Angularization of the face with surgery

Finally, the last angulation method defined in the medical community is surgery. A cosmetologist can create the desired angle of the face with facial surgery. So that the doctor reduces the size of the jaw and makes it more beautiful than before.. It is very important to have sufficient expertise and experience of the doctor in this surgery; Otherwise, it can cause dangerous injuries.

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Round face angulation (Angularizing a round face)

Angularizing the face makes it more beautiful. All facial features are effective in human attractiveness and this causes people to pay attention to its details. Although the standards of beauty are different in different cultures. For example, Easterners mostly like elongated and rectangular faces, and Westerners like V-shaped faces.

Among the angulation of various face shapes, round face angulation has more fans. Because it narrows the chin area, making the face more attractive and younger. It also makes people look thinner. Angularizing a round face is very important for women who are fat. Angularization of a round face is done with various techniques such as angulation with thread, fat injection, gel injection, angulation and neck and face lift..

Changing the shape of the face with surgery (Round face surgery)

Currently, by using jaw surgery, by the best mouth, jaw and face specialist, it is possible to make an elongated face angular and round it.. However, you should consult with a maxillofacial surgeon and make sure that a round face is attractive and suitable for you. Also, do you need surgery to stretch your face or not?

By performing a variety of techniques such as elongated face prosthesis, jaw prosthesis and chin prosthesis, an elongated face can be turned into a round one.. But these methods are considered temporary treatment. It should be repeated and repaired every once in a while. But by performing jaw and face surgery, the chin bones are corrected and permanently located in their proper place.. As this method is irreversible and requires post-operative care, you should fully consult with a specialist surgeon before the operation.. Also consider all aspects.

Fat face angulation

People who have a fat face and like to angle their face. In most cases, these people do this because they do not have aesthetic angles in their faces. Or they do this because of their shapeless cheeks or lack of a favorable jaw angle. With the advancement of medical science, many methods have been created in the field of beauty.

These methods include injections, fillers, fat injections, jaw and face surgeries, artificial prostheses, etc.. To perform any of the mentioned methods, it is better to consult a specialist doctor before doing anything so that he can choose the best method for you..

Things to do after facial angulation :

The doctor will give you instructions after the surgery. But doing the following steps along with the doctor's advice can improve the results of the surgery. And also getting to know the different models of this type of surgery, such as facial angulation with thread and facial angulation with a device are two different types of cosmetic surgery.. An important point that you should pay attention to here is facial angulation with Plexer, which is a type of Italian device and is very useful..

  1. Do not apply makeup for 4 hours after the procedure.
  2. Avoid chewing and eating hard foods for 7 days.
  3. Do not put any pressure on the operated area for at least 6 hours after the surgery.
  4. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach for 2 days.
  5. Avoid strenuous exercise for a day after surgery.
  6. Avoiding too much hot water is also effective. So, as a result, avoid going to the hot water pool or jacuzzi and sauna for a week.

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The most important factors affecting the price of facial angulation

One of the most important factors is the method used to do this, the type of doing this process. Each of the mentioned methods has a different cost. The experience of the attending physician is also very important in estimating the cost of surgery. For example, angulation of the face with prosthesis has a different price than the described types.

But due to the sensitivity of this process, it is recommended to consult a doctor specializing in this field and do not be deceived by advertisements that sometimes offer lower prices.. Because the slightest negligence in the doctor's surgery may cause irreparable damage to the face.

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