Dental implant surgery process

Dental implant surgery process

Dental implant surgery | The duration of the operation depends on the number and complexity of the operation conditions. ممکن است چند Dental implants در یک عمل جراحی قرار داده شود در این حالت زمان عمل طولانی تر خواهد شد.

این جراحی معمولا تحت بی حسی موضعی انجام میشود بعد از اینکه لثه کاملا بیحس شد. The dentist makes an incision in your gum and makes a small hole in your jawbone and it is placed in this hole.. در شرایط خاصی میتوان کشیدن دندان آسیب دیده و جایگزاری The implant را طی یک جلسه جراحی انجام داد که این روش Immediate implants یک جلسه ای نامیده میشود و همیشه قابل انجام نیست و همانطور که پیشتر ذکر شد در “شرایط خاصی” قابل انجام است.

اگر این حالت قابل انجام نباشد دندانپزشک The implant چند ماه (Upper jaw 3-6 months and lower jaw 2-4 months) After tooth extraction, it is placed so that the jawbone has enough time to repair itself, this is called "delayed implant"..

Immediate and delayed dental implants can be placed in one or two steps . در روش یک مرحله ای میله و اتصالاتی که بین پروتز و The implant متصل میشوند همزمان قرار داده میشوند و بعد از پایان جراحی ضمائم آن در دهان قابل مشاهده است.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan  | Dental implant surgery process

In the two-step method, first the rod is placed under the gum (You don't see it in your mouth) and for a while (About two to three months) We wait for the gum and bone to heal completely. After the passage of time, during another surgery, which will be a much lighter surgery, the joints will be connected to it.

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Care after dental implant surgery

After the implant, you may need to rest for the anesthesia to wear off completely. After a local anesthetic, it takes a few hours for your mouth and teeth to return to their original state.. You may need painkillers to relieve discomfort from the anesthesia.

خیلی مهم است که در چند روز بعد از The implant که به استراحت می گذرانید، از غذاهای نرم استفاده کنید. Be careful not to use hot foods and drinks until the numbness is completely removed from your mouth. Otherwise, you may burn yourself out without realizing it. It is very important to keep your mouth clean as always by brushing and flossing. You may need a special toothbrush to clean between the teeth more easily.

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دوره نقاهت درمان چقدر زمان میبرد ؟

اگر درد شدیدی دارید، میتوانید مسکن های با دوز بالا مانند پاراستامول یا ایپوبروفن مصرف کنید. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwash to reduce the risk of infection.. However, there are not many scientific reasons for this.

In a few months after the operation, it is better to be examined frequently by your dentist to make sure that there are no special problems during the recovery period.. The length of time required for recovery varies according to the conditions of the mouth and teeth as well as the dentist's treatment method. During this time, it is better to follow the dentist's instructions carefully.

بعد از تحویل پروتز های نهایی مجموعه The implant و پروتزها میتواند عملکرد مشابه دندانهای طبیعی شما را داشته باشند و و قادر خواهید بود به طور عادی غذا بخورید. You must floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day to ensure that your teeth and implants remain healthy and see your dentist and hygienist regularly.

If the prosthesis attached to it is damaged, your dentist can probably repair it, otherwise the prosthesis will be replaced.. what if The implant You saw damage, the dentist may be able to repair it, if he can't repair it, he can have a The implant replace it .

Risks and complications of dental implants

Before surgery and related work The implant از دندانپزشک معالج خود بخواهید که خطرات کار را به طور کامل برایتان توضیح دهد. You may experience mild and temporary side effects after the procedure. These side effects can include swelling and discomfort around it. If you are unable to tolerate the pain, you can use pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, which have a high dose..

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Side effects are problems that occur during or after surgery. The most likely complication after any surgery is excessive bleeding and reaction to anesthesia.. The nerves that provide innervation also support the nerve fibers of the lower jaw. These nerve fibers cover your teeth, gums, and lower lip. If these nerves are damaged, you may feel tingling, temporary numbness, or sometimes permanent numbness in these areas..

در صورتی که به درستی با استخوان فک ادغام نشود، ممکن است که The implant شل شود. این اتفاق معمولا درد ندارد، اما مشکل بزرگ این خواهد بود که The implant نمی تواند پروتز ها را ساپورت کند. In this case, the operation must be performed again.

متخصص معالج شما توصیه می کند که به طور منظم The implant خود را چک کنید تا از سلامت آن مطمئن شوید. This is very rare, but in some cases, the dentist may damage the nerves while creating a hole in the bone, and thus the patient will experience anesthesia.. In most cases, this numbness disappears after a few months. There have been cases of permanent numbness, but these are rare.

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