6 The reason for the deterioration of the result of nose surgery

What are the reasons for the deterioration of the result of nose surgery?

What factors cause the deterioration of the result of rhinoplasty and the patient's dissatisfaction rhinoplasty They become themselves.

1.. Not a suitable candidate for nose surgery

It must have happened that you were very surprised after hearing the news of a nose job done by one of your acquaintances. In fact, the noses of some of those who visit the nose surgeon's office do not need surgery at all. Despite the doctor's prohibition of nose job, these people insist on doing it and in the end, they regret what they did..

2.. Precedence of price over quality

For some patients, the price of rhinoplasty is more important than the result. These people refer to surgeons and clinics that charge less than others. On the other hand, some others think that the higher salary of the surgeon means the better quality of his work. In both cases, not having enough information about the surgeon's history often does not lead to good results.

۳. Excessive surgeon

In some cases, the patient's nose only needs a series of minor changes to make it look as beautiful as possible. But the surgeon makes many drastic changes in the patient's nose. The surgeon's skill in aesthetics and recognizing the amount of necessary changes is a very important issue that unfortunately some surgeons ignore.. A good nose surgeon, despite the insistence of the patient, implements a model and form on the nose that suits his face.

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4.. Choosing the wrong surgical method

Choosing one method for nose surgery for all patients is a mistake that some surgeons make. In order to correct the defects of each nose, a unique surgical method should be considered and suitable for the patient's needs, because some surgical methods may not be suitable for a case and have a negative effect on the result of the nose operation..

5. Choosing the wrong surgeon

If you have been careful in the above cases, an inexperienced and inappropriate surgeon is one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the nose after surgery, which causes many problems.. Finding and researching a skilled nose surgeon who has a lot of credibility and experience in this field is the main task of the patient. The patient's lack of work and entrusting the center of the face to the hands of non-specialists, in most cases, causes great losses to him.

Know more : Thick skin and impact on the final result of rhinoplasty

۶. Going through recovery the wrong way

In many cases, the patient does wrong things during the recovery period after nose surgery. For example, not following the doctor's orders is such a mistake. The recovery period and the healing process after nose surgery is as important as the surgery itself because even a small accident can interfere with the healing of the scar and damage the nose, which may eventually ruin the shape and model of the nose..

Isfahan nose surgeon

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