Thick skin and impact on the final result of rhinoplasty

Thick skin is a major challenge in the nose

Unlike thin-skinned noses, thick skin has all the obvious flaws in the skeleton Nose Completely covers. The benefits of having a thick skin ends here.

In fact, the skin is very thick, commonly referred to as one of the most challenging issues and sometimes as one of insurmountable obstacles on the nose is . The reasons for this are many bad reputation . And the risks it has caused many surgeons avoid surgery for these patients is challenging.

Thick skin and hidden nose

One of the reasons that thicker skin is a big challenge is the presence of a thick mass mixed with the skin.. Thicker skin reduces the characteristics of the nose by covering the nasal skeleton.

In this case, the desired characteristics of the nose skeleton hidden and subtle fluctuations in the nose that beautiful structure and the balance is expected to be lost. Poor framework in this type of cartilage that is more just hide bumps projected increases.

Nose surgery, Isfahan, Iran

The importance of structural support in patients with thick skin

In addition, skeletons very thick skin covering the nose, nasal cartilage exert more pressure on the skin thin, skin pressure on the nose cartilage does not enter .

Rhinoplasty changes that weaken structural support are very dangerous, especially in noses with thicker skin because they lead to progressive collapse of the nasal skeleton and deformity of the nose. . If rhinoplasty while at the same time, strengthen the structural support can best be achieved .

This ensures a firm and attractive nose frame that can support the extra weight caused by thicker skin.. In fact, it is almost impossible to have a stable, well-proportioned nose in patients with thicker skin without a secure, firm cartilage framework..

Although strong skeletal support alone can not guarantee a more beautiful nose, a nose with strong structural support is primarily the first condition for rhinoplasty in patients with thicker nasal skin type. .

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