Unilateral swelling after nose surgery

Unilateral swelling of the nose after rhinoplasty

Unilateral swelling | Waiting is always the hardest part ! Waiting patiently for the unilateral swelling of the nose to go away is the most difficult part of rhinoplasty. According to many patients, the soft and sticky plastic plaster that is placed on the nose after surgery . It helps reduce swelling and helps with soft tissue . Up to your basic framework ( Bones and cartilage ) to approach. After they are removed, part of the swelling accumulates in the nose . Depending on the amount of work done on the nose, the thickness of the skin and other healing factors, this swelling will take several months to subside.. In some cases, targeted steroid injections can help the swelling go away.

Swollen nose Including natural complications after Nose surgery . . One of the common concerns among people applying for nose surgery is swelling of the nasal lobes, swelling of the tip of the nose, swelling of the nasal septum, and even sometimes unilateral swelling of the nose. .

Choosing the best and most experienced doctor and Nasal surgeon To perform surgery, it is one of the most important components in obtaining the desired results from nose surgery . Because if the wrong choice is made, a person may face irreparable complications. Therefore, if your chosen nose surgeon has the necessary and high education, experience, and skills . It can bring you excellent results in terms of appearance beauty while maintaining the function of the nose in terms of smell and breathing, so that it is in harmony with other parts of your face and has a positive effect on the harmony of your face. .

readable articles Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon :

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Unilateral swelling after nose surgery

What is the cause of unilateral nose swelling after rhinoplasty surgery?

One-sided swelling of the nose may sometimes happen due to the lack of proper glueing to the nose. Some people apply nose tape at home . They may not apply the same amount of pressure as using tape on the nose . And because of this, the swelling of the nose has decreased on one side . Meanwhile, the swelling remains in the other part of the nose. Other causes of nose swelling on one side can be manipulation and applying more changes during the surgical process on that side of the nose. For this reason, the nose may swell more on one side after surgery.

The way of sleeping is also one of the other things that have an effect on one-sided nasal swelling. It is caused when you sleep on one side of your face . until the swelling of the nose increases on the same side. For this reason, it is recommended to rest 3 to 6 weeks after rhinoplasty . And to reduce the swelling, put two pillows under your head.

How long does it take to recover from nose swelling after surgery?

Unilateral swelling of the nose after surgery or even swelling of both sides of the nose, bridge of the nose, or tip of the nose, lasts at least one to three months. . to be completely removed. Of course, it should be noted that the recovery of swelling and inflammation after surgery depends on the skin type, nose type, and the experience of the surgeon.. If the patient goes to a good nose surgeon to perform his operation . It will definitely face fewer and shorter-term complications in this field.

But if the nose swelling is chronic, depending on the thickness of the skin of the nose, it is possible . It takes 6 months to a year and sometimes up to two years after nose surgery to completely heal and remove swelling..

How to remove and replace nasal glue | Isfahan nose surgeon

The effect of glue in reducing nasal congestion

using Rhinoplasty It causes the same pressure on the nose and has significant effects, which are below the potential effects Rhinoplasty We have mentioned. Rhinoplasty , causes swelling caused by the accumulation of subcutaneous fluids in the nasal tissues. The pressure exerted by the glue on the tissues of the nose; causes the collagen produced by the skin, well in the surgical wound areas; multiplied and thus reduce the amount of nasal swelling to a minimum.

It is worth noting that the use of Rhinoplasty During the first 6 months after رینوپلاستی ; It has the most effect, of course, the duration of applying the glue is determined based on the patient's condition and the surgeon's opinion.

Swelling after rhinoplasty

After reviewing your photos again, you realize that after رینوپلاستی In terms of beauty, you have achieved a very natural and satisfactory result. It is completely understandable to be worried about long-term and sometimes one-sided swelling in the nose, but you need to know that the swelling after Rhinoplasty Surgery It takes a year to fully subside. After a period 8 Month, you see that the shape of your nose evolves and acquires its final structure; In the meantime, be patient and follow the instructions of the best nose surgery doctor in Isfahan.

What should be done to reduce swelling of the nose after nose surgery?

  1. Minimize the use of salt and spices in your food and avoid snacks and fatty foods.
  2. Rest in an arched position by placing two pillows under the head so that the shoulders are higher than the body..
  3. Use the nasal tape correctly and continuously and replace it whenever you feel that your tape is loose or wet..
  4. Avoid doing heavy activities and sports and bending your head.
  5. If the one-sided swelling of your nose is high and after a few months, you did not feel any change in the reduction of its swelling, you can
  6. Refer to the best nose surgeon and maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan to reduce the swelling of your nose if necessary After rhinoplasty be injected.

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