Actions before surgery

Actions before surgery

In a meeting before you contact us, our nurse will give you the tips you need to take the necessary measures before and after practice to do.

In a day of action to call us to confirm we're supposed to act.

On the day of surgery, you'll speak with a nurse (Who does your unconscious).
And before going to the operating room you will meet with your doctor.

عمل جراحی ابرو باتوجه به ساختار زیرپوستی و میزان بافت اضافه حدود 3 It takes hours.

If non-surgery facelift, also have another operation, this time more naturally during Khvahdkshyd.

It takes about an hour to regain consciousness from anesthesia and most patients after 5 ـ 4 They are released hours after admission.

Actions before surgery
  1. Please do not take aspirin or aspirin or ibuprofen for up to a week before surgery and 2 Refrain from the week after the operation.
    For a complete list of drugs prior to surgery in the "Drug List" visit.
    If you are taking medication that affects the blood circulation to your doctor immediately.
  2. Please stop taking drugs and alcohol a week before the operation 3 Avoid the week after surgery. If these two don't stop, postpone the recovery of wounds and skin redness and other disorders remain.
  3. Please send us your medical records in all.
    Appointments in nursing practice before you in the day of action of drugs that should be taken with a sip of water puts.
  4. The appointment of conduct you are given prescription oral antibiotics and pain relievers where there. Please provide funds for this version before going to the operating room until after the end of surgery and return home to prepare them in mind.
  5. Baydvytamyn C (Ascorbic acid) Expire before and after surgery..
  6. After midnight the day before surgery should not eat or drink.
    Unless the doctor prescribe this for you, unlike.
    It is best to wash your teeth before operation.
    For failing to act on any of the above you will be canceled.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Isfahan, Tohid Miyani St., in front of Saman Bank, Tandis Building, Unit 5
Phone:36272377 031