Semi-fancy nose or normal nose?

Semi-fancy nose or normal nose?

Semi-fantasy nose job

A semi-fantasy nose is a model between the noses Does he like the result of the operation to be completely natural and only the defects of the nose to be eliminated, or does he like the nose to be slightly arched and the so-called And Rhinoplasty is performed to give the nose a perfectly shaped shape And it has the characteristics of both. This nose model is suitable for people who don't like a natural nose and don't like a fancy nose. The amount of arc that is given to the nose in this model is less than the fantasy model, and so called the sliding state of the nose in profile mode is a gentler slope than the fantasy model..

In the semi-fantasy nose model, the tip of the nose is reduced and shaped, but not as small as the fancy nose.. Also, the amount of high nose is less compared to the doll model. In short, it can be said that the semi-fantasy model is between a natural nose and a doll nose. This model is popular among both women and men. Of course, it can be said that it is a little more popular among women.

The characteristics of a semi-fantasy nose are: :

  • It has a thin blade.
  • The nostrils in this nose model are small.
  • The tip of the nose is up and has a proportional arch.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Semi-fancy nose or normal nose?

Is a natural nose better or a fantasy and semi-fantasy?

According to the points we mention and your face shape, you can decide which of these models is more suitable for your nose.:

In the operation of a natural nose, the angle of the upper lip is beautiful and the tip of the nose is in shape 90 The degree is maintained, but in semi-fantasy nose surgery, this angle is up to 100 The grade is taken. The middle part of the nose in fantasy and semi-fantasy nose surgery has more arch than normal nose surgery.

In practice, the nose is semi-fantasy because the nose is so-called upside down It is possible, the nostrils are slightly closed, and if the doctor is not experienced, you may have difficulty breathing later.. This problem is more common in fancy nose surgery.

To Fleshy noses who have thicker skin and more sebaceous glands, natural nose surgery is recommended. Action Fantasy nose And semi-fantasy more for women and especially beauty seekers who have Bone nose are recommended. Fancy bone nose operation can have a favorable result.

In general, for people who don't like the fancy nose arch. And they are not satisfied with the natural nose job. They can use semi-fantasy nose job to shape their own nose.

Contact with Dr. Behnam Khorami

Puppet or fantasy nose surgery

Puppet or fantasy nose surgery

Fancy nose job

Rhinoplasty Before the doll nose operation, he should analyze the result of the surgery for the patient according to the standards of the nose, such as the width of the nose, its fit with other parts of the face, the height of the nose, the distance between the nose and the upper lip, etc.. In rhinoplasty with a fancy result, which is colloquially called a doll, the focus is more on the tip of the nose.. The nose is greatly reduced and the height of the nose is uphill from the angle of the profile. The tip of the nose is up and has a proportional arch.

In rhinoplasty with a fantasy result, due to the reduction of the size of the nose and its holes, a person may have breathing problems and a weak sense of smell, so the surgery must be performed by a skilled and experienced doctor..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Fancy doll nose

Tips on doll nose surgery

People who have Bone nose and their facial features are small, a better result than rhinoplasty with results Fantasy nose will get. Noses that have strong tissue and cartilage and thin skin, the result of surgery will be more successful. Fancy nose surgery is more popular with women due to its small and delicate nose.. But the number of men who have applied for fancy nose surgery has not been small.

The points that the doctor should pay attention to in fancy nose surgery are: :

  1. The size of the nostrils should not be smaller than one limit, because this action can damage the respiratory function of the nose.
  2. The proportion between the nose and other parts of the face should be observed, so the nose cannot be made too small without considering the other parts of the face.
  3. The distance between the upper lip and the nose should be such that the nose does not look like a pig.
  4. Skin fleshy noses It is usually thick and it takes a little work to achieve 100 A percentage makes it hard to ideal model. Bony noses have better results as a result of fancy nose surgery than fleshy noses .

Getting to know more about the features of fantasy nose

In this type of surgery, the nose surgeon will completely trim the nose in order to refine the shape of the nose. So that the nose is quite small, its tip is very high and its blade has a high arch. For these reasons, these types of noses can be easily identified by their appearance.

A fancy nose is not suitable for every face. For example, people whose facial features are not small should not make their nose fancy. Also, people with fleshy noses. And the skin of their nose is thick, the final result of the fancy nose will not be good. And it will become abnormal to such an extent that the patient will have to undergo a nose repair operation. You can't maneuver too much in the repair surgery because a lot of trimming was done in the initial surgery to shrink the nose and there were many changes, and this will make the repair difficult..

In fantasy nose surgery, the angle of the tip of the nose should be observed. Because if there is too much elevation and an excessive arch in the nasal septum and the nose becomes too small accordingly, it will cause the nose to go out of the fantasy state and the nose will take on a slippery and pig-like state..


Isfahan nose surgeon | When you look at the nose of men from the profile, the angle between the forehead and the nose is more than women

For whom is a doll nose suitable and unsuitable?

Fancy rhinoplasty is suitable for people who have a bony nose with thin skin because thin nasal skin and strong cartilage make the elegance visible after the operation.. Also, people who have small and delicate facial features are suitable for this procedure.

People with fleshy noses with thick skin are not suitable candidates for this type of surgery. Because the high thickness of the skin does not show the subtleties of surgery, as a result, the surgeon has to cut the nose more than the size of the bony noses, which will result in many complications..

Men and people with large facial features are also not suitable candidates for this type of surgery. Because there will be no proportion between the parts of the face, and this is not approved in terms of aesthetics and health.

A fancy nose can be more beautiful and elegant than a natural nose if the parts of the face match the nose and the doctor approves.. This nose model is ideal for people with bony noses with thin skin.

Complications of doll nose surgery

An important point in the surgery of this model of nose selection The best rhinosurgeon is to have high proficiency and skill in nose surgery with fantasy model. If the surgeon is experienced in this model . The complications of this type of surgery will also be less, the only need is the care that the person must follow. These cares are done to reduce swelling and the possibility of bleeding.

If this operation is performed by a surgeon who does not have enough experience, there is a possibility of complications. Also, due to the abnormality of the nose after the operation, the person may have to repair the nose.