Jaw surgery and should's and Chin

Jaw surgery and should's and Chin

If you've concluded that your jaw too in your face, so the opportunity has found maneuvering did not think unlikely cosmetic surgery of the jaw to help your mind does. But it is better than before the surgery, of all types and of course all the ماجرهای it and then decide.

These days despite the beauty surgery like nose surgery and can be used to change the face and getting close to the ideal action figures *. Now, in this گیرو in addition to these significant common surgical procedures are different that could be on the list rather than imposed and are also popular. Cosmetic surgery is one of the same types of jaw. If you have a lot of standing against the mirror these days, and incidentally to have concluded that the jaw you too in your face a chance to find and hand over the maneuvering should let other members of the glaring case of stripping them, so it's not at all unlikely to resolve the story thought the cosmetic surgery of the jaw to help slow your mind. But it is better to take action before you get a decision or for surgery of all kinds and of course all the ماجرهای it, and then decide whether or not you are ready for this.

3 Beauty operation category

Your jaw is too large to upload? Maybe you think your chin is too small, or because you dont have the Chin. At the same time may generally about your jaw is small or large, and that the problem of high jaw or lower jaw be given the wrong diagnosis. So the best possible mode is that the first consultation with the specialist of the Cham and bending the main cause of job دربیاورید and adventure to find out. Aesthetic surgery of the jaw are divided into three categories, cosmetic surgery of the maxilla, mandible and Chin. Now each of these surgeries are based on examination of the patient and the photos that he has taken, and finally the diagnosis the doctor will do and can alone or together done. In this examination of the patient the main role in determining what kind of appropriate action is the jaw.

بایدها و نباید‌های جراحی زیبایی فک و چانه


The mandibular surgery

Other cosmetic surgery that can be done on a persons jaw can be specific to those of their mandibular or maxillary alone or along with experiencing the problem that this problem can be well over the limit of the mandible upwards, which causes the mandibular teeth in going into the maxillary teeth or can be rotating too low into the side of the mandible, which is The open mouth makes the stay arises from the front of the jaw teeth on nersiden can be. On these occasions the action on the lower jaw, or can be done alone or with the upper jaw. At this time it doesn't happen out in the open, shearing and cutting inside the mouth will be. This time the lower jaw of the mucosa and muscles can be separated, in the appropriate place and cut again, according to NI, the mandibular bone and examinations at appropriate place can be fixed.

Maxillary surgery

Perhaps in cases where the patient's upper jaw is back with this person thought the doctor go away that her lower jaw is too jlost in the event that the principal problem related to the rear of the upper jaw being sick. In patients who have a high rear jaw is usually much more of their upper lip rear lower lips, he is OK, this causes the patient to find a serious problem in terms of beauty. At the same time who is the top jaw back they laugh their China too has gone down, but this is another issue that is in the beauty they create disorder. Also, some patients who have their top jaw back may feel without having to know any and a must have for any action while the main reason this topic can either be the same as the back of the upper jaw being these people.. In such cases the main treatment will bring the front upper jaw. Now diagnosed when these patients are faced with being upper jaw back and need to fix this problem, the practice of surgery is done on them. it may also be the maxillary height is too high or low, which could cause disruption in the pair off the teeth or mouth caused by lack of staying open, causing the jaw together is that in all these cases, the recommended upper jaw surgery. In this action are all cut from the inside of the mouth and on the face will not create any shear. In this way the maxillary bone of the mucosa and muscles free and with horizontal cutting at a high level the root of the teeth can be cut completely . At this point the jaw bone has been separated on the basis of the examination conducted prior to surgery, x-ray and dental mold who was taken in the right place can be fixed.

Recovering period

The era of recovering and pain after surgery in Chin surgery is less than the lower and upper jaw surgery because the dental section of the jaw in this action could not be tampered with. a special adhesive that exists after the surgery to the patient and at the same time taking a course of antibiotics is also part of the time recovering in cosmetic surgery is Chin. Of course the patient after surgery pain probably will also brief the Chin that prescribe painkillers can be quiet and usually in this kind of operation there will be no problem to chew because dont have dental surgery of the jaw part of the Chin is not manipulation. But the jaw surgery is another such conditions. These people after surgery should be the first to consume liquids and soft foods used quite placed their orders. Little by little, after three to four weeks for these patients administered semi-solid foods.

Orthodontic consultations

The surgery is supposed to be above or below the jaw about the surgery, be sure before taking action, orthodontic advice for the patient can be requested. Of course, in practice the Chin because the ratio of the normal's jaw--need advice not from earlier practice orthodontics. But in the surgery of the jaw up and down the way the teeth may also be eaten so orthodontic consultation before the practice is essential. This advice was given that if the order is not a suitable teeth orthodontic will perform up to two years, and then the direction of the action is action jaw.

For aesthetic Chin surgery

The action is helpful for patients whose Chin aesthetic problems in the jaw, dental. So that their teeth are pairs together easily and the placement of the maxillary and mandibular bone they are natural, but their Chin or back or too long it seems. This can create problems for people in beauty. Now this is the kind of action we have no up or down on the surgery of the jaw do not act, we will do the Chin bone only on. In fact, such as the Chin surgery is surgery of the jaw through the cutting can be done inside the mouth. Again, don't be on the shear face and all the slices inside the mouth that happens. The Chin bone through the inside of the mouth is completely free. Now in this step are two ways to bring up or bringing forward the Chin there, one of these methods is the bony Plas Geneva Conference. In this way, with your Chin on the shear bone, the bone of the jaw and the rest based on the previously marked on the basis of x-ray and diagnosed, the front or the top will be brought. Finally, in the same place can be fixed with a proper. A notable feature of the above Act is that its work on the patient's bone and bone which is actually to be brought forward and finally no پروتزی not used. So this is an action, the practice is preferred because there is no foreign body resulting in the risk of infection is also less. So basically this is a more appropriate method of surgery for aesthetic Chin surgery. the second Geneva Conference surgery procedure can be done with augmentation plastics. In this action after releasing the appropriate location of the implant in the Chin bone is placed on and in this way can be brought closer to the Chin. Gave this surgery in the use of foreign object. It is natural that in the use of prosthetic infection risk is higher but well there are items that the patient does not have a Chin bone that can be used to cut and bring it closer to the.

Some things to know about Jaw surgery

Some things to know about Jaw surgery

Aesthetic criteria
Different Nations and ethnic groups have different criteria for their beauty and even paradoxical for a common point but are in all of these countries and a discussion of the appropriateness of the same opinion based on that set and harmoni folk and race are determined.
مثلاَ in the African race out the front jaw and both come from people in many African countries, but between nazibast and shall be deemed to be fit.
Therefore, the components of the face and body beauty with respect to determinants of ethnic and racial criteria. as a result, if we should consider all the components together and say that the. on a component for it and we think with dstkari hands face it we will be thinking of how to set ashtbahi zibater.
To determine the appropriateness of the face must be such that all components of the hair, the eyebrows, and frontal … Evaluation of the maxilla are low, and the teeth are also including the same components. Sometimes people think they can if their jaw-related face in their zibater will be given if that maybe don't have the problem اصلاَ, farmer and other parts related to abnormalities of the face..
Mandibular abnormalities in fkaz problems with jaw abnormalities can be referred as. This can be congenital abnormalities, i.e. the problem of genetic inheritance as a farmer patient. group are several other abnormalities, such as relieving the finger during childhood or hit the jaw in infancy and childhood, which may cause serious abnormalities in the jaw,. Overall rear jaw abnormalities, or developmental growth or mandegi are many; many abnormalities may grow or grow only in a mandegi rear jaw will be seen or clicked, or both the front jaw are small. There is even the possibility of a farmer, he grew to be too much and one less farmer too!The rear of the mandibular growth mandegi
At the rear of the main jaw growth is one of the mandegi the most aijadknndeh, the blow to the jaw and jaw growth during childhood centers. this case occurs in the lower jaw are معمولاَ and consequently lower jaw back and will stay small. It used to be believed that for treatment, it is necessary to age 18 He waited for years, but nowadays, the principle is that medical intervention should be done as soon as the problem is discovered, and there is no need to wait until old age. We can treat the problem of delayed growth of the jaw with or without surgery in childhood..
In treatment of persistant of mandibular growth stimulation, no that is prescribed for use by expert artudonsi. on the surgical treatment in childhood may be drawing machines work inside the jaw bone of the donor region to create a more gradual growth as the rear jaw will be compensated mandegi. Occasionally we have a newly-born baby with severe jaw mandegi back surgery, we immediately because otherwise the baby stay due to the rear jaw suffered shall be khfgi. Mandibular growth many
This problem exists in both the upper and lower jaw, but it is often seen in the lower jaw. In this case, unlike the retardation of jaw growth, it should 18 Age for men and a little earlier than 18 Let's wait for a year for women. The reason is the continued growth of the jaw until this age. If this abnormality is earlier than 18 If the surgery is done, due to the remaining part of the growth, the jaw will return to its original position.
Jrahibrai of the first mandibular surgery should be prescribed for establishing specific abnormalities in factors. because of jaw problem may اصلاَ. then fit the components of the face and facial abnormalities feki status total consideration. here, we were like some of the methods معمولاَ, photograph of a face or the preparation of plaster models of abnormality better use fkin. Thus, we realize we are that there are اصلاَ feki abnormalities or not and if there What has it factor and how it should be with respect to other components for correction..

The treatment team
Jaw surgery often work in cooperation with a team of Seth's mouth and jaw and facial surgeon and expert artudonsi. both of these strings are specialized Dentistry dental surgery because it's a very important role in this are.
Ideal for a treatment of dental patients and should be corrected and feki relations consolidation of that work in the field of dentistry patients prior to surgery. معمولاَ by artodontist will be treated as your own teeth, dental arch and the ideal condition for the surgery and after surgery, it will be done.
After the accurate diagnosis of the abnormality and the planning of the surgical treatment, we usually prefer to start the orthodontic treatment for the surgery one or two years before the surgery, until the patient reaches the age 18 The surgery should be performed immediately and the patient should not lose time and the abnormality should be removed as soon as possible.

After the operation, the patient is in the hospital for one night and is discharged the next day. We usually do not keep such patients in the hospital for more than one night unless the patient has special medical conditions. The patient can immediately enter the social life and even Go to work. After the surgery, there will be some swelling in the face, which is completely normal 4-3 It is present one day to one week after the surgery and it disappears gradually. Dead blood and bruising are usually not seen except in older people..

Surgical cutting line
One of the common questions about the place of stay of patients in surgical and surgical face rejection. today, all of the surgical correction of mandibular abnormalities from the inside of the mouth. If therefore any work performed instead of all patients and not in this case b..

Closed mouth, open mouth
For boiling the bone eating after surgery, or mouth with wires will be closed and the person cannot open the mouth almost, or with a special plaque and the bony parts are within the fixed jaw and the patient's mouth open texts. these two methods do not have any time to ارجحیتی and to apply them more taste. of course, in certain circumstances it is better to be with the mouth closed wire but generally today after most surgical Of the method of fixing with screw and plate is used and the patient can open his mouth. کلاَ bone eating welding a month and a half it takes but no screws are so sick that they resist boiling before eating a normal diet could have the full bone.. An interesting point about the method of closing the mouth because a lot of patients after surgery and to apply this method for low weight and value that are happy even though we aim to attenuate the patient. but not بعضاَ in the oral procedure closed this happens. in fact, for people prkhor perhaps this is an opportunity to take the habit of eating low.

After surgery care
The disease, which is located under the jaw surgery should be careful as a blow to the jaw do not enter because it can cause bone displacement or maintenance tools inside the jaw relax. patients is better than a long abstinence, and they travel in cars must be sure to close the safety belt. It is better to these patients has a heavy sports. the observance of health care for these patients is very important and it is obligatory. these people from the day after the operation must throw a toothbrush and rinse your mouth with mouthwash will.

The duration of the stay closed the mouth and diet
Patients whose mouths must be closed with a wire should be 6 They stayed in this situation for weeks, but now until 3 This time can be reduced by a week. The mouth is closed with a wire for 2-3 weeks, and after this period, the wire is opened and the mouth is closed with an elastic instead. 2 In the first week, the mouth does not open at all, but after replacing the wire with an elastic, the mouth opens more than before. In total, it takes about a month and a half for the patient to be relieved from the wire and elastic.. Those who فکشان with closed wire should be more fluid and smooth foods (Like soup without site). In fact, within two weeks of that patient's mouth should be open اصلاَ should not have to chew the foods they need. after removal of the wires and put the patient's cache can have much softness diet like سوپی that need to chew so much. after the one month chewable foods the patient can use this diet. patients should you be in such a way that the required to receive food. Those who open their mouths should use loose foods, that is, foods that do not require intense chewing, such as soup, puree, soft bread, rice, and soft stew that do not contain hard or hard ingredients. But after 4-3 They can have a normal diet for a week.

ارتودونسی after surgery
The patient after surgery should be under the control of the surgeon and stay ارتودونتیست. one of the problems after تصحیحی surgery of the jaw, jaw muscles tend to return to the State prior to surgery because muscles. the habit to return to the previous situation and intend to طبعاَ they could stretch the jaw to the status prior to surgery and the surgical failures returned. should this muscle pull that deal through the use of ارتودونسی devices, this work will be done. Orthodontics after surgery is actually the final stage of treatment, where slight changes are applied to the condition of the teeth and after 3-2 In a month, the fixed devices are removed from inside the mouth and mobile plaques are given to the patient to stabilize the position of the teeth in the retainer stage..

Beauty and the تصحیحی Jaw surgery complications
Generally, any surgery can be the most important complication in effect. this surgery in the sense of disorder that lips can come after the surgery before and معمولاَ within a few weeks will gradually go away. in terms of the serious damage to a rare nerve disorder, be entered in the sense of to remain for a longer period if severe symptoms may be so set the sense of اصلاَ the way the lips, but this is not a serious issue, and not much complication There is no concern. If she does feel the lips of the patient makes it a habit to very soon.

Supplement surgery
As noted in such surgery have all the components for comment. sometimes a great appearance to the nose, but not a small but a big cause of the maxillary. sometimes after surgery of the jaw fit together if the patient no longer nose does not appear to be better and surgery. A very large mistake Rhinoplasty surgery before surgery of the jaw. in many of these cases when the jaw (In particular, the maxilla)After the surgery, nose surgery, nose of your fitness and beauty have been lost and even ugly and unpleasant looks.
So if the patient is placed under the jaw surgery and surgery of the nose, as the first principle should be a jaw surgery and later the nose. Sometimes a patient species also need to have a correction, especially after the معمولاَ of the jaw surgery. planning and, if necessary, the patient often simultaneously and in a species as well as with surgery, the jaw can be corrected.
Sometimes the patient's Chin was also small and need to operate. we have two type of surgery to have a Chin implant and use another one.-cut the bone and Chin changes its position. the second method more and better scientific method sets because the Chin area of prosthetics after a while due to the intense pressure of the muscles are moved and may even be out of texts there.-cut the bone Chin results is more predictable and more beautiful.