Masking after rhinoplasty

Masking after rhinoplasty

How to apply a mask after rhinoplasty

How to wear a mask after rhinoplasty in these coronary days is one of the major concerns of all those who have had their nose operated on.. However, these people are advised not to leave the house for at least 2 weeks after rhinoplasty. But sometimes some things are very important that make it necessary to leave.

Dr Behnam khorami – Isfahan nose surgeon – How to apply a mask after rhinoplasty

It is true that not being in crowded places can be a good way to prevent it. However, different people are walking and breathing on the streets and sidewalks. This increases the risk factor. As a result, it is better if you have operated on your nose and there is an urgent need to leave the house, be sure to learn the methods of masking after nose surgery and use them..

How to apply a mask after rhinoplasty | Isfahan nose surgeon

The best way to mask after rhinoplasty

Due to the fact that the mask is placed especially on the nasal bone in the upper part. This means that exactly where the cut and many changes have been made, you will definitely have a lot of pain while applying the mask. Also, the same pressure may cause the nose to deviate and deform.. So what is the best solution?
You can use the following methods:

- Because Covid virus 19 is heavy and sticks to surfaces. The first solution is to use two shields at the same time. That is, first the small shields that are placed on the chin and its upper edge continues to the nasal hump. But do not stick to it. Then use the second shield, which is larger and placed on the forehead. The bottom of this shield extends exactly to the end of the previous shield and can protect you to some extent..

- Also one of the best solutions is to use hand-embroidered fabric masks that have larger dimensions.. And instead of placing the top of it on the nose, use it to extend under the eyes. You can embroider these masks yourself. Make it a little bigger than other masks so that it completely covers the nose and face and is actually wide..

You can also put the metal part of the normal masks available in the market under the chin. And lift the mask only up to the nostrils.
These tips can actually be the best way to mask after rhinoplasty can protect your health against coronary heart disease..


Dr Behnam khorami

Isfahan nose surgeon

Click to view the Instagram page of Dr. Behnam Khorami, a specialist and rhinosurgeon in Isfahan.

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