What is nose surgery or rhinoplasty?

What is nose surgery or rhinoplasty?

رینوپلاستی (Change the shape of the nose)For this action, the more beautiful the shape of the nose, and create harmony between the nose and the other members of for, while maintaining the main functions of the nose is used. Because the nose is the most prominent member of the face, the size and shape of the nose has a great impact on the appearance of the people.
Some patients want their stretched nose.. Other people want to باریکتر the nostrils, others say that the MKO is away with the nasal tip. Because the tip of the nose with the increasing age of its original state loses, most patients want to know رینوپلاستی how it can give to the person's appearance joangonh. It may be thought that a plastic surgery is used only by women, but in a competitive environment, men are increasingly demanding rejuvenation procedures because a younger appearance indicates more inner energy.. Discussion about the رینوپلاستی by looking at the photos before and after the surgery starts, in this way the patient by photos realizes that after the operation what will change. As can be seen in the photos as well, patients want the surgery with a رینوپلاستی drag eyebrows merge to frown lines between the eyes go away یابا بلفاروپلاستی at the same time do to the bags under the eyes are treated. Chin augmentation, cheek, lip surgery, اتوپلاستی and drag the face can also be done with the. Often patients are looking for information on smooth surface wrinkles of the skin through chemical peel, laser surgery or similar building methods are smooth.
A reputable and experienced plastic surgeon for that exclusively perform face and neck surgery, knows that his task is the only correct and repair the areas that you want is not sick, but he should be the motivation behind this demand as well as the answer. We have a width explicitly plastic surgery could not prevent the collapse of a marriage. Some people who do have cosmetic surgery preparation, more conservative methods such as Botox for wrinkle removal and face lines or collagen to repair the lines around the eyes would prefer their patients about procedures. renew awareness of youth, they know when to perform surgery is appropriate.
Your first consultation session, we are building bone and soft tissue of the nose you have in terms of form and function, we review and examination. Principles for the evaluation of the nose, what can be expected from a رینوپلاستی action, offers. Skin type, breed, age and type of the operation along with the degree of disturbance, including the important and effective factors in the incidence of surgical final outcome..
Like other plastic surgery, general health examination and having reasonable expectations is necessary. Your awareness of the methods and trends in the final successful conclusion is essential. At the meeting of consultation, we will give you the necessary guidance..
To be a successful end result come to hand, the patient should be essential methods and have awareness Act. Before proceedings and before the operation, we want a little about patients who intend to reload جراحیشان and to visit us, we speak. Reload رینوپلاستی, a word that no one does not like to hear! Due to trauma or trauma caused by primary rhinoplasty, disease, preoperative condition or surgeon's error, any surgery 2 until the 5 Percent undergoes rhinoplasty review. Although the measures before and after you reload the same measures exactly رینوپلاستی before and after the original رینوپلاستی, but رینوپلاستی has its own measures overview. If you plan to reload that disease is رینوپلاستی please please pay attention to the special devices, رینوپلاستی overview.
Specially designed for experienced plastic surgeons about nose surgery because they see the most showbiz training is cosmetic surgery.. And accuracy requires a lot of. All of the surgeons in the field of رینوپلاستی and have all the skill untrained surgeons do not have رینوپلاستی. More than any other plastic surgery we recommend that you choose the surgeon carefully and delicately will you spend.

Before رینوپلاستی surgery
In a meeting before you contact us, our nurse will give you the tips you need to take the necessary measures before and after practice to do. In a day of action to call us to confirm we're supposed to act. On the day of surgery, you'll speak with a nurse (Who does your unconscious). And before going to the operating room you will meet with your doctor. Rhinoplasty due to the structure of the subcutaneous tissue and the amount of extra tissue approx 2 It takes hours. If non of the action, the action have also another, hence the term length of خواهدکشید more. It takes about an hour to regain consciousness from anesthesia and most patients after 5 ـ 4 They are released hours after admission.

The measures before the رینوپلاستی

1. Please do not take aspirin or aspirin or ibuprofen for up to a week before surgery and 1 Refrain from the week after the operation. For a complete list of medications that should not be consumed before surgery to see the Office clerk. If you are taking a drug that affects blood circulation and bleeding quickly notify your doctor.

2. Please keep us informed of the medications you are taking and your medical history. You have to take your routine medications unless your doctor from whom he. In the preoperative nurse appointment you must act on the flow of drugs that day with a SIP of water intake, puts.

3. At your preoperative appointment you will be given a prescription that you must take after the operation, which includes an oral antibiotic, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.. Please send these medications and prescriptions before supplying the action until after the operation they have as ready, and after the completion of the action of the msrfshan.

4. After midnight the day before surgery should not eat or drink. Unless the doctor prescribe this for you, unlike. It is best to wash your teeth before operation.

After رینوپلاستی surgery
After the completion of the action of your nose with a soft pack for nose closes. On both sides of the septum (The Middle blade of the nose) You are located سیلاستیکی softness boards. This new form of ghzro boost the boards are f. May اشکهایتان on your cheek fold. This caused swelling that gradually becomes good in first week.
Nasal packing may be, make it difficult to breathe through the nose so that you should be breathing dhantan. So dhantan becomes dry. So you can eat up to دهیدراسیون of liquids (Drying) Be prevented. Drinking fluids during sleep, along with moisturizing (Cool or warm) May be effective.
After surgery of the nose, mucous membranes, they produce an abundance of mucus. Thick mucus and blood leaks through the Pack on your آبریزلب is normal. Many people ask how long does this leak last? If you drain the pack with clear red blood each 5 The minute is full, be sure to tell your doctor. After surgery, our nurse will help you with the following::
Eat liquids, walking with a soft and slow step, repel, take care of you, and control your wounds. Our nurse training again and you need tips to outlaw. You have the day after surgery to see again چکاپ. The minute is full, be sure to tell your doctor. After surgery, our nurse will help you with the following: 5 The minute is full, be sure to tell your doctor. After surgery, our nurse will help you with the following:. Since the removal of the stitches create more inconvenience to create pain, however it is better to eat an hour before housing.
You should approx 2 You should approx. Possible after a few drops of blood from the nose tampons out that rather than worry and will stop very quickly. remove this tremendous pressure from tampons on your pecker.. However, due to the ojodtorm up to a week can not easily with your nose breathing.

The activity of the
When sleeping under your head 3 ـ 2 You should approx. until the 7 Open your mouth wide during the day when sneezing and do not take a deep breath through your nose for a week. Absolutely do not bend lift heavy vehicles, and do not tug. From hugging children.. A week off. Up to a week after surgery to avoid prolonged showers. If bathing is obligatory for you to be careful not to wet the dress mkhsostan.

Try to keep your diet of juices and fluids to the comfortable upgrade to digest foods. Immediately following the Act of drinking hot liquids and foods to avoid too hot. As it may be in the area of the roof of the mouth having numbness باشیدو this hot foods are causing the burn. Eating banana and chocolate and okhrma and anans total Grammy foods to avoid for a week because the welding environment are with skin.

Take care of wounds
A gas under your nose. Open your mouth wide during the day when sneezing and do not take a deep breath through your nose for a week 24 Open your mouth wide during the day when sneezing and do not take a deep breath through your nose for a week. Open your mouth wide during the day when sneezing and do not take a deep breath through your nose for a week 1 Change these in the first few hours after rhinoplasty. Put the ice pack on the forehead or cheeks and eyes in cutting down the amount of bleeding is effective. Pack ice directly on the skin don't. مایعاتی that your nose is oozing from the نبلعید because it causes vomiting, coughing or spitting them out into fold.
After brdashn tampon runny nose can be stopped and no more is not a pad. Salt spray from the nose after being taken to use a tampon.
The splint should stay a week on your nose. Keep it dry and lick the robe to be. If the plaster or splint on the nose fell immediately to notify jrahtan.

Most patients from the pressure caused by swelling and complain vahtghan. Accommodation in use required srot. Side effects of analgesics is constipation and vomiting. Housing consumption with meals can help prevent the incidence of vomiting. In the event of the continuation of the use of a laxative for constipation.
Since the removal of the package is a discomfort with hours before its removal to the housing consumption.
As soon as you reach home taking antibiotics (Cephalexin, کفلکس) To get started. During surgery to go through within the reggae you can be struck by antibiotics. until the 24 It is normal to have a fever hours after the operation.
After coming home to start inflation-proof drug consumption. In our practice nurse appointment before the necessary instructions on how to make you daurha consumption.
From the age of the day after the removal of the package to apply the ointment twice a day (Morning and afternoon) The ointment should be rubbed inside the nasal cavities. Only the cotton part of Cork enters your nose.
After the nasal tampon inside use ointment and spray the inside of the nose in physiologic serum eject clots inside the nose may.

Please remember بشاید.
Nasal congestion, facial swelling, headache, and insomnia natural from symptoms after surgery and they are good to browse. Com dhantan be so numb from eating food and liquids do not act immediately after.

The final result
After the رینوپلاستی, sleeping and hang the skin inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal new framework will take time. Most patients a few days after surgery to the head of their work will be open. At this time you can see the swelling, but close friends and colleagues will notice them.
Final results after the action up to a year after surgery are not fully seen. Despite the problem being you friendly, about our work is very ghblter the completion of one year of work you will be satisfied with our. We are after a year you want to work with us to get a few shots and so we'll take pleasure of the final result.



Loosen the depletion and loss of consistency in the area of the upper eyelid skin makes it China eat and hang extra skin of the eyelids and eyelid fat kick out the puff can be above the eye as. Sometimes, the skin of the upper eyelid is actually caused by a surplus of drooping eyebrow وپیشانی that should be initially checked by قرارگیرد under the eyelid surgeon specialty.

Signs of drooping eyelids and puff

In terms of outward signs of extra skin and puffy eyes can be caused the situation;. Sometimes, also the upper are limited sight field . In some cases, افتادگی ابرو وپیشانی cause the above symptoms escalate.. Eye beauty surgeon Professor kashkouli bahmani (Eye plastic surgeon) According to the symptoms of eye examinations and select the best type of cosmetic surgery will be.

Cosmetic surgery of the eyelids and eyelid eyes puff up

Surgery treatment of blfaro plastics (Plastic surgery of the eyelids the eyes) . . Dry, elegant blfaro surgery involves the removal of Plas add less room inside of the eyelid is set . May be two The upper eyelid Together with lower پلکهای surgery, upper پلکهای and puff, but he mostly belong to the bottom at the same time are action. The surgery is usually done under local anesthesia . In some cases the need for another surgery combined with practice

Blfaro is a plasticizer such as brow lift , Fixed up the eyebrows , Fixed up the lacrimal gland , Fat link , The injection of fat and particularly the notion of action افتادگی پلک. Also, sometimes it is necessary to first or simultaneouslyBrow PTOSIS Frontal and with Lift endoscopy Be amended. Sometimes young people are looking for in action Forehead lift And Eyebrows, Excess skin of the eyelids is destroyed and there is no need of surgery blfaroplasti. The practice of cosmetic correction with laser or other devices do however use radio waves by means of the newest cutting machine in the face of beauty.. In the event of failure to perform the external part of the eyebrows drooping and brow lift , Need to Botox injections after surgery is بلفاروپلاستی. The top eyelid cosmetic surgery cost (The cost of بلفاروپلاستی) After examination by the surgeon of the eyelids and determine the type of cosmetic surgery is a significant announcement.

Important notes on the eyelid surgery and brow and eye round of infusions (Eye beauty action)
1- Careful examination of the eye and the buildings around the eye like ashki glands, pumps ashki, nasolacrimal duct, the muscles and the point that, before Fat injection And filler injections , Botox injections , Cosmetic eyelid surgery , Eyebrow lift , Cheek lift , Stretch marks eye , Drooping of the eyelid of the eye (Ptosis) It is necessary. Examinations by Eyelid surgeon (Eye plastic surgeon) It is done to prevent بلفاروپلاستی from complications resulting in reduced cost of eyelid cosmetic surgery.

2- The practice of cosmetic correction with laser or other devices do however use radio waves by means of the newest cutting machine in the face of beauty.

3- Drugs that cut off the chance of bleeding during surgery or after surgery, they are like راافزایش azamel: دیکلوفناک ibuprofen aspirin warfarin ….

4- The use of sunscreen cream and Sun glasses caused a delay in the creation of the eyelid and facial skin PTOSIS puff and signs of age on the face..

5- You can have any questions about blowing the upper eyelid , Drooping of the upper eyelid , Puffy eyelids down , افتادگی ابرو , Eyebrow lift , Lift and cosmetic surgery in the eye “Questions and answers” In kashkouli ask Professor site up within a few hours avalanche response will get your.

Any investment with gel or fat?

Any investment with gel or fat?

These days, many people suffered because of the weight reduction that are wasting for. or get to zibater case, you want to make the investment in gel injection. species usually does good results .
The appearance of the gel, in the first month of the effects but very beautiful gentle, slow start to move in ommakn to be ozaheri ghirghrinh if it has low creation of manufacture or because he has been compressed on the remote and the eyes move even in this particle. gelha liver oghded otahal has reported lymph .
Of course, if the standard is applied so the gel oghir nak digrmanend risk of infections and complications of gi will search the alre .
Fat injection in which the same person, or abdominal adipose tissue taken from phloha and the species is an injection, جابجائي, risk, ghfont, allergy or movement will .
According to the latest studies, no significant other complications so far yet . تنها تورم مختصر در ناحيه تزريق شده ايجاد مي گرددكه پس از 1تا2هفته بطور كامل ازبين مي رود .
This method is in the hands of a skilled practitioner with only one session of the shelf-life is very very good . If the person is not dcharcahsh again the same way, but the weight will stay.
Fat injection can be in the wrist, leg, buttocks, hands, opasht also did.
Also, contrary to what is thought to be under the eye of raniz eye goodi been back with full-fat injection is on the side, he can be without that complication have extremely fat injections in the back. the eye is held in France years and other روپائی and کشورهایا fought the. وتزریق techniques to harvest any fat دونیاز odeght elegance and great experience, and if properly and do not in principle temporary results during one of two months Will go.

ملاحظات بعد از عمل

ملاحظات بعد از عمل

شستن داخل بینی خیلی بزرگ و دردناک نیست و به رغم تصور بیماران خارج کردن آن با درد شدید همراه نخواهد بود. Change these in the first few hours after rhinoplasty 1 until the 2 Change these in the first few hours after rhinoplasty. بلافاصله بعد از عمل کمپرس آب سرد به روی گونه ها، اطراف چشم(نه روی بینی) گذاشته شود که روز اول این کمپرس سرد است، روز دوم کمپرس نیازی نیست، از روز سوم کمپرس گرم گذاشته شود. مدت زمان باقی ماندن قالب روی بینی حدود یک هفته می باشد که در طی این مدت از خیس کردن قالب خودداری نمائید، اما شستن بدن و یا سر به شرطی که منجبر به شل شدن و خیس شدن قالب نگردد ایرادی ندارد. After the operation, when the mesh inside the nose came out of each nasal drop 4 until the 6 After the operation, when the mesh inside the nose came out of each nasal drop 2 After the operation, when the mesh inside the nose came out of each nasal drop. After the operation, when the mesh inside the nose came out of each nasal drop 3 After the operation, when the mesh inside the nose came out of each nasal drop. After the operation, when the mesh inside the nose came out of each nasal drop 3 Month after surgery is prohibited. Month after surgery is prohibited 3 Month after surgery is prohibited. Month after surgery is prohibited 2 Month after surgery is prohibited. Month after surgery is prohibited 1 until the 3 Month after surgery is prohibited. Month after surgery is prohibited 3 until the 5 It gets a month after the operation, although gluing does not play a role in shaping the shape of the nose, but applying it will reduce the swelling sooner.. موقعی که گچ بینی باز می شود ممکن است بینی تورم شدید داشته باشد و یا ظاهر کاملا مطلوبی نداشته باشد و یا تغییر شکل داشته باشد و باعث استرس بیمار شود. نگران نباشید به مرور زمان که ورم کاسته می شود شکل مطلوب آن ظاهر می گردد. بعد از عمل ممکن است نشت ماع از داخل بینی وجود داشته باشد که جای نگرانی نیست. تا چند ماه بعد از عمل ممکن است با عطسه، سرفه چند قطره خارج گردد که مهم نیست. مدت زمان ورم بینی در افراد مختلف متفاوت است (بر حسب نوع بینی قبل از عمل). It gets a month after the operation, although gluing does not play a role in shaping the shape of the nose, but applying it will reduce the swelling sooner. 6 until the 12 The moon is different, so do not rush to conclude the final shape of the nose.