Horseshoe nose surgery

In some nasal surgery regardless of the fleshy part of the nose bone is too small.

After so drivers can do small parts.

In such circumstances, the upper part of the nose is subtle and wide bottom that said the horseshoe nose.

If you are the owner of such estimates and correction of nasal problems due to have major approximate Yvbshan.

And surgery to correct major defects expectations of who she is open but not fleshy nose or if the nasal bone is not short,


What would you?

Correction of the nose horseshoe with other parts of the nose may not collapse.

In such cases, the surgeon should or should not look for it, it is more difficult.

Or have small parts to fix the prosthesis and the natural.

اگر جراح به اشتباه بيني شما را به اين حالت برداشته، قبل از جراحي دوم در مورد نيازهاي بيني‌تان حسابي تحقيق كنيد و به ياد داشته باشيد اصلاح بيني كه بخشي از آن بي‌اندازه كوچك شده، هميشه از حذف برجستگي‌هاي آن دشوارتر است.


Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

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