Rhinoplasty in Iran

Facelift surgery is voluntary and without medical necessity.
The purpose of cosmetic surgery, satisfied the applicant is of their appearance.

Although modern cosmetic surgery originated in the early twentieth century, archaeological discoveries suggest that the earliest forms of reconstructive surgery 2500 until the 3000 It dates back to BC in Iran. Long before the advent of modern medicine and modern surgical methods, the Greeks, Europeans and Indians used some form of surgery to repair or reshape the nose, but the popularity of cosmetic surgery in the twentieth century. The first has increased dramatically among the masses. Millions of people around the world to create change in her appearance, cosmetic surgeons go under the knife. According to a report by the International Society of Plastic Surgery, per year 2016 AD more than 23 Millions of cosmetic surgeries have been performed worldwide, compared to last year 2015 AD has increased by 9%.

Rhinoplasty in Iran

Although the start of the new form of plastic surgery in Iran more than a few decades ago, but due to rapid changes and extensive body of science and its structure has been created, this field is one of the branches of specialized raised in Medicine and Surgery country is. Iran is also one of the countries in which rhinoplasty procedures, especially in recent years has gained fans.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist


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