Maxillary surgery

Maxillary surgery

For surgery on the upper part of the jawbone where teeth are separated from the rear of bone.
And the up, down, forward or backward. In the surgery, dental jawbone based on your specific requirements and conditions to move anomaly, as the case may be added or removed pieces of bone in the jaw bone or shape of the bone changed.

Finally the jaw bone in his new situation with the use of screws and tiny plaque, have proven to be.
Also, depending on the circumstances of the surgery of the upper and lower jaw may temporarily using wire or rubber to the cache are closed. علاوه بر آن یک گچ پلاستیکی یا یک وسیله هدایت کننده هم بر روی فک شما قرار داده می‌شود تا به حفظ استخوان‌های فک در وضعیت سالم خود کمک کند.معمولاً بریدگی‌هایی که برای انجام این عمل لازم است،در داخل دهان زده می‌شود،اما در بعضی cases it may be necessary to minor cuts outside the mouth and on the face you created. In this case, try the scar caused by the cuts as far as possible, more and more small secret..

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

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