Eat pineapple after rhinoplasty

Eat pineapple after rhinoplasty

Pineapple fruit has several health benefits, including helping digestion, boosting the body's immune system, and speeding up the healing process after rhinoplasty.. Benefits of Pineapple for Faster Healing After Surgery and Wounds This tropical fruit is rich in nutrients, antioxidants and other beneficial compounds such as enzymes that can fight inflammation and disease. Pineapple fruit has several health benefits including To digest food, strengthen the immune system and accelerate the healing process after surgery. Here are some benefits of eating pineapple after rhinoplasty.


Eat pineapple after rhinoplasty | Isfahan nose surgeon

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The presence of disease-fighting antioxidants in pineapple

Pineapple fruit is not only rich in nutrients, but also full of healthy antioxidants. Studies have shown that pineapple is especially rich in antioxidants called flavonoids and phenolic acids that have long-lasting effects on the body..

Enzymes that facilitate digestion in pineapple

Studies have shown that pineapple contains digestive enzymes called bromelain. These enzymes break down protein molecules into their structural blocks, such as amino acids and small peptides.. In this decomposed state, the body is easily able to absorb them.

Reduce the risk of cancer in pineapple

The progression of cancer is usually associated with oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Several studies have shown that the compounds in pineapple reduce the risk of some cancers. According to some laboratory studies, bromelain also helps fight cancer. Some laboratory and animal studies have also shown that bromelain stimulates the immune system by producing molecules that make white blood cells more efficient at stopping the growth of cancer cells and even killing cancer cells..

Relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis with pineapple

Studies have shown that due to the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain, this fruit can relieve pain in people with inflammatory arthritis.. A new study on the effects of bromelain on patients with osteoarthritis has found that taking an enzyme supplement containing bromelain helps relieve pain..

Rapid recovery process after surgery

Once again, the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain accelerate the healing process after surgery. Several studies have shown that bromelain reduces inflammation, swelling, bruising and pain after surgery.. One study found that people who took bromelain before dental surgery had less pain.

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