In ear cartilage is soft enough and can listen in for Shin splints yet form used surgical time. This surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia in children, but adults who have been trickier ear cartilage tissue, to do this you must create a small notch on the ear and cuts through the parts of the ear cartilage tissue is removed or the position corrected.
Physician surgeon may vary depending on the status of your ear Anatomy and the changes that you want in the shape of the ear to create the desired bridegi, inside or behind the ear you created. Then the soft tissue or cartilage that makes your ears too azafahai to be taken out of brackets. If the natural takhordgihai in the shape of auricle there is, you can be at the same stage of the shape through the ear cartilage with permanent or bakihhai hair and frmdehi cartilage, this will create a takhordgiha in it. In some cases, to achieve the expected results, it is necessary to use several different techniques to simultaneously be used in cosmetic surgery of the ears.