How to rinse the nose immediately after surgery

What is the best way to rinse your nose?

after rhinoplasty One of the biggest concerns among people who Nose surgery They do. In the recovery period after the operation, wash the face and inside the nose with saline(Normal saline) And the correct use of ointments after rhinoplasty is very important. Because cleaning the nose prevents infection and bad breath after surgery. Subsequently, postoperative nasal congestion due to accumulation of mucus and dried blood in the nose is also prevented.

The importance of rinsing the nose after surgery

Many people undergo surgery every year Nose surgery Placed. Some of them have surgery to improve their breathing. Others do it to improve their appearance. However, following the hygienic instructions after the operation during the recovery period is as important as the operation itself. Because proper care during this period can affect the outcome of surgery. One of these cares is washing and keeping the nose clean, which has many benefits, including: :

  • Prevent mucus accumulation and infection after rhinoplasty
  • Relieve nasal congestion and help breathe better and easier
  • Prevent bad breath after surgery

When can we clean our nose after surgery?

You can clean your nose from the moment you are discharged from the hospital and come home. But in the first three weeks you can not get your nose Wash Give. Because after the operation Nasal surgeon He puts a plastic or silicone nose splint on the nose and wraps it. Sometimes in addition to the splint may be for several hours inside the nasal cavity or internal splint Nasal tampon Have it too. For these reasons, you are not allowed to wash your nose until you remove the splint and dressing, because your splint and dressing should not get wet under any circumstances, but you can clean it..


Isfahan nose surgeon Dr Behnam khorami

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