What happens after jaw surgery?

The period after jaw surgery

after Orthodontic treatment And jaw surgery usually makes patients feel uncomfortable. However, the level of pain varies from disease to disease. Immediately after jaw surgery. Immediately after jaw surgery.

Immediately after jaw surgery. Immediately after jaw surgery.

Immediately after jaw surgery :

  • Immediately after jaw surgery
  • Immediately after jaw surgery
  • Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure or pulse.
  • Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure or pulse. Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure or pulse. Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure or pulse.
  • Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure or pulse.
  • Bleeding : Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure or pulse.
  • If you have had maxillofacial surgery, you may notice blood coming out of your nose as you tilt your head forward or backward.. If you have had maxillofacial surgery, you may notice blood coming out of your nose as you tilt your head forward or backward.. However, if the bleeding is excessive or you have any concerns about this, be sure to Maxillofacial surgeon Call.
  • Inflation : If you have had maxillofacial surgery, you may notice blood coming out of your nose as you tilt your head forward or backward..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Jaw surgery

If you have had maxillofacial surgery, you may notice blood coming out of your nose as you tilt your head forward or backward.. If you have had maxillofacial surgery, you may notice blood coming out of your nose as you tilt your head forward or backward.. Swelling peaks on the fourth day and slowly subsides after two weeks. Swelling peaks on the fourth day and slowly subsides after two weeks. Swelling peaks on the fourth day and slowly subsides after two weeks.

Swelling peaks on the fourth day and slowly subsides after two weeks. Swelling peaks on the fourth day and slowly subsides after two weeks. Be careful not to put too much ice directly on the skin, as it may cause burns. Be careful not to put too much ice directly on the skin, as it may cause burns.

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