Sore throat after rhinoplasty and its causes

Sore throat after rhinoplasty

The most unpleasant pain after surgery is a sore throat caused by the throat being stimulated by an anesthesia tube.. Of course, these symptoms are temporary and transient. To relieve and treat sore throat, you can be with us on the site of Dr. Behnam Khorami, a nasal surgeon in Isfahan.

Is a sore throat normal after surgery?

Sore throat is a normal expected problem after surgery, especially in cases of general anesthesia. Having this pain after surgery is not a cause for concern unless the patient is unable to speak or the pain is unbearable..

As mentioned, this pain is more common in patients with general anesthesia.
But for patients who use methods such as sedation or spinal anesthesia, they do not experience a sore throat.

Sore throat after rhinoplasty and its causes | Isfahan nose surgeon

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Cause of sore throat after rhinoplasty

Having a headache and sore throat after rhinoplasty is a common symptom, and the patient may feel cold after rhinoplasty..
Of course, some patients also feel pain or swelling in or around the teeth, as well as numbness in the upper lip.

Sneezing after surgery

Excessive sneezing after surgery is normal, especially when there is a sponge inside the nose. Sneeze with your mouth open at these times.

Causes of sore throat after surgery

Sore throat after surgery can be for two reasons.

1) Dehydration

The pain caused by the surgery may be due to dehydration because the patient is not allowed to drink anything before the surgery.
And after the operation, he is given a minimum of fluids, in which case the pain is relieved by drinking fluids..

2) Pain due to placing the tube in the mouth

Intubation is used during general anesthesia. An endotracheal tube is inserted into the mouth and down the throat and connected to a ventilator to improve oxygen during surgery..

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