Dental implants?

Dental implants A kind of titanium base compatible with the body's cells. Of dental implants as a proper and permanent replacement to replace one or more missing teeth can be used. After placing the implants by dentists within the jaw bone, the bone-building cells of bone in the jaw bone to implants, implant surface welding eats. فرآیند جوش خوردن معمولا 3 until the 4 The month is long, then the crown and veneer are made and placed on the base.ایمپلنت دندان چیست

The loss of one or more teeth in the face of great impact and more importantly in the morale and confidence of the people is. With the use of dental implants restore chewing ability can be in addition to the normal face, normal and beautiful smile also returns to the individual. کاشت ایمپلنت در خانم ها از سن 15 age and in men from age 18 Age is possible.


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