Effects and risks Lypvmatyk

Complications Lypvmatyk

با وجود تمام مزایایی که لیپوماتیک دارد و باعث جذب بسیاری از افراد در سراسر جهان به خود شده است دارای معایب، عوارض و خطراتی است که قبل از عمل باید برای فرد توضیح داده شود تا با آگاهی کامل آن را انتخاب کند. Lypvmatyk complications include:

  • The surgeon surgery increases the likelihood of human error is a long time;
  • Severe trauma causes damage to the surgeon and the patient as well as his body will soreness;
  • Trauma increases the risk of pulmonary embolism;
  • Only in the area of ​​applied and major organs;
  • Sensitivity to anesthetic and lidocaine in history who have had it there;
  • The possibility of severe bleeding in people taking blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin are complementary and there;
  • The risk of infection in the event of non-compliance with sterilization in the operating room or catching a disease, impaired immune system or immune suppressive drugs are.

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