Dr. Behnam Khorami's office profile on the clinic 24 website

Dr. Behnam Khorami's office profile on the clinic 24 website

Dr. Behnam Khorami's office profile on the clinic 24 website


Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon

  • Dr. Behnam Khorami in July 1355 They were born and in the year 1379 They received their doctorate from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
  • He in the year 1386 He completed a specialized course in maxillofacial, facial and cosmetic surgery and won the specialized board with the first rank in the country .
  • He is now Assistant Professor of Medical Sciences University..
  • His activity in the field of cosmetic surgery more ranging from :
    ـ rhinoplasty, face, ears, eyelids and forehead
    Surgical jaw and facial bones ـ
    Dental implants and cheek ـ, and Chin
    And treatment of facial anomalies, fractures and related to the area of the surgery done for..

Rhinoplasty office reception ٠٩١٤٠٣٠٣٠١٣ Afternoon on odd days from 3 to 7 p.m.

Dr. Behnam Khorami's office

Rhinoplasty specialist in Isfahan

Phone one : 031٣٦٢٧٢٣٧٧ Cellular phone : ٠٩١٤٠٣٠٣٠١٣
آدرس : Isfahan, Isfahan, Isfahan, Tohid Miyani St., in front of Saman Bank, Tandis Building, Unit 5

Side effects of nasal fracture

Side effects of nasal fracture

Evaluation of complications of nasal fractures

Complications that may occur as a result of a nasal fracture include nasal deviation, accumulation of blood or hematoma in the middle septum of the nose, injury and fracture of the nasal cartilage, and in more severe cases such as neck injuries.. In the following, we intend to describe each of these complications:

Nasal deviation

One of the complications of nasal fracture is nasal deviation. In this case, a thin wall that separates the two nasal passages ( Septum ) It goes on one side. As a result, one of the nasal passages becomes narrower. To treat this complication, medication can be used to eliminate and control the symptoms of nasal deviation. But one of the most effective methods of treatment and correction of nasal deviation is surgery.

Evaluation of complications of nasal fractures | Isfahan nose surgeon

Accumulation of blood or hematoma in the middle septum of the nose

Accumulation of blood, sometimes called a septal hematoma, can be caused by a broken nose.. Nasal septal hematoma can lead to obstruction of both nasal passages. To remove a nasal septal hematoma, a surgeon must be done urgently to prevent possible damage to the nasal cartilage..

Cartilage fracture

If the nose is broken due to severe injuries such as car accidents, there is a possibility of cartilage fracture.. Therefore, cartilage and bone must be repaired when the nose needs surgery.

Neck injury

Sometimes a broken nose as a result of severe contact injuries ( Like car accidents ) Occurs, which can be associated with damage to the neck and cervical spine. If the impact is severe enough to cause a broken nose, it can also lead to neck bone damage.. Therefore, if you suspect neck injuries, you need to see a doctor immediately.

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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Nasal septum repair methods

Treatment of nasal fractures

Side effects of Rakutan

Treatment of nasal fractures

Treatment of nasal fractures

Evaluation of treatment of nasal fractures

What is a broken nose?

Nasal fracture is a type of severe damage to the nose due to various factors such as accidents or severe blows to the nose is completely accidental, which results in a broken nose.. A broken nose can cause problems such as difficulty breathing and changes in the appearance of the nose.

To diagnose the extent of a broken nose, you must see a surgeon so that the doctor can be informed of the severity of the damage to the nose through a physical examination and imaging or CT scan..

People prone to nasal fractures

Almost everyone who engages in contact sports is more likely to have a broken nose. People with balance and movement problems may also have a runny nose.

Symptoms of a broken nose

The first sign that may be seen after a broken nose is a change in the appearance or deformity of the shape of the nose, but if the fracture is mild, it is possible that the appearance of a broken nose is not detected.. Other symptoms of a broken nose include::

  • Nasal bleeding
  • Swelling in the nose
  • Bruising around the nose and eyes
  • Pain in the nasal area

Causes of nasal fractures

  • Damage to the face
  • Punching or hitting the nose or falling
  • Fractures due to traffic accidents ( This type of fracture is usually much more severe and requires emergency surgery)

How to diagnose a broken nose

By performing a physical examination of the structure of the nose, face, and neck by a surgeon, most of the diagnosis of a broken nose is usually made.. If the doctor suspects more serious injuries during the examination, he or she will ask the patient to have a CT scan or X-ray.. Using these tests, all possible problems in the face, neck and fractures that may have occurred in the bones around the eyes or the cervical spine are diagnosed..

Treatment of nasal fractures | Isfahan nose surgeon

What are the complications of a broken nose?

Injury to the nose is one of the major causes of nasal fractures. Some people with broken bones in the nose may have broken bones in other areas of the face. Physical examination reveals any broken bones on the face. For example, broken bones around the eyes and jaw are clearly visible.

Treatment of nasal bone fractures

Treatment of nasal fractures is completely dependent on the degree of dislocation of the nasal bone and the departure from its original location. No treatment is needed if the nose remains in its original position. But it is better for the patient to have the necessary and sufficient rest to prevent any possible injury.

But if the nose is out of place, you should see a rhinosurgeon in Ahvaz to return the nose to its original position.. After changing the position of the nose, nasal plaster is usually used and this plaster should be placed on the nose for two weeks.

In some cases, it is necessary not to take action for treatment after a broken nose. Must 2 until the 3 The moon had to wait for the swelling to go away and then undergo surgery.

How to operate on a broken nose

In rhinoplasty surgery, it is better for the patient to be completely anesthetized. This surgery lasts for a week 10 Done the day after the nose injury. Until the bones are broken. Do not be fixed in a new place. Because most of these fractures are abnormal. And they usually do not return to their place after a certain period of time. The success rate for rhinoplasty is relatively high.

Changing the location of the nasal septum can lead to breathing problems. And this greatly increases the need for surgery. Rhinoplasty surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis and usually up to 1 Weeks after surgery the patient can not. Get back to work. Because there is a lot of bruising and swelling around the eyes and nose. But overall, the outcome of rhinoplasty treatment has been reported to be positive in most cases.

Prevention of nasal fractures

One of the simplest and best ways to prevent a broken nose. Use proper equipment and nose care. It can also be better when doing contact sports. Avoid being in situations where the risk of nasal injury is high.

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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Nasal septum repair methods

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Side effects of Rakutan

Nasal septum repair methods

Nasal septum repair methods

Investigation of nasal septum repair methods

Septoplasty surgery

The septum is the bony and cartilaginous wall that divides your nose into two separate nostrils.. When the septum is moved to one side of the nose, a deviated blade forms.

Some people are born with a deviated septum, but it can also be caused by damage to your nose. Most people with a deviated septum have a nasal passage that is much smaller than the other. This can make it difficult to breathe. Other symptoms of nasal septal deformity may include frequent nosebleeds and facial pain. Surgery is the only way to correct a deviated septum.

Septoplasty is a surgery to correct a deviated septum. Septoplasty flattens the nasal septum and allows better airflow through the nose.

Septoplasty method

Perform septoplasty depending on the complexity of the condition 30 until the 90 It takes minutes. Depending on what you and your doctor decide is best for you, you will undergo local anesthesia or general anesthesia..

In a common procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in one side of your nose to access the septum. They then lift the mucous membrane that protects the nasal septum. The deflection blade is then moved to the proper position. Any obstruction, such as extra bone or cartilage, is removed. The last step is to relocate the mucous membrane. You may need stitches to hold the blade and membrane. However, wrapping the nose with cotton is sometimes sufficient to maintain their position.

Nasal septum repair methods | Isfahan nose surgeon

Preparing for septoplasty

Your doctor may ask you to stop taking some medications two weeks before surgery. These medications may include aspirin (Bufferin) , Ibuprofen (Advil) And other blood-thinning drugs. This is done to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding during and after surgery. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are allergic to certain medications or have a history of bleeding problems. In some cases, people under local anesthesia have a septoplasty that numbs the area to prevent pain..

However, most people under general anesthesia, which means that they are asleep during the operation. If you are going to be under general anesthesia, do not eat or drink anything the night before the operation after midnight.. If you experience nausea from anesthesia during surgery, it will prevent vomiting and suffocation.

Bring a family member or friend who can take you home after septoplasty surgery. After general anesthesia, you may become drowsy. You should not drive until the effects are completely gone. Your doctor may take a picture of your nose before the operation. Comparing pre- and post-operative photographs can help you see how your nose has changed.

Recovery period from septoplasty

Septoplasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis unless there are major complications. This means that after the anesthesia is over, you can go home on the day of the operation. Your nose will be swollen, sore, and full of cotton to control bleeding. The package can be removed one or two days after surgery. Your doctor will also prescribe painkillers if needed.

Your doctor may ask you to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood-thinning medications.. This is done to reduce the risk of postoperative bleeding.

Tips for faster recovery include::

You should limit your physical activity for several weeks after surgery to minimize swelling and improve recovery. This includes most forms of strenuous exercise such as running, weightlifting and contact sports. These activities can raise your blood pressure and lead to heavy bleeding.

Avoid wearing shirts that you have to pull off to get it out of your body..

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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Rakutan to reduce rhinitis after surgery

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Side effects of Rakutan

Side effects of Rakutan

Side effects of Rakutan

Investigation of side effects of Rakutan

In this article, we intend to study the side effects of Rakutan together with Dr. Behnam Khorami, Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon..

Side effects of Roaccutane include::

  • Dry lips : A characteristic complication of this drug is that it is removed by using lubricating creams such as Vaseline cream or vitamin A.. During the treatment period, the patient should use a lot of water and fluids to improve dry skin, especially lips.
  • Dry mouth, nose, eyes : In these cases, if you wish, you can use eye drops and nasal cream. Due to dry eyes, the use of contact lenses is not recommended.
  • Nasal bleeding : It usually resolves spontaneously in the second or third week.
  • Mild pain in the joints and muscles, especially the knee
  • Feeling tired and a slight headache
  • Sensitivity of the skin to the sun and sunburn
  • Increase hair loss: Mostly transient but in very rare cases it may become permanent.

Side effects of Rakutan | Isfahan nose surgeon

These side effects are usually mild and transient. Most of them disappear completely within a few days to a few weeks after reducing or stopping the dose of Rakutan.. Most of them go away after the treatment is over. If the patient is taking another drug, they should inform their doctor because in some cases there is a drug interaction and this will cause other problems..

If you notice these side effects, stop taking the medicine immediately and see a doctor:

  • nausea
  • Vomit
  • Persistent headache
  • Blurred vision and impaired vision
  • Feeling severely depressed
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Memory impairment
  • Sudden muscle pain, tenderness and weakness
  • Blood in the stool or severe diarrhea
  • Severe bruising

Tips of Rajab Rakutan

Rakutan is not addictive. Rakutan is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age and before puberty. Because it slows down their growth. Female patients should take up Rakutan before starting treatment 2 Or 3 Wait days from your menstrual period. Continue to take Rakutan until your doctor tells you to. Please note that Rakutan may not heal wounds or dullness that existed before treatment, but will help prevent future skin damage..

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

Suggested content :

Rakutan to reduce rhinitis after surgery

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty

Rakutan to reduce rhinitis after surgery

Rakutan to reduce rhinitis after surgery

Rakutan to reduce rhinitis after surgery

Rakutan treatment to reduce rhinitis after surgery | Every year, half a million people who are interested in improving the appearance of their nose consult a plastic surgeon. Some of their noses are unhappy. A slight change in the nose can greatly improve a person's appearance. One of the concerns after rhinoplasty is rhinitis. This reduction in swelling may take about a year. Due to the long time, the patient is worried about the outcome of his rhinoplasty.. A patient who has rhinoplasty after surgery is looking for ways to reduce rhinitis or a rhinoplasty pill..

Do not use corticosteroids in any way. Because in addition to its great effect on reducing nasal inflammation, it is extremely harmful to the body. And it has many negative effects. Using low-dose corticosteroid injections into the nose is not harmful to the body and reduces swelling.. The use of pills to reduce rhinitis is also introduced to the patient. Which has relatively few side effects and the patient can. Use this pill in consultation with your doctor. This is Rakutan pill.

All medications can have side effects. Sometimes they are serious. Most of the time they are not. The patient's physician weighs the risks of taking Rakutan against the expected benefits. For the patient to have checked. روآکوتان (Isotretinoin) It is a derivative of vitamin A.. Retinoids by reducing the amount of oily substance (That is sebum) Made by glands in the patient's skin, they reduce bacteria and inflammation and open blocked pores. Isotretinoin is a drug used to treat acne (acne) Is. It is also suitable for removing swellings after fleshy nose surgery.

Continuous recovery may occur for several months after stopping treatment. It is usually best to wait at least five months after stopping the first course of treatment to begin the second course of treatment if needed.

Rakutan to reduce rhinitis after surgery | Isfahan nose surgeon

Cases of not taking Roaccutane:

  • During pregnancy or lactation, because it causes miscarriage or retardation of the baby and leaves undesirable effects on the baby.
  • Hypersensitivity to vitamin A roaccutane and similar drugs
  • Concomitant use with antibiotics (Antibiotics)Especially tetracyclines
  • Having liver or kidney failure
  • Patients with hyperlipidemia (Glycerol and triglyceride) Top
  • High levels of vitamin A in the body

Rakutan to reduce rhinitis after surgery:

The remarkable thing about Ravakutan tablets is this. That at least 6 The month before rhinoplasty, the drug should be discontinued completely. And you should start using it too 3 One month after rhinoplasty and at the discretion of the treating physician.

It is best to use the drug once a day in the first month (With plenty of water and fluids after meals) And in the following months, depending on the patient's response and its effect on the nose, eyes, face and lips under the supervision of a physician.

During the course of treatment with Roaccutane, the patient must have a liver test after one and a half to two months of use and continue to use if there is no problem.. Because this drug affects the liver and makes it a little fat.

After the end of the consumption period, which is about 6 months, facial fat also decreases. And nasal congestion goes away a lot. Of course, if you are allergic to the drug during the treatment period, it is better to stop taking the drug completely.

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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Men's nose beauty standards

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty

Men's nose beauty standards

Men's nose beauty standards

Men's nose beauty standards

While a woman's nose is preferably small and slender with a slight slope, men's noses should be perfectly defined and firm.. Instead of sloping, they should be straight. Some men even prefer a slight hump, as this makes the nose more masculine.

Nowadays, most men who are looking for rhinoplasty want a slightly larger nose. The nose should not be too big or too thin. Mild imperfections are better than subtle ones. Most importantly, a man's nose should convey a sense of power and confidence.

Men's nose beauty standards | Isfahan nose surgeon

Rhinoplasty is an art. An experienced plastic surgeon provides customized results for male patients. At the initial consultation, patients discuss their goals with their plastic surgeon. Some men may want to correct a defect such as a flat tip or a crooked nose. Others may want to improve overall facial coordination. Surgeons listen to these cosmetic goals and create a realistic surgical plan that raises the standards of beauty for the patient..

Rhinoplasty procedures

For men who want to add symmetry to a crooked nose, a controlled fracture or osteotomy is essential.. A surgeon may use a cartilage graft to upgrade. If there is a large hump on the nose, the surgeon may need to shave it. These techniques help patients find strong, masculine noses that are very popular today.

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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What is nasal septal deviation disorder?

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty

Evaluation of concomitant surgeries with rhinoplasty

Sinus surgery

It is very common to have sinus surgery to correct respiratory problems at the same time as rhinoplasty. This will lead to a recovery period and often reduce patient costs. If performed by a surgeon specializing in both fields, the combination of these two surgeries will be effective and efficient. If you suffer from chronic sinusitis but are satisfied with the appearance of your nose, the combination of sinus surgery and rhinoplasty is usually not necessary.. But if you often dream of having a slightly smaller or wider nose, or you do not want to have a hump on your nose and you are looking to get rid of your sinus problems, it is wise to do both methods at the same time..

Fix nasal deviation(سپتوپلاستی)

رینوپلاستی (rhinoplasty) And septoplasty are processes that focus on changing the nose. Rhinoplasty is performed to help create a suitable nose that meets the patient's aesthetic and functional needs. Septoplasty is a corrective procedure designed to repair any deformity or damage to the septum..

Cytoplasty can be combined with rhinoplasty. To patients who suffer from both nasal deviation and dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose. helped. In order to be successful in performing these surgeries, you need a surgeon who is technically and artistically skilled and experienced.


One of the main reasons that facial surgeons recommend rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty at the same time. This allows the surgeon to assess your nose and eyes in proportion to each other and the overall balance of facial aesthetics.. Facial balance is one of the most important factors in determining the success of a cosmetic surgery and both the nose and the eyes play a very important role in this equation.. In particular, the nose plays an important role. Because it is the most central part of the face. By performing blepharoplasty at the same time as rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty), The surgeon will be able to see the nose next to the new state of your eyes. The main advantages of using the combined rhinoplasty-blepharoplasty method is that you only have to pay once for anesthesia and operating room and you only need to go through a recovery period..

Whenever the patient is interested in doing both methods. And is recognized as a suitable applicant for both operations. Rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty can be combined. It should be noted that in the nose and eyes, there will be slightly more swelling than in cases where a single operation is performed.. Especially if lower eyelid surgery is performed. Also, the recovery period can be a little longer.

Simultaneous surgeries with rhinoplasty | Isfahan nose surgeon

Chin implant

In these surgeries, which are performed at the same time, the surfaces of your face change. Your nose will be reconstructed in a more attractive shape and size. And your chin grows with a small silicone prosthesis. Combination surgery is recommended for about 30% of rhinoplasty patients. Additional surgery performed with a small incision and rapid healing. It sounds small, but it can make all the difference. To make sure that the change in your appearance is exactly what you want.

Rhinoplasty and chin prosthesis are an outpatient procedure, but that does not mean it is. Which is partial or brief surgery. After your consultation and examination, your doctor will be able to determine the expected length of time that your process will take.. Rhinoplasty and chin prosthesis are a sensitive and artistic work. Which requires careful attention to the smallest detail. For best results, expect your surgery to be performed under general anesthesia.

The surgical incisions used by the surgeon may be confined to the inside of the nose (It is often called a closed nose operation), Or it may involve a small incision under the tip of the nose (It is often called a review operation).

Ear surgery (اتوپلاستی)

Many people from corners away from the face. Folded or has other cosmetic defects, are dissatisfied. Autoplasty, often referred to as ear surgery. It is a type of deformity of the ear that causes large, protruding corners to shrink. Or improves ear deformities. Many people have experienced harassment of others as children as a result of having walled corners and want to correct this defect in adulthood.. Combining this with rhinoplasty may be a good idea in some cases.

Your surgeon will examine the structure of the ear relative to the head and determine if you need an autoplasty.. To make an informed decision, this process is thoroughly considered along with all its risks and benefits.. After rhinoplasty and autoplasty, patients feel more confident and more satisfied with their overall appearance..

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

Suggested content :

What is nasal septal deviation disorder?

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Correction of nasal dysfunction simultaneously with rhinoplasty

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Investigating the advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

Some patients, for a variety of reasons, decide to have rhinoplasty with other surgical procedures, including blepharoplasty, chin prosthesis, cosmetic ear surgery, and septoplasty.. Some patients choose this option because they have more than one facial feature that they want to improve, or they do so to achieve more balance in facial features..

When you are in good general health and your surgeon is a skilled, experienced doctor with a specialized board, combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries is not much longer than a single procedure and will not significantly increase the risk associated with either of these procedures. Dad.

Combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries

However, it is more expensive to perform more than one facial surgery at a time. And involves a longer recovery period than an independent procedure. But it is a much easier option than having two separate surgeries. Only one operation and one anesthesia is required. And there is no need to lose extra time to avoid work in the second surgery. In this case, the extra pain and discomfort will be minimal, and can usually be controlled with medication. Your surgeon can also balance your facial features more easily, as the entire procedure can be completed in one operation..


The advantage of combining rhinoplasty with other surgeries | Isfahan nose surgeon

Not all people apply for multiple surgeries. Whether you decide to have rhinoplasty separately or in combination with another surgery. It is very important to be in the best health. Some diseases are possible. This means that no particular surgery is right for you. For example, if you suffer from dry eye or thyroid problem, eyelid lift is not recommended..

An initial consultation with the surgeon, especially if you want to perform several operations at the same time. it's too important. The surgeon can make recommendations based on the shape and structure of your face and your overall health. For example, you might imagine. That a nose operation alone will suffice. However, after examining your face, a surgeon may. Recommend a combination of rhinoplasty and chin augmentation for best results.

You can save time and money by having multiple surgeries at the same time. And reduce the amount of time it takes to recover. But, it is important to remember. The longer you are in the operating room, the greater the risk of complications. Before deciding on the best choice for you, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having multiple surgeries at the same time with your surgeon..


It is understandable why a person seeks multiple surgeries at the same time. Because it reduces costs and only spends a recovery period. However, the most important thing should be the safety of the patient. Long-term processes are associated with increased bleeding, increased risk of infection, and increased risk of deep vein thrombosis..

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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What is nasal septal deviation disorder?

Swine nose surgery (High nose)

Correction of nasal dysfunction simultaneously with rhinoplasty

Swine nose surgery (High nose)

Swine nose surgery (High nose)

Swine nose surgery (High nose)

Sometimes some people go to beauty clinics for pig nose surgery and excessive nasal changes.. This type of nose occurs in two cases, in one case it is a congenital swine nose and in the other case it is the result of unsuccessful nose surgery. (رینوپلاستی) In the past. In any case, a pig's nose can be corrected to make the patient's face more attractive and more confident. The important point for correcting short noses is that there should be the necessary support structure in the nose to keep the tip of the nose in a new balanced position..

Pig nose

A pig's nose is a type that is too short for a person's face. When we say that the nose is too short, it means that the distance between the base and the tip of the nose is very small, so the tip of the nose rotates upwards and a pig-shaped nose is formed.. Having the feeling of comfort and self-confidence is the right of all human beings. If the nose is too high, the person's self-confidence will be overshadowed. In such cases, swine nose surgery is performed so that the patient has a more attractive face and consequently a better mood..

Preoperative preparation

Feeling comfortable with the surgeon and trusting him is the most important pre-operative concern. The specialist should be able to explain the operation to the patient freely and in a clear and understandable way. Swine nose repair surgery is a complex procedure and the patient must trust the surgeon to start the operation with peace of mind. The patient in swine nose surgery, like any other plastic surgery, should have a reasonable expectation of the outcome of the operation. Waiting for the ideal result will only lead to disappointment. Therefore, it is better for patients to wait for significant and tangible recovery and not expect to achieve the ideal result..

There is no doubt that the results of rhinoplasty are impressive, but one should not expect a miracle from this operation. If the patient wants to raise his nose, the surgeon first checks to see if the nose is really too short or just looks short.. Although there is a ratio that determines the ideal fit for height in a natural nose, one should not rely on numbers alone to judge.. The specialist measures the coordination of the nose with other parts of the face and evaluates whether the change in the length of the nose affects the proportions of the face..

Swine nose surgery (High nose) | Isfahan nose surgeon

How can the tip of the nose be lowered too high?

If the nose is too high as a result of previous surgeries, the connective tissue of the scar should be released so that the tip of the nose can move more freely and be in a position with less upward rotation.. The best time to perform reconstructive surgery should be determined by striking a balance between the two; On the one hand, the swelling of the tissue should be allowed to go away and the skin of the nose should be loosened. Turns. Nasal cartilage transplantation is performed in different ways to strengthen the internal structure of the nose so that the rhinosurgeon can turn the tip of the nose down and hold it in a new position..

Graft enlarging the end of the nasal septum

In this procedure, part of the rib cartilage or nasal septum is removed. And is used to raise the anterior edge of the nasal septum between the nostrils; Ear cartilage is not usually used. Because the cartilage of the ear is not strong enough to hold the tip of the nose in the corrected position. The enlarging graft is sutured to the current septum of the nose. To achieve a stable and very strong retaining structure. The cartilage graft can be widened at the junction with the tip of the nose so that the tip of the nose can be pushed further down, thus eliminating the pig shape more..

Longer sprayer graft

Another way to turn the tip of the nose down is to lift the graft sprayer too high. As the name implies, a graft or graft similar to a standard sprayer graft is designed, but the graft is slightly taller than normal to provide better structural support and to be able to fix the tip of the nose in a rotating position..

The period of recovery

The patient can be at work one week after surgery. And start exercising like a stationary bike or treadmill from the second week. After three weeks, there will be no restrictions on various activities. However, the improvement in the shape of the nose is evident immediately after the operation. But the shape of the nose and profile gradually container 18 ـ 12 Next month will get better and better.

Side effects of

An operation performed to correct a pig's nose. Like any other surgery, it is associated with certain complications such as infection, bleeding, and reaction to anesthesia. Other complications of swine nose surgery include structural damage to the nose. The surgeon will fully explain these possible complications and the benefits of surgery in a consultation.

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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Waiting time for rhinoplasty

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