Rhinoplasty or nose surgery in the dictionary of the words "Reno" and "plasticizer" has been formed. Reno mean molded nose and modern rhinoplasty means to modify or beautify Ast.qdmt 50 to 60 years before and after World War II returned. Rhinoplasty in Iran since 40 solar to be. After the revolution, the first group to perform nose surgery were ear, nose and throat specialists. Of course, currently, the number of applicants for cosmetic surgery in Iran has increased day by day, which unfortunately is a record breaker even at the global level. be. Nose surgery to beautify or improve the appearance of the nose or nose and nose done removing defects. رینوپلاستی (عمل زیبایی بینی ) Depending on the individual, can lead to larger or smaller size of the nose, change the shape of the nose, wider or narrower than the tip of the nose or height or length of the nose lead.
Can solve problems that rhinoplasty?
Delivered in various rhinoplasty nose can be fixed, for example,
- Due to the size of the nose
- Humpy nose
- Drooping of the tip of the nose or low angle of the nose
- Being flattened nose
- Due to the nostrils
- Box shape of the tip of the nose
- There are the tip of the nose to the face
- Dislocation of the nasal septum Vghyrqrynh
- Two branches of the tip of the nose
- Saddle nose after previous trauma or surgery deviated septum
- Deformities after the operation
Dr Behnam khorami