What is rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty can solve that difficulty?

What is rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty can solve that difficulty?

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery in the dictionary of the words "Reno" and "plasticizer" has been formed. Reno mean molded nose and modern rhinoplasty means to modify or beautify Ast.qdmt 50 to 60 years before and after World War II returned. Rhinoplasty in Iran since 40 solar to be. After the revolution, the first group to perform nose surgery were ear, nose and throat specialists. Of course, currently, the number of applicants for cosmetic surgery in Iran has increased day by day, which unfortunately is a record breaker even at the global level. be. Nose surgery to beautify or improve the appearance of the nose or nose and nose done removing defects. رینوپلاستی (عمل زیبایی بینی ) Depending on the individual, can lead to larger or smaller size of the nose, change the shape of the nose, wider or narrower than the tip of the nose or height or length of the nose lead.

Can solve problems that rhinoplasty?

Delivered in various rhinoplasty nose can be fixed, for example,

    • Due to the size of the nose
    • Humpy nose
    • Drooping of the tip of the nose or low angle of the nose
    • Being flattened nose
    • Due to the nostrils
    • Box shape of the tip of the nose
    • There are the tip of the nose to the face
    • Dislocation of the nasal septum Vghyrqrynh
    • Two branches of the tip of the nose
    • Saddle nose after previous trauma or surgery deviated septum
    • Deformities after the operation

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

What is the result of bony nose surgery?

What is the result of bony nose surgery?

To Chnddlyl better result than other types of projections obtained

First, swelling of soft tissue that causes swelling earlier sleeps because there is less fat and also have thick skin that cause swelling too long

Secondly, these noses are usually longer and by raising the tip of the nose, the hump of the nose is reduced and the person's face becomes much more beautiful. Of course, if there is more hump, it can be removed..


Complications of anesthesia at a young age

Complications of anesthesia at a young age

Nose surgery at an early age complications from general anesthesia. So that everything is under anesthesia complications more.

Early surgery with general anesthesia are permitted only where they really have no choice except it.

In the end, however, the surgery should be noted that the unconscious of a child,

Certain elegance wants to be a surgeon,

Mr. anesthesia specialists and technicians have the grace to observe that this is the kind of hard work;

Because the parents of the children are particularly sensitive.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Nose surgery complications at an early age

Nose surgery complications at an early age

First, about the effects of nasal surgery at an early age speak.

As we know that the growth centers of bones and cartilage in bone growth with the growth of this part done,

And then the cartilage turns to bone.

At the age of puberty, the cartilage itself has been a bone, so bone growth stops, including projected growth or, for example,

Linear growth of the individual stops.

Now, if we come to halt bone growth and the patient's surgery,

Damage to bone growth centers and certainly bad shape and asymmetrical nose will grow.

And the need for future surgery will bring one hundred percent.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Weather care after surgery

Weather care after surgery

1.) The best time for bathing after surgery, ask your doctor nose.

2.) At least 24 hours after the procedure a cold compress around the nose and under the eyes to reduce swelling and bruising .

۳) Up to 24 hours of mixing liquids and foods and soft. Eating foods and fruits that need to be chewing such as carrots and apples and avoid.

4.) Traveling by plane in the first days after the surgery is not recommended.

5) Open mouth to nose with sneezing or coughing burdened.

۶) Finn and fear because of the pressure to nose bleeding may be.

۷) Laughing and talking too much in the first few weeks do not.

۸) Do not eat salt.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Preoperative nasal care

Preoperative nasal care

1.) Two weeks before the operation should use aspirin.

2.) Tobacco and nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels as well as impaired blood circulation, so at least 2 weeks before surgery of the nose to avoid it.

۳) 8 hours before surgery, avoid eating or drinking.

4.) The day before surgery, drink plenty of water.

5) Take a shower the night before surgery. In addition to the body clean of any makeup and lotions and creams can also help to relax mandatory.

۶) If you nail it clear.

۷) Make sure way to achieve that is to go to the clinic or hospital to check up on the day of surgery not stress.

۸) On the day of any ornaments should be with you.

۹) Do not eat or drink on the day of surgery isolated.

۱۰) Tests and your medical records with you on the day of surgery.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Bleeding after nose surgery

Bleeding after nose surgery

When the nose is blocked, the nasal glands increase the secretion of mucus, like when you have an allergy or a cold.

By clogging the nostrils after surgery,

Mucous secretions are increased and may be associated with bleeding and severe bleeding was not until hypersecretion,

There is no need to worry. In case of bleeding lie down so that your head is above the surface of the body.

And put ice on the nose and face and neck. See more bleeding with your doctor .

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Nutrition after nose surgery

Nutrition after nose surgery

These patients up 6 They should not eat anything in the hour after the operation, and whatever they do, it will cause nausea and vomiting.

approx 6 One hour after the operation, you can drink a little water, and if you don't have any problems, you will drink a little fruit juice a quarter of an hour later..

From the second day, you can use soft foods, but you should avoid eating hard foods that need to be chewed so as not to damage the nose. .

Mixed, soft and watery foods such as soup are the best options to use .

It is necessary to avoid drinking hot liquids such as tea and coffee and use a diet of cold liquids .

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

How to relax after nose surgery

How to relax after nose surgery

After nose surgery is necessary to have a complete rest on the first day but the rest should be sitting half.

And two pillows for the job .

It is necessary to a week later rhinoplasty Get some rest and avoid holding your head down,

Also during this period should separate the heavy lifting should be avoided.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Thin and small lips

Thin and small lips

Dr Behnam khorami

Oral and maxillofacial surgery specialist doctor called joy, beauty


Although the general tendency of the lip is thicker and more prominent,

But sometimes those big lips and prominent lips are smaller and thinner to refer them.

Some of Mademoiselle teenager may be upset big lips,

But it is better to wait about 20 years old.

Until then because of the complete and mature components, the relative size of their lips to their natural state will be .

Sometimes a person may be offended from big lips.

But the highlight of your lips, the lips are not caused by large,

But he's a big jaw or dental condition is more pronounced and lips appear larger than usual.

Obviously, such a person,
Improve the condition of the jaw or teeth, causing his lips prominent problem to be overcome .

Operation under local anesthesia be made thin lips and takes about 30 minutes for each lip.

Surgical technique is thus a beam of skin around the lips is removed and the incision is sutured.

.For 2 weeks to heal. After some swollen lips practice that goes away within a few days.

Although surgery is a fairly simple operation, small lips, but as any other activity likely effects of its own,

Which in this case can likely be named Ghyrqryngy and numbness of the lips,

That corrected asymmetry and Hsyy usually goes away within a few weeks .

Dr. behnam khorami
no.5, Tandis bulding Tohid miani st., Isfahan, Iran
Phone:36272377 031