Which parts does nose tip surgery involve?
One of the methods Nose surgery , Is a nose tip surgery that is performed to shape and beautify the tip of the nose in people whose nose tip is drooping or has similar problems.. Nose tip surgery only affects the tip of the nose and has nothing to do with other areas of the nose. The tip of the nose is performed from inside the nose, and the surgeon applies changes from inside the nose to the bones and cartilage. It is not seen that one of the important advantages of nose tip surgery. By using the surgery to repair the tip of the nose, the tip of the nose can be raised and given a better shape and appearance..
The steps of surgery in this method are different General anesthesia Used and takes about 45 minutes. Absorbent sutures are commonly used in rhinoplasty and there is no need to suture. After the surgery, the nose is bandaged and the person can resume their daily activities from the day after the surgery.. In this surgery, the nasal dressing is usually opened 5 days after the operation. The scientific name of tip nose surgery is tip plasty.
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