The impact of surgery on the jaw, face and nose

The impact of surgery on the jaw, face and nose

Jaw surgery:

Jaw surgery is typically done practical reasons or performance. The reasons are:: How to reform and improve the work of a jaw and teeth bite together.

Most people perform jaw surgery for these reasons, but this surgery also has advantages in terms of aesthetics. Common features of the profile of people with this disease include noses that may appear too large in relation to the face, or chins that are backward or small and "weak".. In this case, jaw surgery to bring forward the bottom of the chin gives more balance to the person's profile and makes the nose look a little smaller and the chin more prominent..

In people whose upper jaw is not developed enough, the nose may be too big compared to the face or the lower jaw may be forward. Moving the upper jaw forward corrects the bite problem and moving the face forward makes the facial features more obvious and noticeable.. In some cases, moving the upper jaw forward can cause the tip of the nose to rise slightly, which is unpleasant for some patients.. Meanwhile, during upper jaw surgery, some people add cheek implants to make the face more defined.

Looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person staring back at you can be very stressful. By performing jaw surgery, we will not immediately see the results of the operation because the face is very swollen after the operation. As the swelling subsides, the new face begins to appear with subtle or major changes. Most of the time, people are satisfied with the beauty of surgery results, but in some cases, they are not satisfied with the change in their appearance.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Transplantation of bone

Transplantation of bone


Bone autograft from the patient's own body part is removed and grafted to another place. This requires two types of bone graft surgery. One to remove the bone from the affected area and the other to place the bone in the treated area.
Suitable areas for bone extraction included:

• Chin or ramus in mandible(The back of the mandible)
• hip or tibia (Tibia)
Although jaw bone grafting in this procedure requires hospitalization and anesthesia for surgery, it should be noted that bone removal from the patient's own body is an advantage and increases the chances of success.. Also, the possibility of disease transmission in this method is equal to zero.


In jaw bone grafting, the bone required for transplantation is obtained from the body of a deceased person, which has been processed in a laboratory. ( Freezing and sterilization) And is kept in Baft Bank. This option can be used if the patient does not want to remove the bone from his body.
The advantage of this method is easily accessible and does not require a second surgery. During clinical trials for bone allograft, positive and conclusive evidence is obtained and has an excellent safety results. In some cases, there is a possibility of transmitting the disease, infection or not accepting the recipient.


In the xenograft bone for transplant, the sterilized bone mineral natural and all organic materials have been removed, is used. Today, the use of bovine bone as a graft material has become common in most oral surgeries and has been proven and proven as a reliable technique for many years..
Disadvantages of this method include the lack of ossification and the impossibility of using it in large lesions. However, the ease of bone grafting with this method, the lack of need for secondary surgery to remove the bone, as well as the absence of disease transmission, are all advantages of xenografts..


In the alloplasty method, synthetic materials are used to form bone. These substances stimulate some cells in the body to grow into bone without a transplant. Allograft or xenograft bone graft transplant is less effective Lvplast, but it is also less risk of infection.

Jawbone transplant complications

After surgery the patient may experience the following::

• Pain and Bleeding
• swelling surgery
• tooth sensitivity to cold and heat
• possibility of decay in the tooth root

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

What is Maxillofacial Surgery Complications?

What is Maxillofacial Surgery Complications?

In general, an experienced and skilled jaw surgeon examines all the complexities of the jaw and face structure well and then performs jaw surgery.. So the skill of the jaw surgeon is the most important cause of complications. However, we will explain some of the problems and complications of jaw surgery in the following article.

• Bleeding

Minor bleeding after jaw surgery is normal and you may experience nosebleeds one to two weeks after jaw surgery. Bleeding into the soft tissue leads to bruising and can be very extensive. In the early stages, the bruise covers the jaw, but if it spreads, it will also cover the lower neck and upper chest..
Unusual bleeding is when a blood transfusion is required during surgery, however, sometimes a patient may need a blood transfusion. Some patients donate their blood before surgery and use it if needed during surgery.

• Infection

In all surgeries, there is a possibility of infection, that is why you will be given antibiotics both during and after the surgery, so that if an infection occurs, it can be easily treated..

• Numb

After jaw surgery, you will experience numbness in the areas around the jaw. If the upper jaw has been operated, the top of the teeth will be numb, and if the lower jaw has been operated, the lower lip and chin will be numb, and when the nerve fibers in Now they are improving, you will face a tingling sensation. Feeling normal will usually return in 6 months or less.

• Nasal congestion

Nasal congestion can be caused by the tubes placed inside the nostrils during surgery or it can happen after upper jaw surgery. When the nose becomes congested, it can be cleared by special nasal cleaning sprays. fixed the problem. Cotton dipped in warm water can also be useful for removing nasal secretions. Nasal congestion will usually continue for one to two weeks after the surgery and then it will go away.

• Weight Loss

At the beginning of the post-surgery period, a weight loss of up to 2.5 kilos is expected. In most cases, weight loss is due to loss of appetite, which is related to wearing elastics. After the first week, your appetite should improve enough to compensate for the weight loss..

• Jaw stiffness and jaw joint noise

After orthognathic surgery, the jaw joints will be stiff for several months. The best exercise to overcome joint stiffness is normal jaw activities such as chewing. Sometimes there may be a grinding sound in the joints when the jaw begins to move.. These sounds may be permanent but do not affect the use of the jaw.

• Swelling

Swelling is a characteristic of the recovery period after jaw surgery. Putting ice on the face for the first 48 hours is effective in reducing swelling. After that, external heat in the form of heating pads or warm compresses helps to reduce the swelling.

مراقبت های لازم پس از انجام Jaw surgery

• It is recommended that the patient take absolute rest after jaw surgery.
• Avoid eating hard and chewy foods.
• After 6 to 8 weeks, normal foods can be consumed.
• Smoking is prohibited.
• Avoid doing any heavy activities.
• Medicines prescribed by the doctor should be taken on time.
• Use a cold compress to reduce swelling .
• Use salt and water solution for washing and disinfection.
Avoid brushing your teeth for a day.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Treatment of Maxillofacial Surgery

Treatment of Maxillofacial Surgery

Orthodontic done before surgery

Orthodontist with wires to sort out the teeth. The course takes 18 months. A person must regularly during this period and the period is set to go Orthodontists.


Jaw surgery

After teeth are arranged next to each other, to an individual Orthodontists Oral Maxillofacial Surgery begins to build. The jaw bone surgery or both will be broken up or down. This breach of the lining of the mouth done and not external. To put the jaw in the right place, acrylic and plaster dental splint should be used.

For detailed scheduling and effectiveness ratings for jaw surgery photos, dental, plaster models, and radiographs are taken to help.


Teeth and jaw movements with the help of X-ray images of the skull(Cephalometric) Planning and simulation software is.

Orthodontic treatment after surgery

For more teeth alignment, re-treatment for 6 months, and the patient will be monitored for 5 years.

Maxillofacial Surgery Benefits

  • By doing so, you definitely need to see the benefits of jaw surgery. You have a beautiful face and teeth..
  • Increase your oral health. Because the teeth will not suffer too much pressure not minced.
  • Chewing food properly
  • Oral performance
  • Among the components for a sense of balance and balance is restored.
  • Correction of smile design

Benefits jaw surgery makes a lot of people will embrace. However, with these benefits, we are also disadvantages of jaw surgery and its complications.

During the course of treatment may be due to eating acidic and sugary drinks and tooth damage.

During surgery may be part of the nerve, chin, tongue, gums and go away and be forever numb. As well as teeth and jaws may not return after surgery to their initial state.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Lift What for?

Lift What for?

Lift What for?

Various methods have to eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin relaxation and treatment for doctors has been used.
Perhaps the most effective face lift surgery and brow lift can be named.
Action lifting, face 5 to 10 years younger than what it shows.
Lifting action (Stretch the facial skin) Usually people aged 60-40 and, of course, be performed at any age.
It involves removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles and pulling the skin on the face and neck, signs of aging decreases. Indeed, for all the problems mentioned with high lifting operation Mygrdd.lazm be noted that for lifting sagging eyebrows, excess skin and fat in the eyelid folds up or down or around the mouth can solve.

How to surgical face lifting

In this procedure, local anesthesia or general anesthesia with a sedative injection is used.
The duration of this operation is about S·hsat. Most of the cuts within the hairline is.
Through the incision, extra parts and loose wrinkled skin of the face and then kill it from the rear ear. The maximum inflation seen in 24 to 48 hours after surgery and then will be resolved within a few weeks. The fourth to seventh day after surgery, the stitches will be removed. In many cases the usual activities within two weeks back and then began 4-3 weeks.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Maxillary surgery

Maxillary surgery

Maxillary surgery

For surgery on the upper part of the jawbone where teeth are separated from the rear of bone.
And the up, down, forward or backward. In the surgery, dental jawbone based on your specific requirements and conditions to move anomaly, as the case may be added or removed pieces of bone in the jaw bone or shape of the bone changed.

Finally the jaw bone in his new situation with the use of screws and tiny plaque, have proven to be.
Also, depending on the circumstances of the surgery of the upper and lower jaw may temporarily using wire or rubber to the cache are closed. علاوه بر آن یک گچ پلاستیکی یا یک وسیله هدایت کننده هم بر روی فک شما قرار داده می‌شود تا به حفظ استخوان‌های فک در وضعیت سالم خود کمک کند.معمولاً بریدگی‌هایی که برای انجام این عمل لازم است،در داخل دهان زده می‌شود،اما در بعضی cases it may be necessary to minor cuts outside the mouth and on the face you created. In this case, try the scar caused by the cuts as far as possible, more and more small secret..

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Eyelid surgery How is it done?

Eyelid surgery How is it done?

Eyelid surgery How is it done?
Upper eyelid surgery:

Natural upper eyelid incision is made in China has not recognizable.
Part of the eyelid skin and subcutaneous tissue is removed and then, if necessary, adipose tissue are removed with caution and a certain elegance.

Lower eyelid surgery:

This may be done by trimming or cutting the skin.
If you do cut, cut just below the lashes will be. در روش بدون برش پوست نيز برش كوچكي در سطح داخلي پلك داده مي‌شود و از اين طريق چربي‌هاي بيرون زده پلك پايين خارج مي‌شوند.لازم به ذكر است كه انتخاب نوع جراحي توسط جراح و براساس شرايط بيمار و نوع اشكال پلك صورت مي‌گيرد. به‌طور كلي در روش‌هاي جديد، تمايل بيشتر بر اين است كه جراحي پلك پايين بدون برش پوست انجام شود همچنين در تكنيك‌هاي جديد به جاي برداشتن چربي، از جابه‌جا كردن چربي و قرار دادن آن در نقاطي كه كمبود چربي دارند مثل گودي زير چشم‌ها استفاده مي‌شود.
The minimum withdrawal is carried out and remove tissue.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Types of Dental Implants

Types of Dental Implants

The main types of dental implants :
  • Endosteal:

    This type of dental implants placed in the jaw bone.
    Mainly as a small screw made of titanium and are in stiff jaw. This type, including the most common types of dental implants.

  • Subperiosteal:

    These types of dental implants are placed under the gums of the upper jaw.
    This type of implant is very common and is used mainly in people who do not have the jaw bone of sufficient density.

If the person is healthy or jaw bone for implant placement is not enough, there are many ways to strengthen bone tissue:

  • Strengthen bones (Bone augmentation):

    The additives used to strengthen bones and bone growth factors.

  • Sinus Lift (Sinus lift):

    In this way, by adding bone below the maxillary sinus to strengthen bones, especially in the end will be discussed.

  • Strengthening top line (Ridge expansion):

    If the jaw for implant placement is not wide enough, it can be enhanced by using bone grafts.

In terms of health conditions jawbone and requires treatment of another person may be used as an alternative to conventional approaches:

  • Immediate implants:

    If you have enough jaw bone density and health problems from implants can be used immediately on the same day.

If you have a need to replace several teeth, instead of one single tooth implants can use the following alternative methods:

  • Mini Dental Implants:

    The implant is smaller and thinner than conventional varieties and planting them requires less surgery.
    The implants are usually used to keep the lower jaw dentures.

  • Micro implants:

    Mini is also smaller and far less variety of applications and are used only when the distance between the teeth is too low.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

What are implants?

What are implants?

What are implants?

Implants for people who have lost one or more teeth or drag is.
ایمپلنت در مکانی که متخصص ایمپلنت شما با جراحی و به وسیله ی دریل در استخوان فک شما ایجاد میکند کاشته می شود.پس از مدتی که ایمپلنت به استخوان فک جوش خورد، همانند ریشه دندان برای تاج دندان جدیدی که قرار است برای شما جایگزین دندان از you will be missed action . Finally, a tooth crown is made for you and placed on the implant to replace your lost tooth. The implant is similar in appearance to a natural tooth and induces the same natural feeling of chewing in the mouth. .

Sex Dental Implants

Dental implants sum of the parts that are surgically fixed into the jaw and each of the components alone have distinct names and efficiency .
Dental implants or implants within the first in 1932 was made of stainless steel.
The most common titanium alloy material is used for making dental implants.
Titanium alloy for making tools (Fixture), Bridge (Bridge), Overdentures (Overdenture) Implants and prosthetic components (Screw and abutment) Used to be. The abutments are made of zirconia . The most important feature to use titanium alloy, is a very good compatibility with body.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Possible complications after surgery jaw

Possible complications after surgery jaw

What are the possible side effects after surgery?

Certainly any kind of surgery can have its own consequences, but fortunately this type of surgery there are certain problems.
Recommended if you see the following symptoms, see your doctor and consult with him:

In general, mild bleeding from the surgical site on the first night is normal in the mouth.
Find unusual bleeding but manageable.
Can be used with a sterile gauze or tissue paper 10 Press the wound for a minute to stop the bleeding.

After surgery, your lower lip numbness and itching will be.
In a case like dental anesthetic injection is required.
Know this type of anesthesia can be continued for several months.

The infection:
معمولا صفحات فلزی کوچک و پیچ های به کار رفته در جراحی که برای نگهداری فک شما در جایگاه و حالت جدید استفاده شده بودند برای همیشه در همان محل باقی خواهند ماند.این قطعات پزشکی به ندرت دچار عفونت می شوند و نیاز به خارج کردن پیدا می but if the infection after a few months after the surgery, their removal will create particular problems. Good to know, in these parts of titanium metal used by metal detectors in airports are not detectable.

Adjust the teeth:
In the early weeks after surgery, often it is necessary to elastic bands. (Springy) Use an orthodontic prosthesis so that the teeth are properly aligned and aligned.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist