Benefits ومعایب dental implants

Benefits ومعایب dental implants

The benefits of dental implants

  • At the same time being an expensive treatment, benefits such as convenience, high resistance, said usability, restoring the ability of natural beauty and Super Champ, makes up for the sake of patients ' satisfaction towards more fixed or movable pertz بریجهای. In the case of full observance of the hygiene, the permanent teeth (Lifetime) They will be.
  • With the other teeth implants treatment, the victim is not a replacement of lost teeth.
  • The base of the implant, such as tooth root placed inside the bone and jaw bone to support the implant because the analysis by نمیرود. So if form, less has undergone several changes caused by the loss of a tooth gets.
  • Typically longevity of dental implants is longer than the other alternative treatments, and in the event of loss of the implant, there is a possibility of replacement again.

Disadvantages, disadvantages, problems and dental implant complications

  • Among the disadvantages and difficulties of the implant is its price. The cost of dental implants compared to other treatments, such as dental implant to replace the fixed or movable pertz is more. The cost of a dental implant about two to two and a half million USD is.
  • In addition to the price of dental implants, implant treatment being time consuming as well as other disadvantages of dental implants is. The minimum time between 4 to 9 months for this treatment is necessary. (The duration of dental implants )
  • Including the disadvantages of implants is a surgery and surgery-related ventures is also. These risks include the possibility of وشکست infection treatment or loss of dental implants pointed out that in this case is the need to replace it again.
  • The implants require periodic examinations by the dentist is.