Why should I use nasal packing after nasal surgery?

Nasal tampon

A nasal tampon or nasal bandage is a device that some doctors usually use after surgery Nose surgery They use it. This device has been used extensively in the past, but is less commonly used today.

Currently, tampons are used for the following reasons:

  • To prevent bleeding that occurs after surgery due to nasal septal hematoma. Nasal septal hematoma is caused by the accumulation of blood in the wall between the two walls of the mucosa, which can have very serious consequences, including damage to the external shape of the nose..
  • Maintain the central position of the nasal septum until the nose maintains and stabilizes.
  • Apply the right pressure to the middle blade to hold it in place

Usually, people who have used tampons in their surgery have a serious problem with this issue and complain a lot about the presence of tampons in the nose..

Some of the problems that a tampon causes for a person are::

  • The tampon is placed inside the nostrils, so breathing through the nose is difficult for the person.
  • Pulling tampons causes pain and discomfort to the person.
  • Once out of the nostrils, there is no guarantee that the nasal septum will stabilize.

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Under what circumstances is the tampon not used?

Currently, some doctors do not use tampons, which can be due to the following reasons:

  • In cases where the surgeon has used absorbable sutures precisely inside the nose, these sutures are sufficient to hold the mucous membrane in place and provide the desired therapeutic results..

This procedure has certain advantages over maintaining pressure on the treated area for a week or more, does not block the nasal airway, and does not require bandaging or suturing.. However, it is not always possible to replace this method with a nasal tampon.

  • In cases where the surgeon has performed the nasal septum surgery using an endoscopic procedure and thus made the necessary corrections directly without making an incision in the nasal tissue, a bandage or nasal tampon may not be needed..

Today, this method is commonly used to remove bone appendages. In this case, the mucous membrane can be sutured and held in place with an endoscope..

  • In some cases of nasal septal surgery, the plastic splits inside the nasal septum are sutured and have a plaster-like function for the nose.. This procedure can be used as an alternative to nasal bandages and tampons, or the two methods can be used together for the patient..

Isfahan nose surgeon

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