Gradually and with increasing age the skin changes occur so that thinner and folds appear on the intellectuals. The activity of generating fat glands ( Sebaceous ) Less and therefore goes to the dry skin. The number of vessels that have to sell blood skin skin and reduced becomes more fragile and juicy skin color and luster is also low.
If you take care of your skin as well, for example,” Of the sunlight away and wash it with mild soap or regular use of moisturizing, you can make this natural process does, and a lot of time to prevent skin problems. Simple ways that we discussed here, your skin healthier and more brilliant keeps:
1 Protect yourself from the sun.
The most important way to take care of the skin, protect it against sun light. This is in itself a UV light. UV is not visible but have a lot of power and damage to the skin, leading to the creation of deep wrinkles, dryness and rough skin, skin lightening, and even serious disorders such as malignant tumors can be ( The impact of the sun rays in causing skin cancer in more outbreaks of this disease among farmers that the bulk of his time under the Sun, the organisation can be nicely observed). In fact, most of the changes that we see two aging skin caused by a lifetime of sun radiation. To deal with the negative impact of sunlight is better : (A) the hours of sunlight falls sharply, to avoid it. The greatest disadvantage of the Sun between the hours of ten in the morning until the evening's four. Try this outdoor clocks went to less stress. (B) the use of protective clothing. Try using clothes such as shirts, long sleeve, and the mask or hat, coat posttan. Remember that some fabrics for protection against sunlight, for example mosartrand in this area better than flax woven dress is thin. “Sunscreen” Don't forget the. The amount of sunscreen ingredients protect the gay unit with the name ” RSS-PF ” Can be measured. In Iran, it is better to use sunscreens that have SPF from 30 To be up. Sunscreen 20 Hit the minute before you enter the open air and renew it every two hours or after heavy sweating or leaving the bathroom and pool..
2 Soon, cigarette.
Tobacco use to the process of aging of the skin and speed China adds the وچروک. Skin changes caused by tobacco use in youth may not be later than ten years show their.
Smoking causes narrowing of the arteries in the external layer of the skin becomes. As a result of low blood flow in these areas and less oxygen and nutrients as they arrive. Including these nutrients are important for skin health, vitamin a can be named. A person smoking by inhaling cigarette smoke is a huge collection of toxic substances enter the body also makes its. All this makes the elastic strings ( Elastin ) بیشترشده damaged skin and collagen and its consistency and flexibility to reduce the intensity of the. The result of a study that year 2002 Made in America shows that facial wrinkles in smokers even in old age 20 Age can be clearly seen under a microscope. By the way” For people who are drawn to cigarettes for a few years certain yellow that comes to them, gives an apparent morbid.
In addition to these, who frequently takes the cigarette” Changes in the shape of your face are created ( Like the ring off the lips when you give out smoke or half-closed eyes and strain on the muscles of the dorchshm to prevent smoke entry ) That the movements of the time in creating the wrinkles are an effective role.
3 – Wash your skin with gentleness.
One of the most important principles of skin care, cleaning is. This should do the amenity with IE : (A) the use of warm water for washing and when you get a little longer drahmam short. Hot water shower and get the necessary and natural fat long on your skin destroys. Try your shower time from 15 Do not exceed minutes ( Even if this time is less, it is better ) . B do not use strong soaps. Strong soaps that fat natural skin to be completely destroyed, causing the dry skin are. It's better than mild soap or body fluids that are emollient ingredients labelling, use. C If you have sensitive skin detergents that don't use a lot of color and fragrance are. This material may irritate the posttan and leads to allergic reactions ( Allergic reactions ) Are. (D) to note that the skin around the eyes is very sensitive, so to clear these areas of soft sponge or cotton and use appropriate ( Some people use vaseline or olive oil or sesame oil or dorchshm makeup shampobche to clear and the results have been good, and of course درهزینه your toiletries as well as have, for example, saving” Can a little olive oil on a wet cotton and has been on the part of the makeup of the drag and then dry with a cotton debris if necessary uninstall it). D the skin after washing or showering, slowly by putting a little and take a towel, dry the skin so that a few of the moisture to stay on it and then immediately right on moisturizing your skin, apply the.
4 – Regularly check your skin moist.
As another article mfsala” I've explained, moisturizers to maintain the skin's natural moisture to help and actually create a layer on the skin that prevents the withdrawal of water from it will be. Some of them also have a little bit of water and this water to help keep the skin moist. Some moisturizers contain sunscreen are also.
5 – Shaving the hair in careful.
One of the common and inexpensive ways for hair removal, shaving them . But shaving can irritate the skin. This thin, dry and sensitive skin can be seen more. To do this, it is better : (A) before the shaving of the hair, a cloth or towels soaked with hot water on the relevant area of the Center until you have soft hair, or can I” Do this after showering, 4 *. (B) dry skin نتراشید. Use gel or foam or lotion for this use to be less damage to the skin enters. (C) the use of a razor-sharp and clean. If you work with the machine, always do not have to leave it on the last degree. De razor blades in order to move the hair growth, not against it . (E) after scraping, wash the skin with lukewarm water. And after shaving the hair lotion for use after shaving the way to relieve inflammation, skin softness and elegance as well as preserved.
6 When sleeping less, put your face on the pillow.
Make your face each night-time sleep on pillows in the long Center, can worsen wrinkles to be effective. This is the China that ” Dream lines ” Are called, little by little, when you have the head of the border and back pillows are not disappearing. Women who have the habit to tuck bkhaband, most of these lines on the Chin and cheeks will see your. Those who stay have taghbaz these lines are not.
7 Get regular and adequate sleep.
Research has shown that most adults go to 7 until the 9 Need bedtime hours. A little insomnia can make you feel tired. One of the first places that show their boredom, is . This would cause the black rings around the eyes and puff alodshden under the eyes and relaxes the facial skin..
Because you have better sleep during the day is less than the use of caffeine-containing drinks ( Drink less tea and coffee ) And by the way” During the 2 hours before bedtime dont” Do not consume this drink.
If for any reasons you won't be able to sleep well The doctor See.
Remember that some signs of aging are not ajtnaband but a lot of them can be delayed provided that correct and timely, we take care of your skin