The necessity of and steps to perform surgery of the jaw

The necessity of and steps to perform surgery of the jaw

The necessity of surgery of the jaw

The property can yield the jaw occlusion in trouble and cause disruption to an individual food درجویدن. In the event that sufficient contact between upper and lower teeth, grinding up the food there is plenty in the mouth will not be performed. This condition can be a negative impact on the process of digestion and overall health of the body of the person to be. In addition, the excessive accumulation of teeth in the mouth can cause hardening of the accumulated food and maintaining oral health care and thus more chance of tooth decay or gum disease the patient is suffering from more. Cure tooth decay should be immediately up the other teeth rotten teeth are not damaged. For the sake of having the property of being the person to tooth occlusion, probably faster than normal are destroyed and the longevity of artificial tools used in the mouth in particular cut finds.

Severe occlusion as a result property in an inappropriate state the skeletal jaw size and position can also cause severe problems for the person to be. For example, the lower jaw is too small can cause respiratory interruptions when snorting the drag and the dream, and this condition can be a lot of other problems also continue to have a person with. In cases where additional short upper lip and maxillary bones are there in the vertical, the lips, usually without trying to close them because of this issue, such as open and added being a lower third is. As a result, these conditions can cause bad breath with the aggravation of the problem and should take action to eliminate bad breath to do. In addition, the negative impact of frequent occlusion property can be intense on the status of the person talking and often with a sore jaw joint together..

Finally it must be said that inappropriate decisions put teeth on each other and the condition of the jaw can be one-third the height of the bottom of the form to specify the high rate and thus the apparent circumstances are also affected on the face. For convex کوژ or cause a situation called the "bird face" for a concave Cove or cause a situation called the "mature" face, and both of these terms creates beauty for individual problems and in this way can a person in the social conditions for the treatment of people with too much face to distort.

Steps to perform surgery of the jaw

Orthodontic treatment for about two years to complete the time needs. The course of treatment is very specific and is composed of several stages, one of which is ارتوگناتیک surgery. When this process starts, it is rarely possible to return the results of the treatment to the initial state or change the pattern of non-surgical methods of treatment are there. So in earnest to the patient it is recommended that your initial treatment plan after the start to completion. A disease that medical methods decided to use ارتوگناتیک, you must understand the complexity of the right jaw and facial cosmetic surgery and the time it takes to do it.. Therefore, only the combination of the patient's cooperation and determination he can seek help in this regard and to achieve the desired therapeutic results and create the needed features for track possible.

The abnormalities of the jaw and teeth

The abnormalities of the jaw and teeth

The condition property can be divided into two groups, occlusion of the original dental and skeletal classification *. As a result of the differences in wealth occlusion skeletal shape, size or position of one or more teeth in the jaw can be created. For example, if one of the jaw are very large or very small or very large, and one of them is very small, these conditions can be regarded as the property of skeletal occlusion. For these patients, help coordinate simple dental arch does not make that much, because the teeth at appropriate positions due to lack of correct placement of the jaw are not supposed to be on each other. The apparent condition of the property, often skeletal occlusion in inappropriate for the patient is mobile. In this case, if the mandible is very small, if the person is too convex or کوژ, but if the lower jaw is too large or too small upper jaw, or both of these conditions exist, along with the other person too concave or KAV would be. Another of the ناهنجازی jaw ودندانی problem is avarjt; avarjt as being ahead of the maxilla is also known, in practice makes the mandibular teeth back in the mouth than the maxillary teeth are. In this case the use of orthodontic treatment alone cannot be sufficient to correct skeletal problems, and also owned by the occlusion can not be apparent if the patient's problems in addition to the placement of teeth problems on each other on the track side. The surgery a patient's jaw, jaw, or both, usually to correct a situation of the jaw, teeth biting performance improvements, increasing the apparent form of beauty, and reduce the problems related to the respiratory system can be used.
In the event that the status of the placement of the jaw on each other in a patient is fit, occlusion of teeth property can result in improper growth excessive accumulation of teeth or they are created.. In these circumstances, the use of specific methods of orthodontic treatment alone can use the brace are stable teeth placement status on each other to modify.
Causes the creation of wrinkles around the eyes

Causes the creation of wrinkles around the eyes

Of course, the most common cause of wrinkles around the eyes of the public is the aging process. With increasing age, the incidence of وچروک in all the regions of China for natural, and the area under the eyes is not an exception from this.

With increasing age, wrinkles are formed gradually, it is thin and delicate skin of Clement, the more dry and lagharter, and as a result the elasticity of the skin gradually reduced. This changes to a matter does not occur. But within a few years ago of China created وچروک happens.

Shrinking body of water

Use of inappropriate skin cleanser leads to an imbalance in the skin and moisture so skin dryness..

Beauty products

The existence of cheap synthetic materials in cosmetic products on the skin effect and cause wrinkles around the eyes.. Make sure before sleeping beauty products from skin to remove your.

Poor diet

Inappropriate food may lack certain important vitamins like A, C, E and K are. This vitamin has the positive effect of برقابلیت skin elasticity and the lack of it makes the skin glow and elasticity it seems to fail.

Inappropriate sleep status

Insufficient sleep can make the skin towards the China وچروک and fine lines will be more damage.

Life style

Stressful وزندگی smoking may be one of the most important causes of China وچروک and fine lines.. Smoking little body as being water the skin exposed to put radicals that may be leading to the occurrence of fine lines.

Bad habits

Some people when washing your eyes and face harsh physical movements are doing as well as their eyes when sleeping on a pillow push up. These habits gradually caused وچروک of China and fine lines..

Exposure to sunlight

The Sun contains harmful rays that cause fine lines and under eye وچروک China..