Tooth and gum infection and abscess

Tooth and gum infection and abscess

Know the symptoms of tooth infection and abscess :

Tooth and gum infection and abscess | If you have a toothache and your tooth is infected, you may experience the following symptoms :

  1. Tooth sensitivity to cold and heat
  2. Swelling of the glands in the neck
  3. Redness and swelling of the gums
  4. Creating an open wound with discharge on the gum
  5. Swelling in the face or cheeks and parts of the upper or lower jaw
  6. Inflammation and redness of the mouth or face
  7. Bitter, unnatural and unpleasant taste in the mouth
  8. A bump on the gum that may not be painful.
  9. Getting wobbly teeth
  10. occurrence of fever
  11. Bad breath and bad breath

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Be with us with reading and informative content Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeonJaw surgeon of Isfahan :

What is the cause of tooth infection or gingivitis?

Factors that may cause inflation and Infection in teeth and gums are to be:

Lack of hygiene or having poor hygiene

If the toothbrush and dental floss are not used properly after consuming food; Food remains between the teeth and causes infection in the teeth and mouth.

Excessive consumption of sugary substances

Excessive use of sweets and sugar-containing substances causes tooth decay and, as a result, swelling and infection of the teeth.

Suffering from certain diseases

A weak immune system and certain diseases such as diabetes can be one of the causes of tooth infection and inflammation.

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Treatment of tooth infection

The treatment of abscess or tooth infection in each person depends on the severity of the infection, the location of the abscess and the physical condition of that person. The type of treatment that is used to eliminate the tooth infection in each person depends on several factors, which include::

root treatment or (RCT)

This treatment is used for deep infections that have occurred inside the root of the tooth. In this method, the specialist removes the pus and pathogenic bacteria accumulated in the root of the tooth by piercing the tooth; Then he fills the empty space inside the tooth with gutta-percha. After that, the tooth is covered and protected against the penetration of bacteria and infection.


In cases where root canal treatment does not work to eliminate tooth infection; A specialist dentist uses apicectomy treatment. The mechanism of this treatment is that the dentist opens the gum and removes the tooth root along with the infected tissue..

Drainage of infection, abscess and pus

In some cases, drainage of pus and infection is necessary. In parapharyngeal abscesses located at the back of the mouth, it may be necessary to drain the pus directly from the site of infection..

Treatment of sepsis

Sepsis is an acute medical condition in which the body's immune system overreacts to the infection, and if left untreated, may lead to septic shock and dangerously low blood pressure.. This can lead to organ failure and even death.