What is the impact of a specialist surgeon on the stability of rhinoplasty?
According to the mentioned cases, the stability of rhinoplasty and getting the full results of rhinoplasty depends on different cases, but one of the most important things that can cause satisfaction or dissatisfaction of clients for rhinoplasty is the selection of a specialist doctor to perform Rhinoplasty is usually taken seriously by people.
The skill level of the specialist doctor when he is low or if he is a novice, the clients may have rhinoplasty as it should and maybe it is not of high quality, but when a doctor with a high level of skill performs rhinoplasty, people can Convince yourself of results that have a very high and good shelf life.
As mentioned, the doctor's experience can be very important because if a doctor has little experience if a particular problem occurs during the operation, he can not control it well, but on the contrary, if the rhinosurgeon experiences Have a good problem in case of a particular problem during the operation can easily eliminate the problem by relying on their skills.
Does rhinoplasty need repair to last longer?
Does rhinoplasty need repair to last longer? .
That the above surgery needs to be repaired and to maintain the results as well as increase its shelf life after a while to repair if this is not the case and only a part of the clients who 10 Percentage of them are for special cases to repair.
Percentage of them are for special cases to repair
Such trivial and even meaningless headaches may occur,
Therefore, before the operation, it is better for the applicants of rhinoplasty to have a consultation session with a specialist doctor to get acquainted with the operation and to provide appropriate measures for holding it..
Click to view the Instagram page of Dr. Behnam Khorami, Isfahan Rhinoplasty Surgeon.
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