Nasal کوتری (The burning of the vessel of the nose) ? (Section III)

Nasal کوتری (The burning of the vessel of the nose) ? (Section III)

Take care after the burning of the nose?

When the vessel will be burned and bleeding nose it can be stopped, to another does not require special treatment. But a week after this treatment, the patient should be careful so that the harm to the burned tissue in the nose is not compiled, otherwise the nose will bleed again. Any blow or damage to the nose it during the first postoperative day 7 تا۱۰ can cause recurring bleeding of the place is burned. If you have nasal bleeding starts again, immediately contact your physician.

By performing the following care and preventive measures can the risk of damage to the tissues of the nose burned down:

  • As far as possible from the Finn out of the nose to avoid.
  • When you sneeze, open your mouth and keep.
  • Up to a week after the Act of smoking and alcohol consumption to avoid.
  • Using regular nasal drops, inside the nose and keep wet.
  • Up to a week after the treatment of heavy lifting, pushing and doing cardiovascular exercise to avoid heavy.

Patients who treat burn doing nose veins, usually a few days after the treatment a mild irritation or pain in your nose feel. These symptoms are usually using the تایلانول drop according to the order of a physician or a salt water spray in the hole can be easily fix nose.

Do not burn the nasal vessels act of indulgence

A very important point that you should keep in mind that it is the burning of the nose should never lavish. Perform this procedure to read much more than that can be useful to limit compensation, position of the nose you will enter. کوتری the nose or nasal burning vessel should be performed with caution and abundant consideration and shall whenever a severe bleeding from the nose happens immediately proceeded to do this practice session. The nasal bleeding very comfortable you can control. To do this, a cold compress on the bridge of the nose, let's. In many cases, sit and bend forward or pressing softly on the Middle bone of nose-to-nose bleeding easily come to be by virtue of paragraph.

The experts always recommend that the burning of the nasal vessels only and only once in each nostril, and that it be done in a separate times. The burning of the nasal vessels frequently or burning the veins in both holes simultaneously nose can cause weakening of the nose and nasal cavities are formed on the inside to be. These holes are usually on the middle of the nose of the blade to arise, not be later restored to permanent mode come in. The holes in the nose can lead to nosebleeds, sinus infection, reduce the body's resistance to colds and respiratory problems in the patient.

Nasal کوتری (The burning of the vessel of the nose) ? (The second part of)

Nasal کوتری (The burning of the vessel of the nose) ? (The second part of)

کوتری nose nasal vessel or burning can be done in two ways and generally a treatment quick and painless.

The methods used

  • A needle that is made of Platinum, using the electricity is heated and can be laid inside the nostril to blood vessel tissue burn and block.
  • A caustic agent such as caustic pen on a bleeding vessel is laid up through chemical reactions this vessel to block does not.

Do method

The burning of the vessel a nose is small and fast that no previous preparation by the patient does not have any. The steps for doing this are as follows:

  • Reviews of nose piercings: Both holes of the nose using a bulb and a device called Speculum examined to the point that causes nasal bleeding, defined.
  • Blood tests: A blood sample is taken from the nose up if there are elements of the anticoagulant in it, and also test the diagnosis of anemia do it using.
  • Topical Anesthesia: With a piece of impregnated cotton and local anesthetic drug to make it down the inside of the patient's nose, nostril is numb to pain is not felt at the time of treatment.
  • The burning of the vessel: After the nose was numb, a needle or a pen الکتروکوتری silver nitrate on the spot the location of the bleeding and the surrounding tissue will be put. The heat from these needles causing blood vessel tissue melting and sticking them to each other and thus stops nose bleeding.
Nasal کوتری (The burning of the vessel of the nose) ?

Nasal کوتری (The burning of the vessel of the nose) ?

(E) the method of burning or destruction of a living tissue, called کوتریزاسیون. Of this treatment to combat the infection, the injury caused by the closing of amputation and stemming the bleeding can be used. کوتری "nose" or "burn" the way that nose veins in order to stop the Nosebleeds Extreme(Usually of a vein or artery at the tip of the nose) Done. During this procedure, the heat on the point that the bleeding and blood vessel in this episode to be a slight burns and it blocks the nasal bleeding stopped. Treatment of nasal vessel burning takes only a few minutes and it can be found in the physician's Office or in an outpatient treatment section in the medical centers with the use of a local anesthetic did.

The burning of the vessel of the nose

The burning of the nasal or nasal کوتری practical vessel to treat the complication of nosebleeds (اپیستاکسی) Is done. In this treatment of a chemical or electrical utility to burn mucous membranes inside the nose and stop the bleeding, it used to be. In some cases, in order to improve the ability to breathe through the nose, other action (Like Sinus surgery، Nasal Endoscopy Or Nasal septum surgery) Also at the same time treating burn done nose veins.

Why the burning vessel nose done?

The nose has a very rich source of blood that is warm and damp air that task through respiration to the lungs is responsible for the. Large amounts of blood vessels that are in the nose, sometimes leading to incidence of nosebleeds (اپیستاکسی) Especially in children and adolescents to be. Hit the nose, infection or drying out the internal nasal membranes can lead to bleeding from the nose. Finger in the nose, sneezing, coughing, heavy exercise and Finn out, are examples of injuries that can lead to bleeding from the nose, are. Bleeding from the nose is usually spontaneous in effect becoming polyphenol is one of the پُرخون in the middle of the nose of the blade is happening in most cases, this vein with visible eye and is accessible. If the bleeding to happen frequently and easily stopped, probably for its treatment should be done nose veins burn treatment.