How is deviated septum surgery? (A deviated septum)

How is deviated septum surgery? (A deviated septum)

Nasal deviation After the operation, one of the problems Nose surgery Which may be unpleasant appearance of the nose. Less than 5% of patients who experience this condition may affect their thoughts. Of course, some people did not notice it.

This deviation occurs for whom?

The risk of postoperative deviated septum occurs mainly for patients who greatly alter the angle of the nose. Patients nose will be pleased with all aspects of it, including the possible appearance of complications during a consultation meeting with the surgeon measure Weather.

Other minor problems include nasal appearance:

  • Back hump
  • Slight drooping nasal tip
  • But little visible asymmetry

What a deviated septum surgery?

Keep in mind that water off a flat nose difficult even for the best rhinoplasty and nose after full recovery may be a little deviation or asymmetry. Slight curvature is acceptable and surgery on the nose of all there Symmetric concentrated as possible in the profile, the nose plaster cast shadows and create optical illusions.

To the question "What is the cause deviated septum surgery?" There are many reasons that we read a few examples below:

  • This deviation may be a result of the displacement of the nasal bone. Nose surgery, such as an apple is thrown into the air and to reach Earth eats thousand wheels, recovering from nose surgery and nose is a dynamic process during which the frequency changes.
  • Attractions in the asymmetric inflation forecast is ineffective and it is expected to be sleeping, the swelling of the nose to the tip stretched thin, and the loss of blowing nose lasts longer.
  • A deviated nasal septum injuries
  • Improper care after surgery
  • Always consists of two separate rhinoplasty procedure on the left and right are. Asymmetry both sides of the nose may be uneven due to the action.
  • The severity of wounds during surgery
  • Remove excess cartilage on one side of the nose
  • Most of the tilt and the apparent asymmetry of the nose after surgery to see different parts of dissimilar inflation linked.

Swelling after surgery depends heavily on the following::

  • Components of the nose
  • Surgery (Open or closed / nasal)
  • Thick skin
  • Care after surgery

After the opening act of the nose, when the external gap has been created on the basis of projections, the inflation projections will be more long-lasting than the action. Patients who have thicker skin also will experience more swelling.

Is the surgeon can control the deviated septum?

Weather expert surgeons can often predict the risk of postoperative deviated septum and then, with a choice selection techniques to think about. For example, for patients who had their nose blade, probably instead of sewing to the blade tip, columella strategies for elevating the nasal tip is chosen. Columella strategy refers to the way in which the tip of the nose with cartilage graft stronger or more are high. Sometimes, despite the best techniques, even a few degrees in the nose caused as a result of the surgical procedure can not be fully predicted.

The final result of the action can be seen 18 to 24 months after surgery. If after this time again as a diversion to eat, we can not proceed to secondary surgery. If the second or secondary surgery done earlier, a new problem will arise. To evaluate long-term results rhinoplasty, a period of five years is enough.


Secondary rhinoplasty is accelerated by deformities that were not apparent in the first operation; if the nasal septum looks very smooth at first and is well cared for, there will be a slight deviation after a while.. In fact, the initial swelling covers defects that appear later. This patient is very disappointing, because at first thought to have been successful correction of the nose.

Some of surgery to correct asymmetry or unevenness caused after surgery, filler injections (Filler) Offer. But such injections increase the risk of ulceration and this has the potential to jeopardize the success of the second operation. Permanent fillers angled barrier is expected to be out of forms. Temporary fillers are absorbed into the body after 8 to 12 months.

The nasal septum deviation is corrected. To do this, it is possible that the second operation carried cartilage implants.


Is surgery can be dangerous polyps?

Is surgery can be dangerous polyps?

The risk of bleeding from the nose and black eye due to damage to the lining of the nose there.

Entering medical devices into the nose can be dangerous for the eyes and muscles.

And to harm them.. Getting these tools in the skull, causing leakage of fluid from around the brain..

Of course, all of these complications are very rare. .

And the occurrence of such events is usually to help prevent a CTscan.

Have nasal polyps grow again?

Unfortunately, removing polyps does not always prevent them from growing back. They may take a few years to grow back after surgery.

If necessary, surgery can be repeated again..

Sometimes using steroid nasal sprays regularly can prevent recurrence of nasal polyps.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Surgical nasal polyps

Surgical nasal polyps

If drug therapy failed to shrink nasal polyps and destroy

You may need to have endoscopic surgery.

Has gone by the polyps and polyps were problems that cause inflammation of the sinuses and cure.

In endoscopic surgery, the surgeon makes a small tube with a magnifying glass and a small camera.

(Endoscope) Enter your nostrils and guides you to the sinus cavities.

For removing polyps and other components that are blocking the flow of fluids from your sinuses.

A small object that can be used to shave polyps.

It is also possible that the openings of the sinuses and nasal path leads, the larger.

Endoscopic surgery is usually done as an outpatient surgery.

After surgery most likely have to use corticosteroid inhalers.

The drug could prevent the return of nasal polyps.

To accelerate healing after surgery your doctor may recommend rinsing with salt water.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Nasal polyps can be detected how and when we should go to the doctor?

Nasal polyps can be detected how and when we should go to the doctor?

If your doctor flashlight by a doctor who called rhinoscopy nasal passages of the nose to look at, If polyps are found polyps was hidden in the depths of your sinuses, your doctor may examine your nasal endoscopic in this way, the doctor inserts a thin tube and flexible head-mounted cameras and lights will enter through the nasal passages .

May "MRI" and "CT" scan to detect polyps need Bashd.pvlyp size and exact location of the opaque spots on the scans appear. It can also find other types of appendages that may be medically more serious, such as structural abnormalities or cancerous glands..

Allergy testing can also be helpful in determining the source of chronic nasal inflammation. The test is done by your doctor making a small hole the size of a needle in your skin and then placing a variety of allergens that are in liquid form on that hole, then your immune system reacts to the allergens. Sees .

If a young child has a nasal polyp, genetic testing may be needed .

When should we see a doctor?

See a doctor if the symptoms of nasal polyps persist for more than 10 days. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps are similar to many other conditions, including a common cold. .

If you experience the following conditions, you should see a doctor immediately :

  • Serious difficulty breathing
  • Your symptoms suddenly got worse
  • Two noses, decreased vision or decreased ability to move the eyes
  • Severe inflammation around the eyes
  • Increasing headache accompanied by high fever or an inability to keep the head forward

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Nasal polyps and symptoms

Nasal polyps and symptoms

Nasal polyps, a mass of soft, painless and non-cancer in the lining of the nose or sinuses's path . Polyps or clusters of grapes hung like drops of tears. They result from chronic inflammation caused by asthma, periodic infections, allergy, drug allergy or immune disorders particularly small Hstnd.hay may not have any symptoms. But larger masses or a group of polyps together can block your nasal passages or lead to breathing problems, loss of sense of smell, and recurrent infections. Nasal polyps can happen to anyone, but most often It is common in middle-aged people. Medication can be used to shrink or eliminate polyps, but sometimes surgery is needed to remove the polyp. Even after successful and effective treatments, nasal polyps may return..

Symptoms of nasal polyps

Inflammation of the lining of the nose and sinuses to the nasal polyps associated path that goes over 12 weeks. (Chronic sinusitis).However, one may have chronic sinusitis but not nasal polyps (Chronic sinusitis without polyps are more common ).

Polyps are growths of soft intangibles small so if you do not notice them. Just multiple or large polyps can block the nasal passages you.

Common signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps include: :

  • Rhinorrhea
  • Persistent stuffy nose
  • Runny nose behind
  • Reduction or lack of sense of smell
  • Craniofacial Pain
  • Pain in the upper teeth
  • Pressure on the forehead and face
  • Snort
  • Itchiness around the eyes

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Recommendations for mentally prepared before rhinoplasty

Recommendations for mentally prepared before rhinoplasty

1 relaxation techniques.

Many patients are anxious before surgery. Fear, anxiety, insomnia and irritability to follow. So finding a way to calm yourself is very important to maintain physical and mental health. Akbari doctor recommends the following methods for relaxation to patients:

  • Meditation
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • yoga

Having a positive view about actions affect accelerate the improvement and satisfaction is the ultimate action experience. Before and after the surgery take advantage of your friends and family for emotional support. Adjust your postoperative recovery schedule so that you can rest in peace after surgery..

2- Visualization

Visualization is one of the most important relaxation techniques and it means to imagine the steps of rhinoplasty.. To do this, consider a quiet and comfortable place where you can be alone with yourself and your thoughts. Many people consider their bedroom and comfortable bed to be the best place to dream before and after going to bed. It is suitable for any place where you feel comfortable. Close your eyes, relax your body and perform the following steps:

Imagine being completely mentally and physically prepared for surgery have been. Date of surgery and think calmly and without worrying that lie on the bed. Spend your mind and your imagination is the surgery of the surgeon during surgery, see. Imagine that successfully completed surgery and recovery period without suffering any complications've had. Think about the last few weeks of practice and you have a new face in the mirror that you look more beautiful than ever.
These ideas will help you to get ready for the big day. Based on studies of people who successfully portray in your mind, are less anxious and feel better the day of surgery.

3 raise awareness in the field of action

If patients are aware of the procedure and are well prepared and trained, their fears will decrease, they will recover faster, and eventually they will be more satisfied with the outcome.. Necessary information about rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty) And happily give you all ambiguities are resolved.
Their knowledge in the field of rhinoplasty by searching the Internet increases. Of course, like everything else in this field sites, there are many valid and invalid, so be sure to make sure the site is authentic. You can also use the site doctor called joy.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Pregnancy and surgery of the nose

Pregnancy and surgery of the nose

Nose surgery during pregnancy

Sometimes the timing alone is not the instrument work. Ms for nose surgery timing and they realize that they are pregnant to set really is disappointing. Elective surgery of any kind is prohibited, including during یارداری surgery of the nose. Nasal Surgery, however, nothing to do with the uterus, you will be. Sedatives and drugs that you will use can be harmful for your growing fetus.. Very dangerous for the health of your child is a cosmetic surgery you can do together in the future to enable the risk.

If breathing problems which caused the deviation of the septum or nasal airway being slim is facing intense, nose surgery will be a selective surgery beyond the. If your own health and wellbeing by not being able to get enough oxygen to be threatened, there may be nose surgery is needed even if you are pregnant. Of course, chances are it's going to happen is super low. You must sign in to the evaluation by your doctor the risks and benefits of surgery of the nose for your heavy work style.

Pregnancy after nose surgery

Nose surgery is not a work day, but more of a gradual process involving planning, preparation and improvement is. For many women, knowing this is the important thing, which is how long after surgery of the nose can be used for pregnancy action *. Young women who are in the middle of the year, they may have a lot of questions about the time sure to come before they get pregnant again.

Most of the surgeons in this case agree that the recovery period after surgery of the nose to the end of pregnancy can be used for action *. After the nasal structure were strong you are free which again focused on the important issues of your life, make. There is no medical reason that would preclude recovery period after you bring into existence, but to be able to get more detailed information for your operative strategies can get advice about meeting your concerns to consult with the doctor. To receive your special situation that this advice is the best way.

Does pregnancy affect my surgery on the nose?

During pregnancy the body undergoes significant changes such as swelling and thickening of the lining of the nose and nasal mucosa Some women increased congestion in the nose and sinus cavities also have experience. All this can create problems for the nose.

Fortunately, the results of rhinoplasty are preserved during pregnancy and after pregnancy. Although puffiness and swelling of the nose is a common problem during pregnancy, all of these problems will resolve on their own after pregnancy.. If you feel shortness of breath due to inflation came to Sraght seek medical attention as soon as possible to go.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

What is rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty can solve that difficulty?

What is rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty can solve that difficulty?

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery in the dictionary of the words "Reno" and "plasticizer" has been formed. Reno mean molded nose and modern rhinoplasty means to modify or beautify Ast.qdmt 50 to 60 years before and after World War II returned. Rhinoplasty in Iran since 40 solar to be. After the revolution, the first group to perform nose surgery were ear, nose and throat specialists. Of course, currently, the number of applicants for cosmetic surgery in Iran has increased day by day, which unfortunately is a record breaker even at the global level. be. Nose surgery to beautify or improve the appearance of the nose or nose and nose done removing defects. رینوپلاستی (عمل زیبایی بینی ) Depending on the individual, can lead to larger or smaller size of the nose, change the shape of the nose, wider or narrower than the tip of the nose or height or length of the nose lead.

Can solve problems that rhinoplasty?

Delivered in various rhinoplasty nose can be fixed, for example,

    • Due to the size of the nose
    • Humpy nose
    • Drooping of the tip of the nose or low angle of the nose
    • Being flattened nose
    • Due to the nostrils
    • Box shape of the tip of the nose
    • There are the tip of the nose to the face
    • Dislocation of the nasal septum Vghyrqrynh
    • Two branches of the tip of the nose
    • Saddle nose after previous trauma or surgery deviated septum
    • Deformities after the operation

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Complications of anesthesia at a young age

Complications of anesthesia at a young age

Nose surgery at an early age complications from general anesthesia. So that everything is under anesthesia complications more.

Early surgery with general anesthesia are permitted only where they really have no choice except it.

In the end, however, the surgery should be noted that the unconscious of a child,

Certain elegance wants to be a surgeon,

Mr. anesthesia specialists and technicians have the grace to observe that this is the kind of hard work;

Because the parents of the children are particularly sensitive.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Nose surgery complications at an early age

Nose surgery complications at an early age

First, about the effects of nasal surgery at an early age speak.

As we know that the growth centers of bones and cartilage in bone growth with the growth of this part done,

And then the cartilage turns to bone.

At the age of puberty, the cartilage itself has been a bone, so bone growth stops, including projected growth or, for example,

Linear growth of the individual stops.

Now, if we come to halt bone growth and the patient's surgery,

Damage to bone growth centers and certainly bad shape and asymmetrical nose will grow.

And the need for future surgery will bring one hundred percent.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist