Fancy fleshy nose job
In this article, we provide you with information about fancy nose surgery. It is considered the most common beauty procedure in Iran and has many applicants among women and men. As one of the most important elements of the face, the nose plays a great role in the appearance and beauty of people. That is, it is the only prominent part of the face, so the presence of proportion between the nose and other parts of the face plays an effective role in the beauty of the face. If there are defects in the appearance of the nose, it disturbs the proportion of the face and affects the beauty of the person's face .
Research has shown that people who did not have a well-proportioned and beautiful nose on their face have always felt embarrassed about it, and after cosmetic surgery, they regain their lost self-confidence to a large extent.. Therefore, rhinoplasty has many advantages, and this feature is enough that if you are unhappy with your nose, go for the best one today Nasal surgeon Go ahead and prepare yourself for a facial.
How to choose a surgeon for fancy nose surgery?
First, read articles about nose surgery on medical sites, so that you can have a more open vision according to your nose type The result of rhinoplasty Take action yourself . Ask friends and acquaintances or on the Internet Best of nose surgery and after that get a list of nose surgeons and get information about the level of expertise and scientific degrees and experiences of nose surgeons by referring to the doctors website. .
Go to the doctors' website and see photos of previous patients before and after surgery and learn about the work of a nose surgeon. To see more portfolios, you can go to Instagram nose surgeon See.
Go to the doctor's office and express your desire for a nose job by consulting. Nasal surgeon After the nose examination and taking into account the general structure of the nose and the person's expectations, he will give a general view of the result of the surgery.
Weather care after surgery
Nasal surgeonPeople should reduce the amount of spices in their diet during the recovery period of rhinoplasty. In order to avoid putting pressure on the nose, the expert advises people to lie in an open arch for a while and place two pillows under their heads in order to be higher than the body, this will reduce swelling and bruises caused by Rhinoplasty helps a lot .
Those who have undergone cosmetic surgery should avoid finning for a while. Avoid going to crowded places during rhinoplasty recovery, which increases the chance of trauma to the nose. Use for some time after rhinoplasty Glasses And it is forbidden to sunbathe, but there is nothing wrong with using contact lenses . In the early days after rhinoplasty, it is recommended to introduce soft and watery food, and people can gradually replace harder food.
For which people is fancy nose surgery suitable?
The purpose of performing the fantasy meat nose surgery is to narrow and make the lower part smaller and gather the tip of the nose. in the past when doing Nose surgery, nose surgeons polished the cartilages of the nose, for this reason the possibility of reversibility of fleshy noses was very high at that time, but today, nose surgeons use new techniques during fantasy fleshy nose surgery that make the reversibility of fleshy noses brings it to zero, they avoided removing the nasal cartilage, even in some cases it strengthens and strengthens the nasal cartilages.
Today, the model Fantasy nose specially When you look at the nose of men from the profile, the angle between the forehead and the nose is more than women It has many fans among women and men, but a fancy or doll nose model is not always suitable and causes them problems because Nose surgery fantasy And the nose doll model is too small for the standard. In order for it to be raised, they cut it too short and give it too much curvature and arch, it may even cause problems in the person's breathing.. Although doll nose surgery is not suitable for some people, they still insist on doing it so that the nasal septum becomes too narrow and grooves are created above the nose in the front view, which is called a fine line above the bridge of the nose.. Most of the people have the idea that if the nose is crooked then it is part of it Bone nose Is.
While the nose may have a hump, but the skin on the tip and sides of the nose is not of good quality, which in this case is one of the types Fleshy nose is considered . On the contrary, it also applies that there are noses that do not have a hump and have good skin, in this case it can be considered one of the types of bony noses. . In general, it can be said that the more skin problems the nose has, the fleshier the nose is, and the less skin the nose has, the bony the nose is..
Usually, people can easily distinguish the difference between a fancy fleshy nose and a bony one. If we press the scalp of fleshy noses with two fingers, the fat will come out from the small holes on the nose, but this does not happen in bony noses.. The more we move from the upper side to the lower side of the nose, the more the skin will shape the beauty of the nose after the operation, and depending on the type of skin and its quality, the result of rhinoplasty will be better..