Nose massage and the results that follow :

Nose massage after rhinoplasty

Cosmetic surgeries are the largest number of surgeries in the world. In the meantime, Nose surgery It is always placed in the top ranks of these practices. Nose surgery It is a delicate and sensitive operation and requires careful care after surgery. One of these treatments is nasal massage after cosmetic surgery. In this article, the benefits and how to do this Massage We explain.

When do we need a nose massage after cosmetic surgery?

In most cases, the nasal bones gradually return to their proper position with the help of a special protector, which is placed outside or inside the nose.. But in some cases, such as large abnormalities or a crooked nose, the surgeon must break the bone of the nose to change the shape of the nose for cosmetic surgery.. In such cases, the surgeon will ask you to massage your nose to better shape it.

Another reason for this massage is to prevent the formation of new tissue at the site of surgical wounds. Each surgery involves incisions in the skin. Newly produced tissue may make the shape of the nose look ugly and show the effect of surgery. In some cases, this new tissue can even cause breathing problems.

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Benefits of nasal massage after rhinoplasty

The most important benefit of nasal massage after rhinoplasty is faster recovery and better shaping of the nose.. In fact, the patient participates in determining the desired shape of the nose by performing this massage, and a better result is obtained from cosmetic surgery..

Types of postoperative nasal massage

We have 3 types of massage after rhinoplasty. Depending on the type of nose (Meat / Bone), The shape of the nose after the operation and what is the purpose of the massage; It varies. One of the following methods or a combination of them may be suitable for your nose shape. Find out which massage method is right for you Nasal surgeon can recognize. So, from doing this at home without consulting Isfahan nose surgeon Avoid separately. Because it is possible Cartilage Change the shape of the bones of the nose, which are usually soft in the first weeks, unintentionally and by mistake.

Types of postoperative nasal massages include :

  • Massage the bony part of the nose

This part is located above the nose. It is the main bone of the nose that connects to the maxillary and frontal bones, called the nasal bone.. In this method of massage, the focus is on the bony part and the side walls of the nose.

If the massage is to relieve the general swelling of the nose and to guide interstitial fluid; Place two fingers on either side of the nose, then gently massage the nose towards the cheeks and around the nose.. However, if the massage is aimed at relieving unilateral swelling of the nose or a slight tilt of the nasal septum after surgery; The tip of the nose and the back of the nose should not be touched at all. Holding one side of the nose with the index finger. Then we apply a little gentle pressure to the side that is swollen or crooked. This massage is also called nasal pressure massage. This massage has a significant effect on reducing general nasal inflammation, unilateral nasal swelling and also removing postoperative nasal curvature..

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  • Massage the back of the nose

The distance between the upper indentation of the nose where the nasal bone connects to the forehead bone (Radix) The tip of the nose is called the back of the nose or Dorsum. The junction of the bone with the nasal muscles, where there is usually a hump, is also called the Rhinion. In the massage of the back of the nose, we massage with one finger from the bottom and close to the tip of the nose upwards.. Areas with more protrusions should be massaged more.

This movement is on the flattening of the dorsum of the nose (dorsom) And the removal of nasal hump is effective. Therefore, this massage is usually used to remove the protrusion of the nasal bone after the operation or the depression on the nose after the operation..

  • Nose tip massage

The lowest part of the nasal pyramid, which is made up of lower cartilage, is called the tip of the nose. Nose massage, as the name implies, only on the tip of the nose (tip) It must be done. You should point the tip of your nose with two fingers and then gently massage it outwards..

This technique is known as postoperative nasal massage; It is usually performed by a surgeon in the office for fleshy noses with large, thick blades in order to reduce skin inflammation and re-fuse the skin to cartilage.. Sometimes the nasal fins are massaged in the same way.

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What is the result of nasal massage after rhinoplasty?

Among the questions regarding Nose surgery It is asked whether nasal massage is one of the most frequent after nose surgery. In fact, people ask in cases that massage the nose after Nose surgery How much does it affect?.

In this context, we must say that the doctor Nasal surgeon It recommends that you massage the nose in a special way. The massage should be done in a circular motion with gentle movements around the nose. Of course, you should keep in mind that these movements should be slow and gentle so as not to put the slightest pressure on the nasal bone.. Nasal massage after rhinoplasty causes that Bruises And Swelling on the nose have a decrease.


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One thought on "Nose massage and the results that follow :

  1. Hello and have a good time. Show this pressure massage of the nose, which can be used for crooked nose after surgery, with a video or photo

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