Bone nose or eagle nose

Bone nose operation

Bony noses, which are called eagle noses or humpback noses, have thin skin, and during bony nose surgery, it helps the delicacy of the nose bone during surgery to reflect Bone nose operation It looks very beautiful . In general, people's noses are divided into two categories: bony and fleshy. As their name suggests, bony noses have a bony state because a lot of bone and cartilage is placed under the skin, bony noses are usually humped. And they are well visible from the profile, the nasal bones are very strong and have a lot of resistance .

Bony noses have thin skin, unlike meaty noses that have thick skin, and this plays a major role in the ease of the nose surgery process. The bony nasal surgery far more than Fleshy nose surgery They are easier and the one that creates a better result for people, one of the most important differences between The bony nasal surgery And Meat There is a surgical process and result of nose surgery .

Isfahan nose surgeon | Isfahan Bone and Flesh Rhinoplasty Surgeon

The best model of eagle nose operation

One of the most frequent and important questions that almost all people who decide to Nose surgery They raise this question, this is the best model Bone nose operation Which one is, to answer this question you have to consider many things so that you can reach the answer .

First of all, you should know that the best model is not that all people go towards it and want to follow that particular model, but the best model should be determined based on individual conditions and the anatomy of the face, in fact, according to the shape There are different types of faces, sometimes people have elongated faces and sometimes the faces of people are round and fat, so you should choose the best model considering the overall shape of the person's face. .

For this reason, for example, the model The size of the nose in the fantasy model is usually smaller and smaller Or the same Does he like the result of the operation to be completely natural and only the defects of the nose to be eliminated, or does he like the nose to be slightly arched and the so-called It may come as an individual and create the best look for him, but it is not like this for another person, this doll model may be very disproportionate and unbeautiful on another person's face, so the first and most important criterion for choosing the best model Considering this point, in some cases, considering the shape and anatomy of the nose, you cannot expect a type of nose because the general shape of the nose does not allow the doctor to Nasal surgeon provide you with the expected result, so you should keep this important issue in mind; In general, the best nose model should be consulted with a doctor Nasal surgeon Your chosen item will be specified .

Important points in the field of rhinoplasty

One of the most important advantages that bone noses have over meat noses is that in many cases, satisfaction with the result The bony nasal surgery Much more than satisfied with the result Fleshy nose surgery is, in fact, it has been observed in several cases that after some time the result Fleshy nose surgery It disappears and Fleshy nose To some extent, it has distanced from the result that was created after the surgery. In such cases, women have the feeling that their nose has become bigger and does not have the same quality as before. Unfortunately, this issue is not to the doctor. Nasal surgeon It is related and not to the patient, because the anatomy of fleshy noses has this requirement and cannot be avoided. .

Isfahan nose surgeon | The difference between a fleshy and a bony nose

Unlike fleshy noses, in many cases bony noses show immediate and acceptable results after the operation, and this makes people feel satisfied. The second thing about bony noses is this. before the surgeon wants to take the surgical blade, he examines all the characteristics of the nose of the people, such as the length of the nose, the width or the width of the nose, the amount of the arch on the nose and the amount of the nasal tubes. .

These examinations allow the specialist doctor to design a correct and suitable road map for the surgery, all these issues are discussed with the client and all the expectations of the person are heard so that the best thing happens for the person. Ekhord, as far as the anatomy of the nose and the facial expression of the person allows, the specialist doctor should satisfy the client's expectations and wishes to some extent, and if for any reason the client's request cannot be implemented, with scientific reasons. And logic convinces the person .

Methods of performing bone nose surgery

According to the type of nose, bony nose surgery is performed in two ways, open and closed, which we will introduce you to in the following. Stay with us. .

Isfahan nose surgeon | Isfahan Bone and Flesh Rhinoplasty Surgeon

  • Open nose surgery :

Action Rhinoplasty Surgery Again, it is used to make fundamental changes in the appearance of the nose, and during this surgery, the surgeon can work in detail on the anatomy of the nose by cutting the blade and nose blades, one of the benefits of this method is the complete mastery of the surgeon. He pointed to the cartilage and structure of the nose, which doubles a person's control and accuracy .

  • Closed nose operation :

In closed rhinoplasty surgery, there is no incision in the nasal septum of people and the incisions are made inside the nose, which is then separated from the cartilage and bone of the person like the open method, and the desired changes are applied to the face of the person. This is one of the very important advantages of this procedure. The method can be mentioned as not creating a wound on the nasal septum, less surgery time, less swelling and faster recovery .

Finally, your doctor will decide which method of surgery is suitable for your nose according to the type of nose .

Benefits of orthognathic surgery :

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