The effect of hypothyroidism on nasal function

The effect of hypothyroidism on nasal function

Rhinoplasty is very important for those who have a disproportionate nose to their face, so they should do many tests before rhinoplasty to find out if there is a problem in the body that causes a problem with the nose after the operation..

One of the most common problems with rhinoplasty is hypothyroidism. In this article, we will talk about the effect of hypothyroidism on rhinoplasty. Follow us for more information on thyroid problems.

Thyroid effects on the body It is known that hypothyroidism affects the ears, nose and throat.. The most common symptoms of rhinitis (Inflammation of the nasal mucosa) It is related to hypothyroidism, nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea, which is caused by increased connective tissue under the mucosa and hypertrophy of the mucous glands..

Rhinoplasty for people with hypothyroidism

One of the questions that volunteers practice (رینوپلاستی) Who have hypothyroidism ask is that: What is rhinoplasty like for a person with a history of hypothyroidism? (The following answer is the result of research and experience of the world's largest cosmetic surgeons.)

If your thyroid level over a period 3 To 6 If your period in rhinoplasty is normal, it should be normal and like a person without hypothyroidism, but you will certainly talk to your primary care physician or endocrinologist about your medical condition..

Hypothyroidism and rhinoplasty

As long as you have thyroid treatment and your thyroid level is relatively normal, rhinoplasty will no longer be a risk.. If you have a very high thyroid level, you will be at the highest risk; Because it puts you at risk for anesthesia.

The effect of hypothyroidism on nasal function | Isfahan nose surgeon

Rhinoplasty for people with hypothyroidism

Effects of hypothyroidism on nasal surgery

People with hypothyroidism are allergic to anesthetics. As a result, the use of anesthetics can lower their blood pressure and stop their pulse.. For this reason, the condition is very serious and can be avoided to prevent nasal surgery due to protection and also to prevent any unpleasant event..

After rhinoplasty, this group of people may have a slight delay in regaining consciousness. And this may cause fear in those around you, which is nothing to worry about.

People with thyroid disease should have blood tests as well as metabolic tests. To prepare their noses for rhinoplasty.

After performing these tests and some medical supervision, it can be found out whether the person in question has the necessary conditions to perform the nose operation? Or are his conditions favorable for nose surgery?

People who have problems with rhinoplasty after the tests mentioned. They need to control or resolve their problem as soon as possible so that rhinoplasty does not cause them any problems..

Note that if there is a problem for people due to ignoring the test results, all injuries will be the responsibility of the person..

The last word

Facial beauty has always been very important to people. But as mentioned in this article, people's physical health is more important. So for cosmetic procedures, you should be aware of your physical health, especially hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

| Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeon|

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