Features of Isfahan implant surgeon

Characteristics of the best implant surgeon in Isfahan

Isfahan implant surgeon | Dental implant is one of the best ways to replace a lost tooth . which should be carefully placed in the root of your tooth. All of you dear ones should be very careful in choosing your doctor . So that you can receive high-quality services. The best implant surgeon in Isfahan must have superior characteristics compared to other doctors in this field in order to attract clients. . and provide quality services to them. One of the most important features of the best implant surgeon in Isfahan is the following:

  1. The best implant surgeon in Isfahan The implant Make the teeth suitable for your natural teeth and place them in the right part of the tooth root.
  2. Your chosen doctor should maintain the proper size between all your teeth . and give a beautiful appearance to your teeth.
  3. Your chosen doctor in the field implant placement He must have received his specialized degrees from the best colleges in the country or abroad . and have high expertise and experience in this field.
  4. The best implant surgeon in Isfahan Dental implant steps do it in principle and with high precision . and did not cause any complications or danger for his patient.
  5. The best dental implant doctor should be providing services to his clients in the best dental clinics.

In addition to this issue, it will cause problems in various cases such as chewing food . It will also have a very negative effect on the beauty and design of your smile. Dental implants One of the best ways to replace missing teeth . which is one of the most popular methods today Dental implants Has become.

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Advantages and disadvantages of dental implants

At the moment Dental implants It is considered the most popular method of tooth implantation and replacement of lost teeth . which has many advantages. This method fills the gaps in your teeth . And by creating a suitable appearance for them, it will compensate for the lost beauty and increase the self-confidence of your loved ones. Dental implants One of the fastest ways to replace a lost tooth . which can be quickly replaced and prevent problems in the jaw bones. High longevity is another advantage Dental implants . . which has made this method popular among clients.

A lifetime The implant depending on oral and dental hygiene can be lifelong . and act like your natural teeth. Among the other advantages of this method, we can mention maintaining the health of the mouth and teeth as well as its stability in the jaw bone. But Dental implants They may have short-term and long-term complications due to referral to non-specialists . Among the most important ones, the following can be mentioned:

  1. Infection in place implant placement
  2. Possible damage to other teeth
  3. Nerve damage that can cause pain, numbness, tingling in a person's gums, lips, and chin.
  4. Sinus problems when The implant inserted teeth . It protrudes from one of your sinus cavities in your upper jaw.

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Services of the best implant surgeon in Isfahan

Generally Dental implants It is done in three ways . All these methods will be provided by the best implant surgeon in Isfahan. In the following, we introduce how to perform each of the methods The implant we will pay :

One-step implant :

In some cases, after tooth extraction, your gums may not overlap enough . and part of The implant Get out of the gum. in this case Dental implant In the first stage of surgery, stitches will be made . And there will be no need for second-stage surgery and removal of soft gum tissue. After two months have passed The implant lower jaw and three months direction Dental implants In the upper jaw, molding will begin to make the veneer.

Two-stage implant :

One of the advantages of this type of implant is its inaccessibility inside the mouth . which reduces the impact of any pollution on it. The method of doing this type of implant is in such a way that the dental implant is placed in your jaw bone. . And the gum will be stitched on it. For this reason, they are not visible inside the teeth and are placed under the gums.

Immediate Loading Implant :

In this method, the crown is made and placed simultaneously with the surgical placement of the implant in the tooth . And it is suitable for people who are looking for implants for their front teeth. This crown is temporary . And the main tooth will be delivered to the patient in the next steps.

Dental implants are one of the best substitutes for missing teeth . which will be made in three ways and placed in the root of your tooth by a special tool. The implants are made of titanium . And they are compatible with the jaw bone and will not harm it in any way.

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