Know the risks of rhinoplasty :

Risks of rhinoplasty

Risks of rhinoplasty | After rhinoplasty, you should expect swelling and bruising around the eyes . Other problems that may occur with low probability, the risks of rhinoplasty include: :

  1. nose bleeding
  2. Damage or perforation of the nasal septum (The wall that separates the nostrils).
  3. Skin problems, such as skin tissue failure (Skin necrosis or dead skin) or sensitivity to adhesives and bandages.
  4. Infection, you will be given antibiotics to prevent the risk of infection.
  5. Obstruction and congestion of the nose caused by swelling inside the nose.
  6. Complications of anesthesia
  7. Also, the result of rhinoplasty may not be what you expect.

Isfahan nose surgeon | sex

Minimizing the risk of rhinoplasty

Risks of rhinoplasty | The complications mentioned in the previous section are possible and unlikely . However, patients can take the following steps to reduce their risk .

  • The first step is to choose a qualified surgeon. Choosing a good nose surgeon who maintains proper safety standards can reduce the chance of infection, cavities, and other complications. An experienced surgeon can ensure a satisfactory result..
  • The second step, patients should follow pre-surgery instructions and post-surgery instructions. These instructions are not only used to reduce discomfort, but also speed up your recovery process and keep the patient healthy..
  • As a final step, people should maintain communication with their doctor throughout this process. They should be as honest as possible about their treatment goals, as well as their medical history, medications, smoking habits, and related concerns..

Quality of life after rhinoplasty

Nose surgery in addition to the physical benefits, the psychological benefits are also .ashkhasy the size and shape of your nose are dissatisfied with their appearance often feel embarrassed and may suffer from low self-esteem.
However many patients after surgery of the nose have reported a marked increase in confidence. This feature alone can be a big reason for choosing nose surgery.

Isfahan nose surgeon |Days after nose surgery

How to prepare for nose surgery?

In the physician's business often gets attention following :

  1. Your medical history: The most important question the doctor asks you about your goal of surgery and surgical stimulus is for you. Questions about the status of your health history including previous surgeries, nasal obstruction and the drugs used are asked. If you have a bleeding disorder such as haemophilia is a good candidate to not have surgery.
  2. Physical examination: The skin, inside and outside of your nose will be checked. Physical examination to detect the deformity, measures and تأثیراستراکچر your nose ]For example, the thickness of the skin, the power of the inferior nasal cartilage[ Surgical برنتایج help . A physical examination is essential to determine the effectiveness of respiratory surgery. Sometimes the surgeon may recommend chin surgery. You will also be asked for a series of blood tests.
  3. Photography: A number of فوتوگرافی can be done in different angles. This فوتوگرافی to compare before and after surgery, the surgery and during the evaluation of long-term results of the survey component used. With the use of the surgical details can be fotoha more carefully reviews *.

The best time for nose surgery

Risks of rhinoplasty | Rhinoplasty is one of the beauty that is the daily practice of a large number of individuals, and especially Mrs. Hara with Ragheb . Many of the applicants for the surgery of the nose are اقایانی and ladies that have relatively lower age and tend to face more of them sooner and be more juicy, but some are also looking forward to survive until the right time to learn surgery and then proceeded to practice their beauty .
But is there really a certain age for this operation? It is heard that surgeons do not operate on the nose before the age of eighteen. As you know, the body is very sensitive at a young age, and anesthesia may have complications for young people, so the recommendation of surgeons is that women and men after 18 Age to undergo surgery.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Talking after rhinoplasty and its complications !

Surgery in the lower age is not permitted and may create problems for the person, as well as the iconic face of bone ages are well grown and the necessary changes and have the sufficient, if earlier than the maturity of the surgery may be done in the coming years the position has undergone several changes the face of compensation.

Also do this for top people 60 Year is also not recommended and usually nasal repair at this age will cause major problems . If you need more advice in this field, with Dr Behnam khorami Call and submit your comments and suggestions .


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