Jaw problems cause migraine headaches

The relationship between migraine and jaw problems

Migraine headaches | Temporal joint pains – The jaw is often associated with disorders and pain in the surrounding organs. One of these pains is pain in the temporal muscle of the head. In fact, temporal joint inflammation- The jaw may lead to pain and inflammation in the nearby muscle, known as the temporalis muscle. If you want to know where this muscle is located, place your hands on your temples and then clench your teeth together. , slide them on top of each other. In this case, you will feel the strong contraction of the temporal muscles under your hands.

A dysfunction of the jaw joint may cause, without any other symptoms, only severe headaches and rounds, especially in the area of ​​the temples.. Those who have experienced these headaches say that in the case of a severe headache, they experience a severe contraction, as if they were wearing a hat two sizes too tight.. The pain, like ringworm, covers the head and creates a state very similar to migraine headaches.

Many people with regular recurrence of such headaches are treated for migraine headaches for a long time, while with a correct and timely diagnosis by a dentist and treatment of temporal joint disorder.- Jaws in them, their headache will be gone forever.

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What are the headaches related to jaw problems?

In some cases, we see that when a person has jaw problems, pain is felt in his jaw area. When a person suffers from gum disease or abscess, he usually suffers from jaw pain. Tooth decay, tooth gap and damaged teeth are among the things that cause pain in the jaw area. Also, if you have had a severe accident and the jaw has been damaged, then you will feel severe pain in the jaw area.

In addition to the mentioned cases, jaw pain can also be caused by cluster headaches. If you feel pain in your back or around your eyes along with your jaw pain, you should know that it is caused by cluster headaches, which are the worst types of headaches..

Jaw problems lead to various headaches.

Do not ignore jaw problems. The relationship between mouth and teeth and types of headaches may be surprising to you, but it is better to know that observing and maintaining oral and dental hygiene also guarantees head health..

Stress is the most destructive factor, it not only causes tension headaches, but also causes pain in the jaw area.. Having tension headaches that are caused by stress and nervous worries always causes pain in the face and jaw problems..

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Jaw problems are the cause of migraine headaches.

According to the studies, they have concluded that jaw problems can cause one-sided migraine headaches for the patient.. Occlusion problems are one of the specialized topics of dentistry that are related to the relationship between upper and lower teeth and their placement.. Any problem in this area may cause pain in the temporal and jaw areas, which eventually causes headaches.. These types of headaches are migraines. By treating occlusion problems, the patient's headaches are also solved.

What should be done to relieve headaches caused by jaw problems?

Stress and nervous tension, hard physical activities that cause . A person should have a lot of concentration and he gets this concentration by pressing his teeth . It is one of the factors . which causes various headaches. Having mental peace and reducing physical activities allows you to reduce your headaches. But if your headache problem is not solved through home remedies or rest, it is better to see a jaw surgeon to solve your jaw problems with the necessary treatment..

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